arb.sig. ABC


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Anagenesia lontona sp.n.

Anagenesia minor

Polymitarcys indicus

Ephemera diffusa sp.n.

Ephemera anandalei sp.n.

Ephemera immaculata

Ephemera expectans

Ephemera supposita

Ephemera remensa

Ephemera consors

Ephemera pulcherrima

Hexagenia indica

Potamanthus subsostalos

Rhoenanthus posticus

Rhoenanthodes amabilis

Potamanthodes formosus

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Rhoenanthus coreanus
Rhoenanthus hunanensis
Rhoenanthus magnificus

Rhoenanthus obscurus
Rhoenanthus sapa
Rhoenanthus youi

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  Triplosoba pulcjhella  
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  Languidipes janae sp.n.  

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Atalophlebia longicaudata sp.n.

Atalophlebia albiterminata

Atalophlebia marowana sp.n.

Atalophlebia maculosa sp.n.

Atalophlebia incerta sp.n.

Atalophlebia parva sp.n.

Leptophlebia crassa sp.n.

Deleatidium annilatum sp.n.

Baetis baddamsae sp.n.

Baetis confluens sp.n.

Cloeon fluviatile

Caenis scotti

Atopopus spadix sp.n.

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  Atalophlebia albiterminata  
  Caenis scotti  
  Leptophlebia crassa  

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  Ecdyonurus torrentis  
  Heptagenia latewralis  
  Rhithrogena semicolorata  
  Baetis rhodani  

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Atalonella parva

Atalonella brunnea

Atalonella fuscula

Atalonella delicatula

Atalonella lucida

Atalonella simillima

Atalophlebia kokunia sp.n.

Atalophlebia miunga sp.n.

Atalophlebia pierda sp.n.

Atalophlebia tuhla sp.n.

Atalophlebia kala sp.n.

Atalophlebia australasica

Atalophlebia maculosa

Atalophlebia longicaudata

Atalomicria uncinata gen.sp.n.

Atalomicria sexfasciata

Deleatidium pusillum sp.n.

Deleatidium decipiens sp.n.

Deleatidium nanatum sp.n.

D. (Atalophlebioides) annulatum

D. (Atalophlebioides) crassa

D. (Atalophlebioides) bundutum sp.n.

Jappa kutera gen.sp.n.

Jappa tristis sp.n.

Kirrara procera gen.sp.n.

Kirrara amenia sp.n.


Mirawara aapta gen.sp.n.

Baetis confluens sp.n.

Baetis sogeriensis sp.n.



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Some new Australian Ephemeroptera. // Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 26(3–4): 63–68. PDF ; (5–6): 69–78. PDF çèí:èï504


Atalophlebia yugana sp.n.

Atalophlebia darringa sp.n.

Atalophlebia pierda


Atalonella darkara sp.n.

Kirrara algona sp.n.

Cloeon nandirum sp.n.

Bungona narilla gen.sp.n.

Centroptilum collendum sp.n.

Tasmanocaenis jillongi sp.n.

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  Ameletus walleyi sp.n.  

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Zoogeographical relationships of aquatic insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) from the Eastern James Bay Drainage. // Canadian Field Naturalist 103(4): 535–546.

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  Ephemerella mucronata  
  Caenis candida
  et al.  

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Paraleptophlebia aquilina sp.n.  

Paraleptophlebia bicornuta

Paraleptophlebia brunneipennis

Paraleptophlebia debilis

Paraleptophlebia falcula

Paraleptophlebia gregalis

Paraleptophlebia guttata  

Paraleptophlebia heteronea

Paraleptophlebia memorialis

Paraleptophlebia moerens

Paraleptophlebia rufivenosa

Paraleptophlebia sculleni  

Paraleptophlebia temporalis

Paraleptophlebia vaciva

 Harper P. & Harper F. 1997. !! °
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Yukon. // In: Danks H.V. & Downes J.A. (eds). Insects of the Yukon. Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Ottawa: 151–167. 

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Diel periodicity of emerging mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in a Laurentian stream. // Aquatic Insects 5: 21–31.

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Emergence cues of a mayfly in a high-altitude stream ecosystem: potential response to climate change. // Ecological Applications 16: 612–621. 

