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  Cloeon vanharteni  
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Baetis macanis sp.n.

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Cloeon gillican sp.n.

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Ecdyonurus islamabadicus sp.n.

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Cloeon karachiensis sp.n.

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Eatonia khyberensis gen.sp.n.

Heptagenia hazaraensis sp.n.

Ephemera scanesis = E. soanica

Ecdyonurus islamabadensis = E. islamabadicus

Baetis macani = B. macanis

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  Cloeon dipterum  
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  Cloeon dipterum
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  Rhithrogena ferruginea  
  Rhithrogena iridina  
  Rhithrogena picteti  
  Rhithrogena semicolorata  

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  Latineosus sigillatus 
  Alloretochus peruanicus  

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  Potamanthus rufous sp.n.  
  Potamanthus verticis  
  Potamanthus myops  
  Potamanthus flaveola  
  Potamanthus diaphanus

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  Leptophlebia marginata  
  Leptophlebia vespertina  
  Paraleptophlebia submarginata  
  Habrophlrbia fusca  

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  Rhitrogena japonica  
  Epeorus latifolium  

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  Vietnamella thani
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  Notacanthella commodema  

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  Ulmeritoides acosa sp.n.  
  Ulmeritoides chavarriae sp.n.
  Ulmeritoides guanacaste  
  Ulmeritoides tifferae 

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  Traverella holzenthali  
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  Ephemera orientalis  
  Ephoron nigridorsum  

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  Rhithrogena circumtatrica  

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  Libanoephemera inopinatabranchia

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