arb.sig. ABC


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Askola yanoman

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  Mesephemera cellulosa  
  Paedephemera mortua = P. oppenheimi  
  Hexagenites weyenberghi 

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Protereisma permianum

= Protechma acuminatum

= Prodromus rectus

= Scopus gracilis

= Protereisma minus

= Protereisma gracile

= Protereisma sellardsi

Protereisma elongatum comb.n. (Bantisca)

Protereisma arcuatum comb.n. (Recter)

Protereisma latum

Protereisma insigne

Misthodeotes = Dromeus

Misthodotes obtusus

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  Lithoneura mirifica

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Protereisma = Kukalova syn.n.

Protereisma directum sp.n.

Protereisma latum

Protereisma americana

Protereisma permianum

Misthodotes = Eudoter syn.n.

Misthodotes zalesskyi

Misthodotes sharovi

Misthodotes obtusus

Misthodotes ovalis

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  Lithoneura lameeri  
  Lithoneura mirifica  
  Lithoneura carpenteri  

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Epeorus (Caucasiron) extraordinarius sp.n.

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  Procloeon pennulatum  
  Procloeon chinensis  
  Procloeon strumiferum
sp. n.  

Chen Zhi-Teng & Zheng Xuhongyi 2022. ' + †
First mayfly larva of Leptophlebiidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber of Myanmar. // Cretaceous Research 140, article 105354: 1–5. PDF DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2022.105354
  Kachinophlebia zhouchangfai gen.sp.n.

Chen Zhi-Teng & Zheng Xuhongyi 2023. ' + †
Siphlonephemerellidae fam. nov., a new mid-Cretaceous mayfly family (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Kachin amber. // Cretaceous Research 149 (2023) 105553: 1–7.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105553
   Siphlonephemerella mupengxui gen.sp.n.

Chen Zhi-Teng & Zheng Xuhongyi 2023. ' + † 
A new mayfly of Heptageniidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber, northern Myanmar. // Cretaceous Research 151, article 105662   DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105662
  Burmaheptagenia zhouchangfai gen.sp.n.

Chen Zhi-Teng & Zheng Xuhongyi 2024. ' + † 
Crephlebia gen. nov., a new mayfly genus (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber of northern Myanmar. 
  Crephlebia zhoui gen.sp.n.  

Chernova O.A. = Tshernova O.A.

Chessman B.C. & Boulton A.C. 1999. + °
Occurrence of the mayfly family Teloganodidae in northern New South Wales. // Australian Journal of Entomology 38: 96–98. 
  ?Austremerella picta  

Chopra B. 1924. * ' + °
The fauna of an island in the Chilka Lake. The Ephemeroptera of Barkuda Island. // Records of the Indian Museum 26(5): 415–422. PDF 
  Hexagenia indica sp.n.  
  Caenis perpusilla sp.n.  
  Cloeon marginale  
  Cloeon variegatum
  Cloeon cp.  

Chopra B. 1927. * ' + °
The Indian Ephemeroptera (mayflies). Part I. The suborder Ephemeroidea: families Palingeniidae and Polymitarcyidae. // Rec. Indian Mus. 29(2): 91–138, pl.8–10. PDF

Palingenia lingicauda

Palingenia orientalis sp.n.

Anagenesia lata

Anagenesia robusta

Anagenesia minor

Anagenesia picta

Mortogenesia mesopotamica


Polymitarcys indicus

Polymitarcys annandalei sp.n.

Polymitarcys sp.

Povilla corporaali

Chovet M. 2008. + °
Additionas a la faune des Éphémères de France (13): Baetopus wartensis Keffermueller, 1960 (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). [Additions to the Ephemeroptera fauna of France (13): Baetopus wartensis Keffermueller, 1960 (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae).] // Ephemera (2007) 9(2): 73–78.

Chovet M. 2015. * ' + °
Additions à la faune des Éphémères de France (16): Pseudocentroptiloides shadini (Kazlauskas, 1964) [Ephemeroptera, Baetidae]. // Ephemera (2014) 16(1): 19–22. PDF

Chovet M. & Brulin M. 2016. * +
Additions to the Ephemeroptera fauna of France (17): Procloeon nana (Bogoescu, 1951) (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). // Ephemera (2015) 17(2): 115–118.

Chovet M. & le Doare J. & Brulin M. 2007. + °
Additions to the Ephemeroptera fauna of France (12): Labiobaetis tricolor (Tshernova, 1928), (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). // Ephemera (2006) 8(2): 83–85.