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Insectes aquatiques du nord du Québec (Éphéméroptères, Odonates, Plécopterès et Trichoptères). // Annales de la Société Entomologique de Québec 20: 33–43.

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  Adenophlebia peringueyella  
  Adenophlebia dislocans  

Harrison A.C. 1949:83-87. ' + °
Cape May-flies. Part III. = The family Leptophlebiidae (continued). // Piscator 3(11): 83–87. PDF  
  Aprionyx petersi  
  Aprionyx tabularis  
  Aprionyx intermedius  
  Aprionyx rubicundus  
  Aprionyx pellucidulus  

Harrison A.C. 1949:117-120. ' + °
Cape May-flies. Part IV. = The family Leptophlebiidae (continued). // Piscator 3(12): 117–120. PDF  
  Castanophlebia calida  
  Euthraulus elegans  
  Choroterpes nigrescens  

Harrison A.C. 1950:19-23. ' + °
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  Afronurus harrisoni  

Harrison A.C. 1950:51-55. ' + °
Cape May-flies. Part VI. The family Baetidae. // Piscator 4(14): 51–55. PDF  
 Baetis harrisoni  
 Baetis bellus  

Harrison A.C. 1950:80-81. ' + °
Cape May-flies. Part VII. The family Baetidae (continued). // Piscator 4(15): 80–81. PDF  
  Acentrella capensis  
  Centroptilum sudafricanum  
  Centroptilum excisum  

Harrison A.C. 1950:112-115. ' + °
Cape May-flies. Part VIII. The family Baetidae (continued). // Piscator 4(16): 112–115. PDF    


Cloeon lacunosum
Cloeon chaplini
Cloeon perkinsi
Cloeon delicatissimum
Austrocloeon africanum

Austrocloeon virgiliae
Pseudocloeon vinosum
Pseudocloeon magae
Austrocaenis capensis

Harrison A.C. 1951:48-50. ' + °
Cape May-flies. Part IX. The famuliy Brachycercidae. (continued). // Piscator 5(18): 48–50. PDF  
  Tricorythus discolor  

Harrison A.C. 1951:75-78. ' + °
Cape May-flies. Part X. The famuliy Ephemerellidae: "blue-winged olives". // Piscator 5(19): 75–78. PDF  
  Ephemerellina barnardi  
  Lithogloea harrisoni  
  Lithogloea penicillata  

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Baetis harrisoni
Baetis bellus
Baetis sp.B
Centroptiloides bifasciata

Centroptilum sudafricanum
Centroptilum varium
Centroptilum excisum
Centroptilum indusii
Centroptilum pulchrum

Cloeon lacunosum
Acentrella capensis
Acentrella natalensis
Austrocloeon africanum
Austrocloeon virgiliae

Pseudocloeon vinosum
Pseudocloeon maculosum
Afronurus harrisoni

Neuroceaenis discolor

Lithogloea harrisoni
Lithogloea penicillata
sp.A, sp.B
Ephemerellina barnardi

Aprionyx peterseni
Aprionyx tabularis
Aprionyx pellucidus

Aprionyx intermedius
Aprionyx rubicundus

Choroterpes nigrescens
Euthraulus elegans
Castanoplebia calida
Castanophlebia albicauda

Adenophlebia peringueyella

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Cloen lacunosum
Austrocloeon africanum
Austrocloeon virgiliae
Pseudocloeon vinosum
Pseudocloeon magae

Baetis harrisoni
Baetis bellus
Cenroptilum sudafricanum
Centroptilum excisum 

Aprionyx tabularis

Adenophlebia dislocans
Adenophlebia peringueyella
Castanophlebia calida
Ephemerellina penicillata
Ephemerellina barnardi

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  Pseudocloeon vinosum, ... 

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  Povilla adusta  

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  Povilla adusta  

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  Parabaetis eocaenicus gen.sp.n.  

