Typified names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
f: Libelluloides Laicharting 1781 (ordo 5); |
g: Libellula Linnaeus 1758: 543 (genus 207), typus Libellula quadrimaculata Linnaeus 1758 (design. Latreille 1810) |
Libellula/f1781/g1758:543 in: Scarabaeus/fg, Gryllus/f=Forficula/g |
Here number in
squere brackets
[ ]
corresponds to
classificatuion by
Bechly 1998;
taxa above Odonata: [Libellula/fg]
(incl. Podura, Lepisma, Ephemera, Termes, Psocus)
= [Libellula/fg]
(incl. Ephemera, Perla, Psocus, Hemerobius, Panorpa,
Cynips, Oestrus)
= [Libellula/fg]
(incl. Ephemera, Perla, Psocus, Hemerobius, Panorpa, Phryganea,
= [Libellula/fg]
(incl. Ephemera, Perla, Psocus, Hemerobius, Panorpa, Phryganea)
= [Libellula/fg]
(incl. Ephemera, Perla, Psocus, Hemerobius, Panorpa)
= [Libellula/fg]
(incl. Ephemera, Perla, Psocus)
= Pseudoneuroptera [Erichson
1839] = [Libellula/fg] (incl. Ephemera, Perla) = Dictyoptera Brulle 1832 =![]() Libellula/fg[1]
(incl. Ephemera,
†Dictyoneura) =
Crampton 1919 = ?Panpalaeodictyoptera Crampton
1920 = [Libellula/fg]
(incl. †Dictyoneura) = Libellula/fg[2]
(incl. Ephemera)
Libellula/fg~ (sine †Bojophlebia; incl. Ephemera) = Euhydropalaeoptera Sroka & Staniczek & Bechly 2014 taxa of Odonata s.l.: Libellula/fg[3-11]{1}1-2
= Libellula/fg[3 -5]1 (incl. †Meganeura) =![]() ![]()
Libellula/fg~ (sine †Eugeropteron; incl. †Kirchnerala) = Palaeodonatoptera Petrulevičius & Gutiérrez 2016 Libellula/fg~ (sine †Kirchnerala; incl. †Argentinala) = Plesiodonatoptera Petrulevičius & Gutiérrez 2016 Libellula/fg~ (sine †Argentinala; incl. †Geropteron) = Apodonatoptera Petrulevičius & Gutiérrez 2016
Libellula/fg[3] (incl. †Eugeropteron) = Libellula/fg[4] (sine †Eugeropteron; incl. †Erasipteron) =![]() Libellula/fg[5] (sine †Erasipteron; incl. †Meganeura) =![]() Libellula/fg[6-11] (sine †Meganeura; incl. Lestes) =![]() Libellula/fg[6] (sine †Meganeura; incl. †Campyloptera) =![]() Libellula/fg[7] (sine †Campyloptera; incl. †Ditaxineura) =![]() Libellula/fg[8]
(sine †Ditaxineura, incl. †Triadotypus, †Triadophlebia
= Libellula/fg[9] (sine †Triadophlebia; incl. †Kennedya) =![]() taxa of Odonata s.str.: Libellula/fg[10-11]2 (sine
†Kennedya; incl. Lestes) = Libellula/fg[10]{1} (sine
†Kennedya; incl.
†Tarsophlebia) =
†Tarsophlebia; incl. Lestes)
Libellula/fg[12]{2}3 (sine Lestes, incl. †Isophlebia) =![]() ![]() Libellula/fg[13] (sine †Isophlebia; incl. Epiophlebia) =![]() Libellula/fg[14] (sine Epiophlebia; incl. †Heterophlebia) =![]() Libellula/fg[15] (sine †Heterophlebia; incl. †Stenophlebia) =![]() Libellula/fg[16] (sine †Stenophlebia; incl. †Liassogomphus) =![]() ![]() Libellula/fg[16] (sine †Liassogomphus; incl. †Aeschnidium) =![]() ![]() taxa of Anisoptera s.str.: Libellula/fg[17]{3}4
(sine Lestes;
incl. Petalura, Aeshna)
(sine Aeshna; incl. Austropetalia, Gomphus, Petalura)
= Libellula/fg{5}
(sine Austropetalia; incl. Gomphus, Petalura)
= Libellula/fg[18]
(sine Petalura, incl. Aeshna, Gomphus) =
(sine Petalura, Aeshna; incl.Gomphus)
(sine Aeshna, Gomphus, Petalura; incl. Cordulegaster)
(sine Cordulegaster; incl. Neopetalia) = Libellula/fg[22]{9} (sine Neopetalia; incl. †Nannogomphus) =![]() Libellula/fg[23] (sine †Nannogomphus; incl. †Hemeroscopus) =![]() Libellula/fg[24] (sine †Hemeroscopus; incl. Chlorogomphus) =![]() Libellula/fg[25] (sine Chlorogomphus; incl. †Juracordulia) =![]() Libellula/fg[26] (sine †Juracordulia; incl. †Valdicordulia) =![]() Libellula/fg[27] (sine †Valdicordulia; incl. †Eocordulia) =![]() Libellula/fg[28] (sine †Eocordulia; incl. †Araripelibellula) =![]() Libellula/fg[29]{10} (sine †Araripelibellula; incl. Synthemis) =![]() ![]() Libellula/fg[30]{11} (sine Synthemis; incl. Gomphomacromia) =![]() Libellula/fg[31]{12}
(sine Gomphomacromia; incl. Pseudocordulia) =
(sine Pseudocordulia; incl. Macromia) = Libellula/fg[33]
(sine Macromia; incl. Austrocordulia) = Libellula/fg[34]
(sine Austrocordulia; incl. Idionyx) = Libellula/fg[35] (sine Idionyx; incl. Nesocordulia) =![]() Libellula/fg[36] (sine Nesocordulia; incl. Cordulephya) =![]() Libellula/fg[37]
(sine Cordulephya; incl. Oxygastra) = Libellula/fg[38]
(sine Oxygastra; incl. Cordulia) = Libellula/fg[39]
(sine Cordulia; incl. Hemicordulia) = Libellula/fg[40] (sine Hemicordulia; incl. Urothemis) = Libellula/fg[41]
(sine Urothemis) = Libellula/fg~ (sine Sympetrum) = Dytoxophlebiae Buchecker 1876 . |
Libellula quadrimaculata Linnaeus 1758