Chovet M. & Fontaine J. & Lecureuil J.-Y. 1984:IV Conf.Eph. * + °
Le genre Ephemerella Walsh dans le bassin de la Loire: presence de deux especes, nouvelles pour la France: E. notata Eaton et E. mesoleuca (Brauer) (Ephemeropteres, Ephemerellidae). // Landa et al. (eds). Proc. IVth Conf. Eph.: 117–126.

Chovet M. & Lécureuil J.-Y. 2000. !! °
Les Éphémères de la région Centre (France). // Ephemera (1999) 1(2): 131–142.

Chovet M. & Lécureuil J.-Y. 2001. + °
Additions à la faune des Éphémères de France (7): Oligoneuriella pallida (Hagen, 1855) Ephemeroptera, Oligoneuriidae. // Ephemera (2000) 2(2): 125–130.

Christidis F. 2001. + _
A cladistic analysis of Austrophlebioides and related genera (Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae). // In: Dominguez E. (ed.). Trends in research in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera (Proc. IX Int. Conf. on Ephemeroptera & XIII Int. Symp. on Plecoptera, 16–23 Aug. 1998, Tafi de Valle, Tucuman, Argentina). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, New York: 305–312. PDF

Christidis F. 2005. !! _
Phylogenetic relationships of the Australian Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera). // Invertebrate Systematics 19: 531–539. 

Christidis F. 2009. * ' + °
Riekophlebia crocina, a new genus and species of Atalophlebiinae (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from the Wet Tropics bioregion of north-eastern Australia. // Zootaxa 2063: 64–68. PDF 

Christidis F. & Dean J.C. 2005. * ' + °
Three new species of Austrophlebioides Campbell and Suter (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from the Wet Tropics bioregion of north-eastern Australia. // Australian Journal of Entomology 44: 132–143. PDF

Christidis F. & Dean J.C. 2008. + °
Phylogeny and distribution of the mayfly genus Austrophlebioides Campbell & Suter (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). // Invertebrate Systematics 22(1): 17–28.

Christman V.D. & Voshell Jr. J.R. 1992. ??
Life history, growth, and production of Ephemeroptera in experimental ponds. // Annals of the Entomological Society of America 85(6): 705–712.

Chung K. 2005. + °
The life cycle and secondary production of Cincticostella levanidovae (Tshernova) collected from a headwater stream in Mt. Jumbong, Korea. // Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 8(4): 367–374.

Chutter F.M. 1963. + ° 
Hydrobiological studies on the Vaal River in the Vereeniging area. Part 1. Introduction, water chemistry and studies on the fauna of habitats other than muddy bottom sediments. // Hydrobiologia 21: 1–65. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00161377


Austrocloeon africanum
Austrocloeon virgiliae
Cloeon sp.
Centroptilum excisum
Centroptilum flavum
Centroptilum medium
Centroptilum pulchrum
Centroptilum indusii
Centroptilum varium

Centroptiloides bifasciatum
Baetis bellus
Baetis glaucus
Baetis harrisoni
sp.1, sp.2
Pseudocloeon maculosum
Pseudocloeon vinosum
Pseudocloeon inzingae

Elassoneuria sp.
Notonurus cooperi
Ephoron sp.
Euthraus elegans
Tricorythus discolor 
? crassi

Chutter F.M. 1969:413-422. + °
The distribution of some stream inverterates in relation to current speed. // Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 54(3): 413–422.
  Centroptilum excisum  

Chutter F.M. 1969:57-76. ' + °
The effects of silt and sand on the invertebrate fauna of streams and rivers. // Hydrobiologia 34(1): 57–76. PDF
  Baetis harrisoni  
  Baetis glaucus  
  Centroptilum sudafricanum  
  Centroptilum excisum  

Chutter F.M. 1970. ' + °
Hydrobiological studies in the catchment of Vaal Dam, South Africa. Part 1. River zonation and the benthic fauna. // Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 55(3): 445–494. PDF

Chutter F.M. 1971. + °
Hydrobiological studies in the catchment of Vaal Dam, South Africa. Part 2. The effects of stream containment on the fauna of stones-in-current and marginal vegetation biotopes. // Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 56: 227–240.

Ciaccio G.V. 1896. # °
Degli occhinei generi Potamanthis e Cloë della famiglia delle Ephemeridae, e coe eglino sono composti e intessuti. // Rendiconti delle Sessioni dell'Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna 1896: 91–95.

Cianciara S. 1979:II.Conf.Eph.. + _
Some study on the biology and bioenergetics of Cloeon dipterum (L.), Ephemeroptera (preliminary data). // In: Pasternak K. & Sowa R. (eds). Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Ephemeroptera, Polish Acad. Sci., Lab. Water Biol., 23–26 August 1975. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa – Krakow: l75–192.  