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  Ecdyonurus dispar  
  Ecdyonurus venosus  
  Ecdyonurus torrentis  

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  Ecdyonurus austriacus  
  Ecdyonurus picteti  

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Ecdyonurus epeorides

Ecdyonurus krueperi = albanicus

Ecdyonurus carpaticus carpaticus

Ecdyonurus carpaticus vitoshensis

Ecdyonurus subalpinus

Ecdyonurus siveci

Hefti D. & Tomka I. 1988:130-142. * + __
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  Afronurus zebratus  
  Electrogena fallax  

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  Rhithrogena semicolorata  |
  Habroleptoides confusa  
  Ephemerella ignita  

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Ecdyonurus parahelveticus
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  Ecdyonurus helveticus  
  Ecdyonurus zelleri  
  Ecdyonurus alpinus

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Ecdyonurus epeorides

Ecdyonurus carpaticus carpaticus

Ecdyonurus carpaticus vitoshensis

Ecdyonurus subalpinus

Ecdyonurus siveci

Ecdyonurus krueperi

Ecdyonurus helveticus

Ecdyonurus parahelveticus

Ecdyonurus alpinus

Ecdyonurus zelleri

Ecdyonurus austriacus

Ecdyonurus picteti

Hefti D. & Tomka I. & Zurwerra A. 1991:VI.Conf.Eph.. * ' + __
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Ecdyonurus carpaticus carpaticus

Ecdyonurus carpaticus vitoshensis

Ecdyonurus epeorides

Ecdyonurus helveticus

Ecdyonurus krueperi

Ecdyonurus picteti

Ecdyonurus siveci

Ecdyonurus subalpinus

Ecdyonurus zelleri

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{innervation of mouthparts}

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  Leptohyphes packeri  
  Leptohyphes vescus
  et al.  

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  Neochoroterpes oklahoma  
  Neochoroterpes nanita  
  Neochoroterpes kossi  
  Neochoroterpes orientalis

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  Neochoroterpes oklahoma  
  Neochoroterpes nanita  
  Neochoroterpes kossi  
  Neochoroterpes orientalis

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  Hexagenia bilineata  

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  Thraulus bellus  
  Leptophlebia marginata  
  Ephemerella major  

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  Exeuthyplocia minima  

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  Waynokiops dentatogriphus gen.sp.n. 

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Ephemera strigata
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  Deleatidium (Deleatidium) townsi sp.n.  
  Deleatidium (Deleatidium) atricolor sp.n.  
  Deleatidium (Deleatidium) branchiola sp.n.  

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  Deleatidium (Deleatidium) wardorum sp.n.
  Deleatidium (Deleatidium) kiwa sp.n.  

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  Nesameletus ornatus  
  Nesameletus flavitinctus  
  Nesameletus mirihiku sp.n
  Nesameletus austrinus sp.n  
  Nesameletus vulcanus sp.n

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Serratella ignita
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Hoexter – see Höxter

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Americabaetis spinosus sp.n.

Americabaetis humilis sp.n.

Cloeodes caraibensis sp.n.

Fallceon alter

Callibaetis floridanus

Caenis femina sp.n.

Caenis catherinae sp.n.

Leptohyphes guadeloupensis sp.n.

Allenhyphes flinti gen.comb.n.

Tricorythodes griseus sp.n.

Hagenulopsis guadeloupensis sp.n.

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  Haplohyphes aquilonius  
  Haplohyphes baritu  
  Haplohyphes mithras  

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  Neoephemera eatoni sp.n.  

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Heptagnia hebe  

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Habitat selection by the stream mayfly Paraleptophlebia guttata. // Journal of the North American Benthological Society 12: 126–135. 

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Päivänkorentojen (Ephemeroptera) lisääntymisbiologiasta ja eliniästä. // Eripainos Luonnon Tutkija 2: 32–37. PDF  
  Siphlonurus linnaeanus  
  Hetagenia fuscogrisea  
  Parameletus chelifer  
  Ephemera vulgata  
  Leptophlebia marginata  

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  Phililimnias sinica gen.sp.n.  

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  Ephemeropsis trisetalis  

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  Ephemerella shanwangensis sp.n.  

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  Mesobaetis maculata sp.n.  
  M. sanjianfangensis sp.n.  

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Epeorus latifolium
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  Bleptus fasciatus  
  Ecdyurus japonica  
  Ephemerella nigra  
  Ephemera orientalis  

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Short notes on Japanese Ephemeridae (2). // Japanese Journal of Entomology 5(2): 121–124. PDF  
  Baetis pumilus  

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Light guides in the dorsal eye of the male mayfly. // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (B) 216: 25–51. pl. 1–6. 

