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Cinygma bipunctata
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Leptophlebia volitans Leptophlebia mollis Leptophlebia adoptiva Leptophlebia guttata Leptophlebia debilis |
Ephemerella depressa sp.n. Euricaenis pallida sp.n. Baetis parvus Baetis pugmaeus Pseudocloeon carolina |
Centroptilum convexum sp.n. Centroptilum bellum Cloeon mendax Iron pleuralis ET AL. |
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Ephoron leucon
Potamanthus walkeri sp.n.
Potamanthus flaveola
Potamanthus rufous
Leptophlebia johnsoni
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Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (mayflies). External characters
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Ephemera simulans Stenonema canadense Ephemerella subvaria Isonychia bicolor |
Epeorus humeralis Iron pleuralis Heptagenia pulla Heptagenia hebe |
Stenonema tripunctatum Stanonema fuscum Leptophlebia debilis |
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pp.219-231: Baetis brunneicolor Baetis hudsonicus sp.n. Baetis vagans Baetis rusticans |
Baetis pluto Baetis phoebus Baetis cingulatus Baetis levitans Baetis flavistriga |
Baetis intercalaris Baetis friondalis Baetis pygmaeus Baetis macdunnoughi sp.n. |
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Íîâà ñïåöèjà Heptagenia (eôåìåðîïòåðà) îä
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Hetagenia mazedonica sp.n.
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Åäíîäíåâêèòå (Ephemeroptera) íà Jóãîñëàâèjà. Caenis strugaensis
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Åäíîäíèâêèòå (Ephemeroptera) íà Ìàêåäîíèjà. Ñåì.
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PDF çèí:èï1526,
Ephemerella ignita Ephemerella notata Ephemerella maculocaudata sp.n. |
Ephemerella spinosa sp.n. Torleya major Chitoniophora unicolorata |
[Ikonomov P.] Èêîíîìîâ Ï.
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Baëtidae (Ephemeroptera) íà Ìàêåäîíèjà. // Faculté des
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Baetis pumilus Baetis niger Baetis rhodani Baetis venustulus Baetis vernus Baetis tenax |
Baetis bioculatus Baetis meridionalis Baetis carpaticus Baetis tricolor Baetis kozufensis Baetis vardarensis |
Centroptilum pirinense Pseudocentroptilum strugense Cloeon dipterum Cloeon praetextum Procloeon lychnidense sp.n. Pseudocloeon hyalopterum |
[Ikonomov P.] Èêîíîìîâ Ï.
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Åäíîäíåâêèòå (Ephemeroptera) íà Jóãîñëàâèjà. Oligoneuriella
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[Ikonomov P.] Èêîíîìîâ Ï. 1962:81-91. *
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Åäíîäíåâêèòå (Ephemeroptera) íà Jóãîñëàâèjà. Oreianthus macedonicus (Ulmer) (= Rhoenanthus
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[Ikonomov P.] Èêîíîìîâ Ï.
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Åäíîäíåâêèòå (Ephemeroptera) íà Jóãîñëàâèjà. Paraleptophlebia
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[Ikonomov P.] Èêîíîìîâ Ï.
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Åäíîäíåâêèòå (Ephemeroptera) íà Ìàêåäîíèjà. Ðîä Heptagenia
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Heptagenia flavipennis
Heptagenia macedonica
Heptagenia trimaculata sp.n.
[Ikonomov P.] Èêîíîìîâ Ï.
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Åäíîäíåâêèòå (Ephemeroptera) íà Jóãîñëàâèjà. Habrophlebia sp. nympha
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Âèñèíñêî ðàñïðîñòðàíóâàíüå íà ëàðâèòå íà
Ephemeroptera è Plecoptera (Insecta) âî òåêîâèòå âîäè íà
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