Cianciara S. 1979:501–513. + _
Life cycles of Cloeon dipterum (L.) in natural environment. // Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 26(4): 501–513.

Cianciara S. 1980:143–160. + _
Food preference of Cloeon dipterum (L.) larvae and dependence of their developement and growth on the type of food. // Polskie Arch. Hydrobiol. 27: 143–160.

Cianciara S. 1980:377-406. + _
Biometric und bioenergetic characterisation of the develeopment of Cloeon dipterum (L.). // Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 27: 377–406.

Cianciara S. 1980:III.Conf.Eph.. + _
Stages and physiological periods in the development of Cloeon dipterum (L.) (Baetidae). // In: Flannagan J.F. & Marshall K.E. (eds). Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology (Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Ephemeroptera, 4–10 July 1979, Winnipeg, Canada). Plenum Press, New York: 265– 276.

Ciborowski J.J.H. 1979. + °
The effects of extended photoperiods on the drift of the mayfly Ephemerella subvaria McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). // Hydrobiologia 62(3): 209–214. 

Ciborowski J.J.H. 1983. + °
Downstream and lateral transport of nymphs of two mayfly species (Ephemeroptera). // Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40: 2025–2029.

Ciborowski J.J.H. 1983. + °
Influence of current velocity, density, and detritus on drift of two mayfly species (Ephemeroptera). // Canadian Journal of Zoology 61: 119–125.

Ciborowski J.J.H. 1987. + °
Dynamics of drift and microdistribution of two mayfly populations: a predictive model. // Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 44(4): 832–845.
  Ephemerella inermis  
  Baetis tricaudatus  

Ciborowski J.J.H. & Clifford H.F. 1983. + °
Life histories, microdistribution and drift of two mayfly (Ephemeroptera) species in the Pembina River, Albeta, Canada. // Holarctic Ecology 6: 3–10. 
Ephemerella inermis  
  Baetis tricaudatus  

Ciborowski J.J.H. & Clifford H.F. 1984. !! °
Short-term colonization patterns of lotic macroinvertebrates. // Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 41: 1626–1633.

Ciborowski J.J.H. & Corkum L.D. 1980. !! °
Importance of behaviour to the reestablishment of drifting Ephemeroptera. // In: Flannagan J. F. & Marshall K.E. (eds). Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology; 3rd International Conference, Winnipeg, Manit., Canada, July 4–10, 1979. xiii+552P. Plenum Press: New York: 321–330.

Ciborowski J.J.H. & Pointing P.J. & Corkum L.D. 1977. + °
The effect of current velocity and sediment on the drift of the mayfly Ephemerella subvaria McDunnough. // Freshwater Biol. 7: 567–572.

Cid N. & Ibáñez C. & Prat N. 2008. + °
Life history and production of the burrowing mayfly Ephoron virgo (Olivier, 1791) (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcyidae) in the lower Ebro river: a comparison after 18 years. // Aquatic Insects 30(3): 163–178.

Cios S. 2005. !! °
Wzmianki o jetkach w Polsce od XVI do XIX w. [References to mayflies in Poland from the 16th to the 19th century.] // Trichopteron 16: 2–7.

Cios S. 2009. + °
Last record of Palingenia longicauda (OLIVIER) (Ephemeroptera: Palingeniidae) in Poland. // Polish Journal of Entomology 78: 261–263.

Clady M. & Hutchinson B. 1976. + __
Food of the yellow perch, Perca flavescens, following a decline of the burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia limbata. // Ohio Journal of Science 76(3): 133–138.

Classey E.W. 1966. (-) °
Notes on a small collection of Neuroptera, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera collected in Madeira in 1966. // Boletim do Museu Municpal do Funchal 20: 46–47.
  Centroptilum sp.  

Clemens W.A. 1913. * ' + °
New species and new life histories of Ephemeridae or mayflies. // Canadian Entomologist 45: 246–262,  329–341, pl. 5–7. PDF çèí:èï149

Heptagenia flavescens

Heptagenia lutea sp.n.

Heptagenia fusca sp.n.

Heptagenia tripunctata

Heptagenia rubromaculata sp.n.

Heptagenia luridipennis

Heptagenia canadensis

Heptagenia frontalis

Heptagenia ?

Ecdyurus maculipennis

Ecdyurus lucidipennis sp.n.

Ecdyurus pullus sp.n.

Hexagenia bilineata

Ephemera simulans

Baetisca obesa

Leptophlebia sp.?