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subgr. semicolorata:

Rhithrogena semicolorata

Rhithrogena picteti

Rhithrogena puytoraci

subgr. diaphana:

Rhithrogena savoiensis

subgr. hybrida:

Rhithrogena hercynia

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Erstnachweis von Rhithrogena beskidensis Alba-Tercedor & Sowa, 1987 (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) für Niedersachen. Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften 6: 799–802.  çèí:èï3266

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  Fasciamirus petersorum sp.n.  
  Simulacala rara sp.n.  

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Epeorus (Caucasiron) hyrcanicus sp.n.

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The impact of Miocene orogeny for the diversification of Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). // Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 146(1): 106735 PDF

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Diversity and distribution of Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) in Iran, with descriptions of three new species. // ZooKeys 947: 71–102. PDF 
  Epeorus (Caucasiron) alborzicus sp.n.  
  Epeorus (Caucasiron) shargi sp.n.  
  Epeorus (Caucasiron) zagrosicus sp.n.  

Hrivniak L. & Sroka P. & Godunko R.J. & Manko P. & Bojkova J. 2022. ' + °
Diversification in Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) follows topographic deformation along the Greater Caucasus range. // Systematic Entomology 47(4): 603–617.
  Epeorus (Caucasiron) tripertitus sp.n.  

Hrivniak L. & Sroka P. & Godunko R.J. & Palatov D. & Polášek M. & Manko P. & Oboňa J. 2018. ' + °
Diversity of Armenian mayflies (Ephemeroptera) with the description of a new species of the genus Ecdyonurus (Heptageniidae). // Zootaxa 4500(2): 195–221.
  Ecdyonurus (Ecdyonurus) eurycephalus sp.n.  

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Mayflies of the genus Epeorus Eaton, 1881 s.l. (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from the Caucasus Mountains: a new species of Caucasiron Kluge, 1997 from Georgia and Turkey. // Zootaxa 4341 (3): 353–374. PDF
  Epeorus (Caucasiron) bicolliculatus sp.n.  

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A new Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) species from Turkey based on molecular and morphological evidence. // Zootaxa 4550(1): 58–70.
  Epeorus (Caucasiron) turcicus sp.n.  

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Community structure and distribution of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera larvae in lowland karst rivers in Slovenia. // In: International Perspectives in Mayfly and Stonefly Research // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ephemeroptera and the 16th International Symposium on Plecoptera, Stuttgart 2008 // Aquatic Insects 31, Suppl.1: 343–357.

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Two new species of mayflies from China (order Ephemeroptera). // Peking Natural History Bulletin 6(2): 39–41, 1 pl. PDF çèí:èï326
  Paegniodes fukienensis sp.n.  
  Ephemera kirinensis sp.n.

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New Chines mayflies from Kiangsi Province (Ephemeroptera). // Peking Natural History Bulletin 10(4): 319–325. PDF  


Anagenesia yangi sp.n.

Potamanthellus chinensis sp.n.

Potamanthodes nanchangi sp.n.

Iron minor sp.n.

Isonychia kiangsuensis sp.n.

Ephemerella sinensis sp.n.

Hsu Yin-chi 1936. * ' + °
Mayflies of Hong Kong with descriptions of two new species (Ephemeroptera). // Hong Kong Naturalist 7: 233–238. PDF 
  Ecdyonurus herklotzi sp.n.  
  Heptagenia ngi sp.n.  
  Ephemera pulcherrima  
  Paegniodes cupulata =
P. fukinensis  

Hsu Yin-chi 1936–1937:129-148. * ' + °
The mayflies of China. // Peking Natural History Bulletin 11(2): 129–148. PDF  
  general part  
  Anagenesia yangi  
  Chromarcys magnifica  
  Polymitarcys nanchangi  
  Ephemera axillaris  
  Ephemera formosana  

Hsu Yin-chi 1936–1937:287-296. * + °
The mayflies of China. // Peking Natural History Bulletin 11(3): 287–296. PDF
  Ephemera kirinensis  
  Ephemera lineata  
  Ephemera lota
  Ephemera media
  Ephemera pictipennis  
  Ephemera pictiventris  
  Ephemera pieli  

