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references: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sowa R.
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Nowe stanovosko jetki Ephemerella karelica (Tiensuu) (= Eurylophella
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buceratus |
hyalopterum |
Rhithrogena germanica Rhithrogena tatrica Arthroplea congener Ephemerella (Chitonophora) krieghoffi Caenis robusta |
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Ecological characteristics of the bottom fauna of the Wielka Polszcza stream. // Acta
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Sur la taxonomie de Rhithrogena semicolorata (Curtis)
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Rhithrogena dorieri
Rhithrogena ferruginea
Rhithrogena picteti
Rhithrogena picteti carpatica subsp.n.
Rhithrogena semicolorata
Sowa R. 1971. * ' + °
Notatka o dwoch gatunkah rodziny Heptageniidae z Karpat polskih (Ephemeroptera).
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Rhithrogena gorganica
Heptagenia longicauda
Sowa R. 1971. * ' + °
Ecdyonurus starmachi sp.n. et E. submontanus
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Notes sur quelques Rhithrogena Eaton de la collection
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Rhithrogena eatoni
Rhithrogena germanica
Rhithrogena insularis
Sowa R. 1972. ' + °
Baetis beskidensis n.sp. des Carpates polonaises (Ephemeroptera:
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Rhithrogena bajkovae
Rhithrogena buresi
Rhithrogena lepnevae = Rh. unicolor
Sowa R. 1973. * ' + °
Taxonomie et écologie d'Ecdyonurus carpathicus sp.n.
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Taxonomie et ecologie de Caenis beskidensis sp.n. des Carpates polonaises
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Oligoneuriella keffermuellerae sp.n.
Oligoneuriella mikukskii = O. poecile
Oligoneuriella pallida
Sowa R. 1974 * ' + °
Ecdyonurus fascioculatus sp.n. espece voisine d'E. affinis Eat. du
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Notes on the European species of Procloeon Bengtsson
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Procloeon bifidum
Procloeon ornatum
Procloeon concinnum
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What is Cloeon dipterum (Linnaeus, 1761)? The
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Cloeon cognatum
Cloeon inscriptum
Sowa R. 1975. * + °
Ekologia i biogeografia je,tek (Ephemeroptera) wód plyna,cych
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Le developpement des Ephemeropteres de la riviere Dunajec aux
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Taxonomy and ecology of European species of the Cloeon
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Cloeon simile
Cloeon praetextum
Cloeon schoenemundi
Cloeon degrangei sp.n.
Sowa R. 1981. * ' + °
Taxonomy and ecology of Ecdyonurus ujhelyii sp.n. (Ephemeroptera,
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Sowa R. 1984:IV.Conf.Eph. *
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Contribution à la connaissance des espèces européennes de Rhithrogena Eaton (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) avec le rapport particulier aux espèces des Alpes et des
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gr. alpestris: Rhithrogena alpestris et al. gr. hybrida: Rhithrogena hybrida Rhithrogena puthzi sp.n. et al. gr. loyolaea |
gr. semicolorata: Rhithrogena colmarsensis sp.n. et al. gr. germanica gr. sowai: Rhithrogena daterrai sp.n. et al. gr. diaphana |
Sowa R. 1984. * ' + °
Two new species of Ecdyonurus Eaton of lateralis
(Curt.) group (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) from the Crimea and Western
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Ecdyonurus braaschi sp.n.
Ecdyonurus zimmermanni sp.n.
Sowa R. 1985. * ' + °
Pseudocentroptilum fascicaudale n.sp. (Ephemeroptera,
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Rhithrogena reatina sp.n., a new species of
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du groupe hybrida (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) des Alpes francaises. // Acta
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Rhithrogena hybrida Rhithrogena degrangei Rhithrogena nivata |
Rhithrogena diensis sp.n. Rhithrogena fonticola sp.n. Rhithrogena maraedominicae sp.n. |
Sowa R. & Degrange C. 1987:523-534. *
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Sur quelques espèces européennes de Rhithrogena
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puytoraci sp.n.
Rhithrogena picteti
Rhithrogena colmarsensis
Sowa R. & Degrange C.
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' + °
Taxonomie et repatrition des Rhithrogena
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Rhithrogena alpestris Rhithrogena delphinensis sp.n. Rhithrogena landai Rhithrogena allobrogica sp.n. |
Rhithrogena vaillanti sp.n. Rhithrogena bogoescui sp.n. Rhithrogena kimminsi |
Sowa R. & Degrange C. & Sartori M. 1986. *
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Rhithrogena gratianopolitana n.sp. du groupe hybrida (Ephemeroptera; Heptageniidae) des Alpes françaises
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Description de Rhithrogena hybrida Eaton, 1885 (Ephemeroptera,
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Two new species of Rhithrogena Eaton
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Rhithrogena landai sp.n.
Rhithrogena zelinkai sp.n.
Sowa R. & Soldán T. 1986. *
' + °
Three new species of the Rhithrogena hybrida
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circumtatrica sp.n.
Rhithrogena podhalensis sp.n.
Rhithrogena corcontica sp.n.
Rhithrogena hercynia
Sowa R. & Soldán T. & Braasch D. 1988. *
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Rhithrogena thracica sp.n. – a
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Sowa R. & Soldán T. & Kazanci N. 1986. '
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Rhithrogena pontica sp.n.
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Description of Rhithrogena austriaca
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Rhithrogena joostiana n.sp. und R. iridina kownackii n.ssp. – zwei
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Sowa R. & Zosidze R.S. 1973. *
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Oligoneuriella tskhomelidzei sp.n., nouvelle representante des
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