Blasturus cupidus

Blasturus nebulosus

Choroterpes ? basalis

Ephemerella lutulenta sp.n.

Ephemerella lineata sp.n.

Ephemerella bicolor sp.n.

Caenis diminuta

Tricorythus allectus

Chirotonetes albomanicus

Siphlurus flexus sp.n.

Baetis propinquus

Cloeon dubium

Callibaetis ferruginea

Clemens W.A. 1915:131-143. ' + °
Life-histories of Georgian Bay Ephemeridae of the genus Heptagenia. // Contributions to Canadian Biology 4: 131–143, pl.15–18. PDF

Heptagenia flavescens
Heptagenia lutea
Heptagenia fusca

Heptagenia tripunctata
Heptagenia rubromaculata
Heptagenia luridipennis

Heptagenia canadensis
Heptagenia frontalis

Clemens W.A. 1915:245-260. * ' + __
Mayflies of the Siphlonurus group. // Canadian Entomologist 47: 245–260, pl.9–11. PDF

Clemens W.A. 1915:113-128. ' + °
Rearing experiments and ecology of Georgian Bay Ephemeridae. // Contributions to Canadian Biology 1911–1914, Fasc. II: 113–128, pl. 13–14. PDF

Hexagenia bilineata
Ephemera simulans
Ecdyurus maculipennis
Ecdyurus lucidipennis
Ecdyurus pullus

Baetisca obesa
(?) praepedita
Blasturus cupidus
Blasturus nebulosus

Ephemerella lutulenta
Ephemerella lineata
Ephemerella bicolor
Caenis diminuta
Tricorythus allectus

Chirotonetes albomanicatus
Siphlurus flexus
Baetis propinquus
Cloeon dubium

Clemens W.A. 1917. + __
An ecological study of the mayfly Chirotonetes. // University of Toronoto Studies, Biological Series 17: 1–43, pl. 1–5.
  Chirotonetes albomanicatus  

Clemens W.A. 1922. + # __
A parthenogenetic mayfly (Ameletus ludens Needham). // Canadian Entomologist 54: 77–78.

Clemens W.A. & Leonard A.K. 1924. * ' + __
On two species of mayflies of the genus Heptagenia. // Canadian Entomologist 56: 17–18. PDF

Clifford H.F. 1966. !! °
The ecology of invertebrates in an intermittent stream. // Investigations of Indiana Lakes & Streams 7(2): 57–98.

Clifford H.F. 1969. + °
Limnological features of a nothern brown-water stream, with special reference to the life history of the aquatic insects. // Am. Midl. Nat. 82: 578–597. 

Baetis tricaudatus

Cloeon sp.

Callibaetis coloradensis

Leptophlebia cupida

Paraleptophlebia debilis

Siphlonurus alternatus

Clifford H.F. 1970. + °
Analysis of a northern mayfly (Ephemeroptera) population, with special references to allometry of size. // Canadian Journal of Zoology 48(2): 305–316.

Clifford H.F. 1970. + °
Variability of linear measurements throughout the life cycle of the mayfly, Leptophlebia cupida (Say.). // Pan-Pacific Entomologist 46(2): 98–106.

Clifford H.F. 1972. !! °
A years' study of the drifting organisms in a brown-water stream of Alberta, Canada. // Canadian Journal of Zoology 50: 975–983.

Clifford H.F. 1976.  + °
Observations on the life cycle of Siphloplcton basale (Walker). // Pan-Pacific Ent. 52: 265–271.

Clifford H.F. 1980. !! __
Numerical abundance values of mayfly nymphs from the Holartic region. // In: Flannagan J.F. & Marshal K.E. (eds.) Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology; 3rd International Conference, Winnipeg, Manit., Canada, July 4–10, 1979. xiii+552P. Plenum Press, New York.

Clifford H.F. 1982. !! __
Life cycles of mayflies (Ephemeroptera), with special reference to voltism. // Quaest. Entomologicae 18: 15–90. çèí:èï2446

Clifford H.F. 1991. ? °
Aquatic invertebrates of Alberta. // Univ. Alberta Press, Edmonton i–xiii, 1–538

Clifford H.F. & Barton D.R. 1979. + °
Observations on the biology of Ametropus neavei (Ephemeroptera: Ametropodidae) from a large river in northern Alberta, Canada. // The Canadian Entomologist 111: 855–858. çèí:èï149

Clifford H.F. & Boerger H. 1974. !! °
Fecundity of mayflies (Ephemeroptera), with special reference to mayflies of a brown water stream of Alberta, Canada. // The Canadian Entomologist 106(10): 1111–1119.