Hsu Yin-chi 1936–1937:433-440. * + °
The mayflies of China. // Peking Natural History Bulletin 11(4): 433–440. PDF
  Ephemera pulcherrima  
  Ephemera purpurata  
  Ephemera sauteri  
  Ephemera serica  
  Ephemera shengmi  

Hsu Yin-chi 1938:125-126. [*] ° 
The mayflies of China. // Peking Natural History Bulletin 12(2): 123–126.
  Potamanthodes formosus  
  Potamanthodes kwansuensis

Hsu Yin-chi 1938:221-224. * + °
The mayflies of China. // Peking Natural History Bulletin 12(3): 221–224. PDF
  Neopotamanthodes lanchi gen.sp.n.  
  Neopotamanthodes nanchangi  

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Redescription and commentary on the Chinese mayfly Vietnamella sinensis (Ephemeroptera: Vietnamellidae). // Zootaxa 4286 (3): 381–390. PDF ; Zootaxa

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Order Ephemeroptera (Ephemerida, Plectoptera, Agnatha). // In: List of Chinese insects, vol. 1. Zhongshan University Press: 15–17. PDF ;

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Morphological revision on nymphal Ephemeropsis trisetalis from Early Cretaceous Jonol biota. // In: 白垩纪重大地质事件与地球系统国际学术研讨会 International Symposium on Cretaceous Major Geological Events and Earth System – Workshop on Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (IGCP 463 & 494)
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  Multiramificans ovalis gen.sp.n.  

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  Jurassonurus amoenus gen.sp.n.

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Íîâûå íèìôû ïîäåíîê (Insecta: Ephemerida = Ephemeroptera) èç ñâèòû Èñÿíü, Êèòàé [New mayfly nymphs (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Yixian Formation, China]. // Ïàëåîíòîëîãè÷åñêèé æóðíàë [Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal] No.2: 46–51. PDF // Engish translation: Paleontological Journal 45: 167–173. PDF ; PJ
  Clavineta excavata sp.n.  
  Clavineta brevinodia sp.n.  
  Siberiogenites branchicillus sp.n.  

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Hubbard M.D.

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Production and standing crop of Hexagenia (Ephemeroptera) in a large reservoir. // Studies in Natural Sciences 1(4): 1–42.
  Hexagenia bilineata  
  Hexagenia limbata  

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  Baetis harrisoni  

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  Baetis harrisoni  
  Tricorythus discolor  

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Ephemera citrina sp.n.  

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Zur Faktorenanalyse des Schlüpfrhythymus der Flugstadien von Baetis alpinus Pict. (Baetidae, Ephemeroptera). // Oecologia 7: 328–341.

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  Ecdyonurus picteti  

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  Caenis moe sp.n.  
  Caenis tuba sp.n.  
  Caenis nishinoea  
  Brachycercus tubulatus

Hwang J.M. & Bae Y.J. 2001. * ' + °
Taxonomic review of the Siphlonuridae (Ephemeroptera) in Korea. // In: Bae Y.J. (ed.). The 21st Century and Aquatic Entomology in East Asia. Proceedings of the 1st Symposium of Aquatic Entomologists in East Asia. The Korean Society of Aquatic Entomology, Korea: 45–53. PDF  
  Siphlonurus chankae  
  Siphlonurus immanis   
  Siphlonurus palaearcticus  

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Review of the tropical Southeast Asian Ephemera (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Aquatic Insects 30(2): 105–126. PDF


Ephemera annandalei
Ephemera duporti
Ephemera expectans
Ephemera formosana
Ephemera hainanensis

Ephemera innotata nom.dub.
Ephemera javana nom.dub.
Ephemera longiventris

Ephemera mccaffertyi sp. n.
Ephemera pulcherrima
Ephemera purpurata
Ephemera quadrigutata

Ephemera rufomaculata
Ephemera sauteri
Ephemera serica
Ephemera spilosa

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Molecular phylogeny evidence of altitudinal distribution and habitat adaptation in Korean Ephemera species (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Entomological Research (Seoul) 43( 1): 40–46.
  Ephemera orientalis  
  Ephemera sachalinensis  
  Ephemera strigata  
  Ephemera separigata  

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