Typified names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Boudreaux H. B., 1979.
Arthropod phylogeny with special reference to insects.
John Willey & sons, New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto. 320 pp.
superphylum Articulata
phylum Onychophora Grube 1853 phylum Arthropoda Siebold et Stannius 1848 subphylum Cheliceromorpha (Budreaux 1978) infraphylum Pycnogonida Latreille 1810 Pycnogonum infraphylum Chelicerata Heymons 1901 superclassis Xiphosurida Latreille 1802 superclassis Cryptopneustida Boudreaux 1978 classis Eurypterida (Burmeister 1843) Eurypterus classis Arachnida (Latreille 1810) subphylum Gnathomorpha Boudreaux 1978 infraphylum Trilobitomorpha Stormer 1944 classis Trilobita Walsh 1771 classis Trilobitodea Stormer 1959 infraphylum Mandibulata Snodgrass 1938 (non Mandibulata Clairville 1798) subterphylum Crustaciformia Boudreaux 1978 classis Cheloniellida Brioli 1933 Cheloniellon classis Crustacea Pennant 1777 subterphylum Myriapodomorpha Boudreaux 1978 superclassis Arthropleurida Waterlot 1934 Arthropleura superclassis Atelocerata Heymons 1901 classis Myriapoda Leach 1814 subclassis Collifera Boudreaux 1978 infraclassis Pauropoda Lubbock 1866 infraclassis Diplopoda Blainville-Gervais 1844 subclassis Atelopoda Boudreaux 1978 infraclassis Symphyla Ryder 1880 infraclassis Chilopoda Leach 1814 classis Insecta Linnaeus 1758 s.s. = Hexapoda Latreille 1825 subclassis Entognathata (Hennig 1953) emended from Entognatha (:264) infraclassis Diplurata (Hennig 1953) = Diplura Hennig 1953 (:264) ordo Diplura Borner 1904 = Endotropha Grassi 1889 = Entognatha Imms 1925 infraclassis Ellipurata (Borner 1910) emended from Ellipura subterclassis Oligoentomata Berlese 1909 ordo Collembola Lubbock 1873 subterclassis Myrientomata Berlese 1909 ordo Protura Silvestri 1907 subclassis Ectognathata (Hennig 1953) emended from Ectognatha infraclassis Archentomata new infraclass (:265) ordo Monura Sharov 1957 infraclassis Euentomata Berlese 1909 subterclassis Archeognathata (Borner 1904) emended from Archeognatha = Monocondylia Hennig 1953 (:266) ordo Microcoryphia Verhoeff 1904 = Machiloidea Handlirsch 1903 Machilis subterclassis Dicondylata (Hennig 1969) emended from Dicondylia (:267) supersectio Apterata (Linnaeus 1758) s.s., emended from Aptera = Zygentoma Borner 1904 (:267) ordo Thysanura Latreille 1796, s.s. = Ectotropha Borner 1904 s.s. = Lepismoidea Handlirsch 1903 Lepisma supersectio Pterygota Brauer 1885 sectio Plagiopterata (Lecher 1940) emended from Plagioptera = Orthomyaria Schwanwitsch 1956 (:268) subsectio Paleodictyopterata new subsection (:268) ordo Paleodictyoptera Goldenberg 1854 ordo Megasecoptera Brongniart 1893 (incl. Protohymenoptera, Archodonata, Diaphanoptera) subsectio Odonatopterata (Martynov 1938) emended from Odonatoptera (:269) ordo Meganisoptera Martynov 1932 = Protodonata Brongniart 1893, in part ordo Odonata Fabricius 1792 sectio Opisthopterata (Lemche 1940) emended from Opisthoptera = Chiastomyaria Schwanwitsch 1956 (:270) subsectio Ephemerata (Handlirsch 1908) Ephemera emended from Ephemera ordo Protephemerida Handlirsch 1908 ordo Ephemerida Leach 1817 Ephemera = Plectoptera Packard 1886 = Ephemeroptera Shipley 1904 subsectio Neopterata (Martynov 1925) emended from Neoptera (:271) infrasectio Polyneopterata (Martynov 1925) emended from Polyneoptera (:271) supercohors Plecopterida new supercohort (:272) cohors Perlodida (Handlirsch 1908) Perla emended from Perloidea Perla ordo Paraplecoptera Martynov 1938 = Protoperlaria Tillyard ordo Plecoptera Burmeister 1839 cohors Embiodida (Handlirsch 1908) Embia emended from Embioidea Embia ordo Embiidina Enderlein, 1903 Embia = Embioptera Shipley 1904 supercohors Orthopterodida (Handlirsch 1908) emended from Orthoptera = Panorthoptera Cramptn 1917 = Pliconeoptera Hamilton 1971 (:273) cohors Grylliformida new cohort Gryllus subcohors Protorthopterida new subcohort (:274) ordo Protorthoptera Handlirsch 1908 ordo Caloneurida Martynov 1938 Caloneura ordo Glosselytrodea Martynov 1938 Glosselytron subcohors Orthopterida (Handlirsch 1908) s.s new subcohort (:274) ordo Phasmida Leach 1815 Phasma = Cheleutoptera Crampton 1915 ordo Orthoptera Olivier 1789 s.s. = Saltatoria Latreille 1817 cohors Blattiformida (Handlirsch 1908) Blatta emended from Blattaeformia Blatta subcohors Dermapterida (Martynov 1925) emended from Dermapteroidea (:275) ordo Protelytroptera Tillyard 1931 = Protocoleoptera Tillyard 1924 ordo Dermaptera Leach 1815 subcohors Dictyopterida (Leach 1815) expanded and emended from Dictuoptea infracohors Protoblattarida new infracohort ordo Protoblattaria (Handlirsch 1908) ordo Grylloblattaria (Brues et Melander 1932) Grylloblatta infracohors Cursorida new infracohort (:276) subtercohors Zorapterida new subtercohort (:276) ordo Zoraptera Silvestri 1913 subtercohors Blattarida new subtercohort Blatta superordo Isopterodea new superorder (:277) ordo Isoptera Brulle 1832 superordo Blattodea Brunner 1882 Blatta = Cursoria Westwood 1839 = Oothecaria Verhoeff 1903 = Blattiformia Werner 1906 Blatta ordo Mantodea Burmeister 1838 Mantis ordo Blattaria Burmeister 1829 Blatta infrasectio Phalloneopterata new infrasection (:278) supercohors Acercarida (Borner 1904) emended from Acercaria = Hemipteroidea Handlirsch 1908 (:279) cohors Psocodida (Weber 1933) Psocus emended from Psocoidea Psocus = Psocopteroidea Jeannel 1945 subcohors Psocida new subcohort Psocus ordo Corrodentia Burmeister 1839 = Psocoptera Shipley 1904 subcohors Phthirapterida (Weber 1939) emended from Phthiraptera (:280) ordo Mallophaga Nitzch 1818 s.s. = Amblycera Kellog 1896 ordo Anoplura Leach 1815 s.l. subordo Ischnocera Kellog 1896 subordo Lipognatha Borner 1904 infraordo Rhynchophthirina Ferris 1931 infraordo Siphunculata Latreille 1825 cohors Condylognathida (Borner 1904) emended from Condylognatha subcohors Thysanopterida (Weber 1933) emended from Thysanopteroidea (:282) subcohors Hemipterida (Linnaeus 1758) s.s. emended from Hemiptera (:282) ordo Homoptera Leach 1815 ordo Heteroptera Latreille 1810 supercohors Endopterygotida (Sharp 1893) emended from Endopterygota = Oligoneoptera Martynov 1925 = Holometabola Auct. (:283) cohors Coleopterida (Handlirsch 1908) emended from Coleopteroidea ordo Coleoptera Linnaeus 1758, s.s. ordo Strepsiptera Kirby 1813 cohors Telomerida new cohort (:285) subcohors Hymenopterida (Handlirsch 1908) emended from Hymenopteroidea ordo Hymenoptera Linnaeus 1758 subcohors Meronida new subcohort = Petanoptera Brauer 1885 s.s. (:286) infracohors Neuropterida (Handlirsch 1908) emended from Neuropteroidea (:286) subtercohors Raphidida (Handlirsch 1908) Raphidia emended from Raphidioidea Raphidia ordo Raphidiodea Burmeister 1839 Raphidia subtercohors Sialida (Handlirsch 1908) Sialis emended from Sialoidea Sialis ordo Neuroptera Linnaeus 1758 s.s. ordo Megaloptera Latreille 1802 s.s. infracohors Panorpida (Handlirsch 1908) Panorpa emended from Panorpoidea Panorpa subtercohors Mecopterida new subtercohort superordo Mecopterodea new superordo (:288) ordo Mecoptera Packard 1886 superordo Haustellodea (Clairville 1798) s.s. emended from Haustellata ordo Diptera Linnaeus 1758 ordo Siphonaptera Latreille 1825 = Suctoria DeGeer 1778 subtercohors Trichopterida new subtercohort = Amphiesmenoptera Hennig 1969 ordo Trichoptera Kirby 1826 ordo Lepidoptera Linnaeus 1758 |