Clifford H.F. & Hamilton H. & Killins B.A. 1979. + __
Biology of the mayfly Leptophlebia cupida (Say) (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). // Canadian Journal of Zoology 57(5): 1026–1045

Clifford H.F. & Richard J.C. & Safran K.A. 1993. ?
Short-term colonization of rough and smooth tiles by benthic macroinvertebrates and algae (chlorophyll) in two streams. // J. North Am. Benthol. Soc. 11(3): 304–315

Clifford H.F. & Robertson M.R. & Zelt K.A. 1973:I.Conf.Eph.. + °
Life cycle patterns of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from some streams of Alberta, Canada. // In: Peters W.L. & Peters J.G. (eds). Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Ephemeroptera, Florida A&M Univ., 17–20 August 1970. Leiden, Brill: 122–131.

Cloud T.J. & Steward K.W. 1974. * + °
The drift of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in the Brazos River, Texas. // Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 47(3): 379–396.

Cobb D.G. & Flannagan J.F. 1980:III.Conf.Eph.. !! °
The distribution of Ephemeroptera in northern Canada. // In: Flannagan J.F. & Marshall K.E. (eds). Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology (Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Ephemeroptera, 4–10 July 1979, Winnipeg, Canada). Plenum Press, New York: 228–243. 

Cobb D.G. & Flannagan J.F. & Flannagan P.M.L. & Wickstrom R.D. 1995:VII.Conf.Eph.. !! °
Colections of Ephemeroptera from Kluane National Park, Yukon Territory, and Nahanni National Park, Northwest Territories, Canada. // In: Corcum L.D. &  J.H. Ciborowsky (eds). Current directions in research on Ephemeroptera (Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Ephemeroptera, Orono, Maine, USA, Aug. 1992) . Canadian Scholar's Press Inc., Toronto: 177–184.

Cobb D.G. & Galloway T.D. & Flannagan J.F. 1991. + °
Life history adaptions of mayflies to an unstable reach of Wilson Creek, Manitoba, Canada. // In: Alba-Tercedor J. & Sanchez-Ortega A. (eds). Overview and strategies of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera (Proc. 6th Int. Congf. Ephemeroptera & 10th Int. Symp. Plecoptera, 24–30 July 1989, Granada, Spain). Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville: 465–481.

Cochran P.A. 1992. ? °
The return of Hexagenia (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) to the Lower Fox River Wisconsin. // Great Lakes Entomologist 25(2): 79–81.

Cochran P.A. & Kinziger A.P. 1997. + °
Hexagenia bilineata
(Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) persists at low levels of abundance in the lower Fox river, Wisconsin. // Great Lakes Entomologist 30(3): 89–92.

Cockerell T.D.A. 1908. * ' + †
Descriptions of Tertiary insects. Part IV:(3)–(7). // American Journal of Science (4) 25: 227–351. PDF áàí:II82
  Ephemera (s.lat.) howarthi sp.n.  

Cockerell T.D.A. 1923. * ' + †
A new genus of mayflies from the Miocene of Florissant, Colorado. // Psyche 30: 170–172. PDF 
  Siphlurites explanatus gen.sp.n.  

Cockerell T.D.A. 1924. * ' + †
Fossils in the Ondai Sair Formation, Mongolia. // Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 51: 129–144. PDF çèí:èï93

Mesobaetis sibirica

Mesoneta antiqua

Ephemeropsis trisetalis

Ephemeropsis melanurus sp.n.

Prodromites nom.n.


subfam. Siphlonurinae

subfam. Ephemeropsinae

Cockerell T.D.A. 1926. * ' + °
A new mayfly from Peru. // Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 21(5): 189–190. PDF çèí:ê.è85/12
  Spaniophlebia escomeli sp.n.  

Cockerell T.D.A. 1927. * ' + †
New light on the giant fossil May-flies of Mongolia. // American Museum Novitates 244: 1–4. PDF çèí:ê.è85/17
Ephemeropsis trisetalis chaneyi var.n.  

Cockerell T.D.A. & Gill M. 1906. + _
, a genus of mayflies. // University of Colorado Studies 3: 135–137.

Codreanu M. & Codreanu R. 1931. + # _
Étude de plusiers cas de mosaïque sexuelle chez une Éphémère [Baëtis rhodani (Pict.)]. // Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique 65: 522–544, pl. 12.

Codreanu M. & Codreanu R. 1938. ' + # _
Deux anomalies des caractères sexuels chez les Éphémères. // Traveaux de la Station Zoologique de Wimereux 13: 87–96. PDF
  Baetis kulindrophthalmus  
  Heptagenia lateralis  

Codreanu R. & Codreanu-Balcescu D. 1979:II.Conf.Eph.. !! _
Remarques critiques sur les parasites et leur effects chez les Ephemeropteres. // Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Eph., Krakow 1975: 228–243.

