arb.sig. ABC


references: G 

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  Baetis vernus  
  Baetis tenax  
  Cloeon dipterum  
  Caenis robusta   

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  Miroculis (Miroculis) tepequensis sp.n.  

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  Miroculis (Miroculis) eldorado sp.n.  
  Ulmeritoides passorum sp.n.  
  Hagenulopsis minuta  
  Simothraulopsis demerara  
  Simothraulopsis janae  

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  Ulmeritoides aurantifrons sp.n.  
  Ulmeritoides mirr sp.n.  

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  Potamanthellus panayensis sp.n.  
  Potamanthellus caenoides  

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Dudgeodes bauernfeindi  sp.n.
Dudgeodes freitagi sp.n.
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Dudgeodes celebensis

Dudgeodes hutanis

Dudgeodes pescadori

Dudgeodes stephani
Dudgeodes ulmeri

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  Ephemera guttata  
  Ephemera vitripennis  

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  Cloeon dipterum  
  Caenis macrura  

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  Asthenopodichnum lignorum sp.n.  

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  Sciaria prisca  

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  Ephemera sp.1  
  Povilla (Povilla) sp.1  

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  Baetis rhodani  
  Baetis muticus  

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  Thraulodes jones sp.n.  

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  Tricorythodes chalaza sp.n.  
  Tricorythodes diasae sp.n.  

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  Totopsis canum sp.n.  

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  Paranga nissimiani gen.sp.n.  

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  Spaniophlebia trailiae  
  Spaniophlebia kayapo
  Spaniophlebia assimilis  
  Lachlania escomeli

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  Dasyplocia aequatorialis gen.sp.n.  

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  Polyplocia nebulosa sp.n.  

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  Campylocia anceps 
  Campylocia araca
  Campylocia burmeisteri  
  Campylocia demoulini
  Campylocia orosi sp.n.  

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  Sierratella albai sp.n.  
  Sierratella hispanica  
  Drunella paradinasi sp.n.  
  Eurylophella iberica  

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  Oligoneuriella rhenana  
  Oligoneuriella duesensis
  Oligoneuropsis skhounate  

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  Ephemerella ignita  
  Ephemerella hispanica  
  Ephemerella iberica  
  Ephemerella paradinasi

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  Cinygmula autumnalis  
  Cinygmula irina  
  Cinygmula tetramera  
  Cinygmula unicolorata  
  Cinygmula uyka  
  Isonychia ivani  

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  Teloganopsis orbicularis sp.n.  

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Thraulus amravati
Thraulus bellus
Thraulus bishopi
Thraulus connubialis
Thraulus cursus sp.n.
Thraulus cuspidatus
Thraulus demoulini
Thraulus eatoni
Thraulus fasciatus
Thraulus fatuus
Thraulus femoratus

Thraulus gopalani
Thraulus grandis
Thraulus ishiwatai
Thraulus jacobusi
Thraulus macilentus
Thraulus madagasikarensis
Thraulus malabarensis
Thraulus mudumalaiensis
Thraulus nihonensis
Thraulus opifer sp.n.
Thraulus parentalis sp.n.

Thraulus petersorum sp.n.
Thraulus plumeus
Thraulus semicastaneus
Thraulus siewertii
Thraulus thiagarajani
Thraulus thraker
Thraulus torrentis
Thraulus turbinatus
Thraulus umbrosus
Thraulus vellimalaiensis
Thraulus vogleri

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Simothraulus seminiger

Chiusanophlebia asahinai

Nonnullidens bilhilli gen.sp.n.

Nonnullidens hsui sp.n.

Barba mariae gen.comb.n.

Sulu duliti gen.comb.n.

Sulu pescadori sp.n.

Magnilobus pacificolus gen.comb.n.

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  Thraulus gopalini sp.n.  

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  Ephemerella funeralis  
  Ephemerella dorothea  
sp.A, sp.B, sp.C 

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  Palingenia longicauda  
  Palingenia (Anagenesia) lata  
  Palingenia (Anagenesia) robusta  
  Palingenia (Anagenesia) minor 
  Palingenia (Anagenesia) picta sp.n.  

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  Chitonophora sp.  

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Äî ïèòàííÿ ïðî ôåíîëîãiþ Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera, Insecta) â äîëèíi ði÷êè Çóáðiâêè (Ãîðãàíè). // Âiñíèê Ïðèêàðïàòñüêîãî Íàöiîíàëüíîãî Óíiâåðñèòåòó iìåíè Âàñèëèÿ Ñòåôàíèêà. Ñåðiÿ Áiîëîãiÿ 6(6) 1–4. PDF ; ÏÍÓ
  Ecdyonurus venosus  
  Epeorus assimilis  
  Rhithrogena semicolorata  

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Baetis digitatus
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  Baetis vardarensis  
  Baetis lutheri  

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  Ecdyonurus forcipula  

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  Campylocia anceps  
  Campylocia Sikorai  
  Longinella Guntheri  
  Euthyplocia hecuba    

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Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. 3e Éd. Tome 7e.  [Ephemeroptera sections]    

Fam.1 trois filets:

Ephemera vulgata

Ephemera lutea  

Ephemera halterata

Ephemera marginata

Fam.2 deux filets:
Ephemera venosa
Ephemera speciosa

Ephemera horaria

Ephemera diptera

Guerin E. & Percheron A.R. 1838. + _
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  Ephemera albicans Percheron sp.n.  

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  Prosopistoma variegatum  

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  Baetis yixiani sp.n.  

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  Habrophlebioides zijingensis sp.n.  

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11.1. Isonychia kiangsuensis
11.2. Baetis navasi
11.3. Cloeon vireas
11.4. Pseudocloeon nigrovena sp.n.
11.5. Pseudocloeon chonganensis sp.n.
11.6. Pseudocloeon purpurata sp.n.
11.7. Heptagenia minor 
11.8. Cinygmina obliquistriata
11.9. Cinygmina hainanensis

11.10. Epeorus ngi sp.n.
11.11. Rhithrogena orientalis 
11.12. Rhithrogena sangangensis
11.13. Rhithrogenella sangangensis
11.14. Paegniodes cupulatus
11.15. Paegniodes fukinensis
11.16. Paegniodes wuyiensis sp.n.
11.17. Habrophlebiodes gilliesi
11.18. Thraulus semicasaneus

11.19. Ephemera pulcherrima
11.20. Ephemera zhangjiajieensis
11.21. Potamanthodes fujianensis
11.22. Potamanthodes sangangensis
11.23. Vietnamella dabieshanensis
11.24. Serratella longforceps sp.n.
11.25. Caenis sinensis sp.n.
11.26. Potamanthellus shaowuensis sp.n.

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  Rhoenanthus coreanus  
  Potamanthus longitibius  
  Potamanthus luteus  

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