Coggi A. 1897. # + _
Ancora sulla viviparità di un'efemera. // Anatomischer Anzeiger 13(18): 498–499.
  Cloeon dipterum  

Cohen S.D. & Allen R.K. 1972. * ' + °
New species of Baetodes from Mexico and Central America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Pan-Pac. Entomol. 48: 123–135. PDF çèí:èï323

Baetodes adustus sp.n.

B. caritus sp.n.

B. deficiens sp.n.

B. fuscipes sp.n.

B. inermis sp.n.

B. noventus sp.n.

B. pallidus sp.n.

B. pictus sp.n.

B. tritus sp.n.

Cohen S.D. & Allen R.K. 1978. * ' + °
Generic revision of mayfly nymphs III. Baetodes in North and Central America (Baetidae). // Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 51(2): 253–269. PDF

Baetodes adustus

B. arizonensis = sigillatus

B. caritus = veracrusensis

B. deficies = bellus
B. edmundsi

B. fortinensis

B. fuscipes = furvus

B. inermus

B. longus

B. noventus

B. obesus

B. pallidus

B. pictus

B. tritus

B. velmae sp.n.

Coleman M.J. & Hynes H.B.N. 1970:1333-1339. + °
The life histories of some Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera in a southern Ontario stream. // Canadian Journal of Zoology 48(6): 1333–1339. çèí:èï927

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Influence of different densities of the mayfly grazer Heptagenia criddlei on lotic diatom communities. // Journal of the North American Benthological Society 6: 270–280.

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Population dynamics and feeding of mayfly larvae in some acid and alkaline. // New Zealand streams Freshwater Biology 23: 181–189

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Selenium bioaccumulation and maternal transfer in the mayfly Centoptilum trianulifer in a life-cycle, periphyton-biofilm trophic assay. // Enviromental Science and Technology 43: 7952–7957.

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Food rationing affects dietary selenium bioaccumulation and life cycle performance in the mayfly Centroptilum triangulifer. // Ecotoxicology 20: 1840–1851.

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  Afronurus negi sp.n.  

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  Afronurus ugandanus  
  Euthraulus bugandensis  
  Ttricorythus tinctus  

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  Procloeon rhodesiae  
  Adenophlebia burgeoni  
  Adenophlebiodes ornatus  

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  Afronurus gilliesi sp.n.  

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Function of caudal filaments and correlated structures in mayfly nymphs, with special reference to Baetis (Ephemeroptera). // Quaestiones Entomologicae 17: 129–146.
  Baetis tricaudatus  
  Baetis bicaudatus  
  Rhithrogena hageni  

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Effects of temperature and photoperiod on larval size and survivorship of a burrowing mayfly (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Canadian Journal of Zoology 70(2): 256–263.
  Hexagenia limbata  
  Hexagenia rigida  

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  Thraulodes latinus sp.n.  

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  Baetis sardoa sp.n.  
  Cloe apicalis sp.n.  
  Caenis pygmaea sp.n.  

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  Miroculis (Miroculis) fazzariensis sp.n.  

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  Miroculis (Miroculis) samba sp.n.  
  Miroculis (Miroculis) wolverine sp.n.  

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 Nonnullidens spp.  
 Thraulus spp.  

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Polymitarcys savignyi

Exeuthyplocia sampsoni

Eatonica schoutedeni

Oligoneuriopsis lawrencei gen.sp.n.

Cloeon chaplini

Cloeon rhodesiae

Austrocloeon africanum

Austrocloeon paludinosum sp.n.

Austrocloeon exiguum sp.n.

Pseudocloeon inzingae sp.n.

Pseudocloeon minutum sp.n.

Pseudocloeon maculosum sp.n.

Pseudocloeon sp.

Baetis harrisoni

Baetis bellus

Baetis cataractae sp.n.

Baetis parvulus sp.n.

Baetis lawrencei sp.n.

Acentrella natalensis sp.n.

Acentrella monticola sp.n.

Centroptilum sudafricanum

Centroptilum excisum

Centroptilum flavum sp.n.

Centroptilum falcatum sp.n.

Centroptilum medium sp.n.

Centroptilum indusii sp.n.

Centroptilum parvum sp.n.

Centroptilum varium sp.n.

Centroptilum pulchrum sp.n.

Centroptiloides bifasciatus

= C. marginatum

Austrocaenis capensis

Tricorythus discolor

Tricorythus reticulatus

Aprionyx natalica

Aprionyx argus

Aprionyx tricuspidatus sp.n.

Adenophlebia auriculata

Adenophlebia sylvatica sp.n.

Euphlebia bicolor gen.sp.n.n.

Castanophlebia calida

Choroterpes nigrescens

Euthraulus elegans

Lithogloea harrisoni

Afronurus peringueyi

Afronurus harrisoni

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Spatial and temporal niche overlap of two mayfly species (Ephemeroptera): the role of substratum roughness and body size. // Hydrobiologia 474: 107–115. 
  Rhithrogena semicolorata  
sp. gr. venosus   

Cruz P.V. 2020. / +
Redescription of three species of Apobaetis Day, 1955 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Zootaxa 4808 (2): 317–330.
  Apobaetis etowah  
  Apobaetis signifer  
  Apobaetis fiuzai  

Cruz P.V. & Alencar J.B.R. & Cardoso M.N. & Baccaro F.B. 2023. ' + ° 
Predicting the South American invasion pathways of the mayfly Cloeon dipterum Linnaeus 1761 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) using species distribution models. // Insect Conservation and Diversity: 1–10 

Cruz P.V. & Belmont E.L. & Boldrini R. & Hamada N. 2011. ' + °
Leptohyphidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from northeastern Brazil. // Neotropical Entomology 40: 682–688. PDF SciELO 


Amanahyphes saguassu
Leptohyphes petersi
(Mocohyphes) edmundsi
(Mocohyphes) yuati

Traverhyphes (Traverhyphes) indicator
(Traverhyphes) sp.1
Tricorythodes mirca
Tricorythodes quizeri

Tricorythodes sp. 1
Tricorythopsis araponga
Tricorythopsis bahiensis
Tricorythopsis minimus

Tricorythopsis pseudogibbus
Tricorythopsis chiriguano
sp. 1
Tricorythopsis sp. 2

Cruz P.V. & Boldrini R. & Hamada N. 2020. ' + ° 
Redescription of Apobaetis lakota McCafferty, 2000 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) and description of two new species from Brazil. // Zootaxa 4885 (2): 249–258.
Apobaetis biancae sp.n. 
Apobaetis jacobusi sp.n.
Apobaetis lakota 

Cruz P.V. & Boldrini R. & Lima C.R.T. de & Hamada N. 2022. ' + °
It is a mess! How many species are in Rivudiva trichobasis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)? // European Journal of Taxonomy 789: 153–191. PDF


Rivudiva trichobasis
Rivudiva amazona
Rivudiva oxum sp.n.
Rivudiva uiara sp.n.

Rivudiva naia sp.n.
Rivudiva sp. X.
Rivudiva coveloae
Rivudiva venezuelensis

Cruz P.V. & Boldrini R. & Quinto C.F. & Frontado H. 2012. ' + ° 
New Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) records fromVenezuela and nymph description of an unnamed Fallceon species. // Hindawi Publishing Corporation. International Journal of Zoology. Article ID 837092: 1–6. PDF HINDAWI
  Baetodes levis  
  Camelobaetidius edmundsi  
  Mayobaetis ellenae  

Cruz P.V. & Boldrini R. & Salles F.F. 2011. ' + °
Apobaetis Day (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from northern Brazil: description of a new species and of the male imago of A. fiuzai Salles & Lugo-Ortiz. // Aquatic Insects 33(1): 81–90.
  Apobaetis hamadae sp.n.  
  Apobaetis fiuzai  

Cruz P.V. & Boldrini R. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2011. ' + °
The male imago of Rivudiva trichobasis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty from Amazonas state, Brazil. // Zootaxa 2907: 60–62.

Cruz P.V. & De-Souza M.R. 2014. ' + °
Two new species of Apobaetis Day, 1955 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Brazil. // Zootaxa 3866 (4): 591–599.
  Apobaetis pucupi sp.n.
  Apobaetis kethepiali sp.n.

Cruz P.V. & Gonçalves I.C. & Mariano R. & Hamada N. 2020. ' + °
One less monotypic genus in Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera): A new species of Bessierus Thomas & Orth and new record from Brazil. // Zootaxa 4820 (1): 195–200.  
  Bessierus doloris  
  Bessierus riobranco
sp. n.  

Cruz P.V. & Hamada N. 2019. ' + °
A new species of Harpagobaetis Mol, with amended diagnosis of the genus, and new considerations on predatory species of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) from South America. // Zootaxa 4551(2): 195–210.
  Harpagobaetis brigada sp.n.  
  Harpagobaetis gulosus  

Cruz P.V. & Molineri C. & Hamada N. 2022. ' + °
Two new species and new records of Campsurus Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcyidae) in Amazon. // Zootaxa 5100 (3): 435–444. PDF


Campsurus cuyuniensis
Campsurus indivisus
Campsurus inusitatus
Campsurus jorgenseni
Campsurus litaninensis

Campsurus nessimiani
Campsurus pereirae
Campsurus segnis
Campsurus fortuitus
Campsurus froehlichi sp.n.

Cruz P.V. & Nieto C. & Gattolliat J.-L. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2020. ' 
A cladistic insight into the higher level classification of Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). // Systematic Entomology (2020), DOI: 10.1111/syen.12446.

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. 2014. ' +
Further notes on South American species of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) assigned to Moribaetis Waltz & McCafferty, 1985. // Zootaxa 3793 (3): 398–400. 
  Moribaetis comes nomen dubium  
  Camelobaetidius aneto comb.n.  

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2009. ' + °
Two new species of Callibaetis Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Southeastern Brazil. // Zootaxa 2261: 23–38. PDF
  Callibaetis fluminensis sp.n.  
  Callibaetis capixaba sp.n.  

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2013. ' + °
A new genus and species of Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Brazil. // Annales de LimnologieInternational Journal of Limnology 49: 1–12. PDF
  Callibaetoides caaigua gen.sp.n.  

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2014. * ' + °
Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Brazil. // Journal of Natural History 48(11–12): 591–660.


C. calloventer sp.n.
C capixaba

C. cruentus sp.n.
C. fasciatus

C. fluminensis

C. gelidus sp.n.

C. gonzalezi

C. gregarius

C. guttatus

C. itannae sp.n.
C. jocosus

C. nigracyclus sp.n.

C. pollens

C. radiatus

C. sellacki

C. viviparus

C. willineri

C. zonalis

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2016:1-12. ' + _
Phylogeny of Callibaetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) based on morphology of nymphs and adults. // Zoologica Scripta [published onlineproof
  subgen. Callibaetis  
  subgen. Abaetetuba subgen.n.  
  subgen. Aiso subgen.n.  
  subgen. Cunhaporanga subgen.n.  

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2017:500-534. ' + °
Additions and corrections to the systematics of mayfly species assigned to the genus Callibaetis Eaton 1881 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from South America. // Zootaxa 4231(4): 500–534. ; min

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2017:229-261. ' + °
Four new species of Callibaetis Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), nymphal description of Callibaetis (Abaetetuba) fasciatus (Pictet) and keys for South American species of Callibaetis. // Zootaxa 4250(3): 229–261.
  Callibaetis (Abaetetuba) cochlea sp.n. = Callibaetis sp.A  
  Callibaetis (Abaetetuba) fasciatus  
  Callibaetis (Aiso) calophenigyn sp.n. = Callibaetis sp.B  
  Callibaetis (Callibaetis) molinerii sp.n. = Callibaetis sp.D  
  Callibaetis (Cunhaporanga) imperator sp.n. = Callibaetis sp.C  

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2018:1-49. ' + ° 
Contribution to the taxonomy of Paracloeodes Day 1955 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from South America. // Zootaxa 4403(1): 1–49.


Paracloeodes aristotelesi sp.n.

Paracloeodes atroari
Paracloeodes binodulus

Paracloeodes carolinae sp.n.

Paracloeodes eurybranchus
Paracloeodes ibicui

Paracloeodes leptobranchus

Paracloeodes pacawara = P. morellii
Paracloeodes peri

Paracloeodes poranga
Paracloeodes prismatobranchus sp.n.
Paracloeodes waimiri

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. 2018:1-20.  '
A cladistic approach for generic delimitation of Paracloeodes Day, Rivudiva Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, and Varipes Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Insect Systematics & Evolution 1–19. PDF ; Fig.1 ; supplement  DOI 10.1163/1876312X-00002199
    Rhopyscelis singuil  
    Rhopyscelis caldensis  

Cruz P.V. & Salles F.F. & Hamada N. & Falcão J.N. 2020. ' + °
New genus and species of Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Brazil. // Zootaxa 4729(1): 127–137.
  Macuxi tunamore gen.sp.n.  

Cruz P.V. & Usher A.K. & Jacobus L.M. 2017. ' + °
Review of continental North and Central American Paracloeodes Day 1955 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), including description of a new species from Minnesota, U.S.A. // Zootaxa 4263(2): 333–346.
  Paracloeodes fleeki  
  Paracloeodes lugoi  
  Paracloeodes minutus   
  Paracloedes lotor

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