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Atalophlebia versicolor Atalophlebia dentata Atalophlebia cruentata Atalophlebia nodularis Atalophlebia ? sp.n. |
Deleatidium vernale sp.n. Deleatidium lillii Deleatidium autumnale sp.n. Deleatidium fumosum sp.n. Deleatidium myzobranchia sp.n. |
Deleatidium cerinum sp.n. Deleatidium (Atalophlebioides) sepia sp.n. Deleatidium (Atalophlebioides) cromwelli sp.n. |
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Oniscigaster wakefieldi Oniscigaster intermedius Oniscigaster distans |
Ameletus ornatus Ameletus flavitinctus Ameletopsis perscitus |
Atalophlebia versicolor Atalophlebia cruentata |
Deleatidium vernale Deleatidium myzobranchia Deleatidium lillii |
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I. Ephemera 1. E. vulgata 2. E. Danica 3. E. glaucops sp.n. 4. E. guttata sp.n.
II. Palingenia 1. P. virgo 2. P. puella sp.n. 3. P. limbata 4. P. albicans 5. P. indica sp.n. 6. P. dorsalis 7. P. longicauda |
III. Baetis 1. B. fluminum sp.n. 2. B. venosa 3. B. cyanops sp.n. 4. B. montana sp.n. 5. B. purpurascens sp.n. 6. B. lateralis sp.n. 7. B. semicolorata 8. B. semitincta sp.n. 9. B. obscura 10. B. cerea sp.n. 11. B. sulphurea 12. B. flaveola sp.n. 13. B. guttata sp.n. 14. B. australasica sp.n. |
IV. Potamanthus 1. P. Ferreri sp.n. 2. P. luteus 3. P. marginatus 4. P. Geerii 5. P. castaneus sp.n. 6. P. brunneus sp.n. 7. P. cinctus 8. P. erythrophthalmus 9. P. gibbus sp.n. 10. P. aeneus sp.n. 11. P. ? inanis sp.n. |
V. Cloë 1. C. bioculata 2. C. Rhodani sp.n. 3. C. fuscata 4. C. pumila 5. C. transludica sp.n. 6. C. alpina sp.n. 7. C. melanonyx sp.n. 8. C. litura sp.n. 9. C. fasciata sp.n. 10. C. undata sp.n. 11. C. diptera |
VI. Caenis 1. C. lactea 2. C. grisea sp.n. 3. C. argentata sp.n. 4. C. varicauda sp.n. 5. C. luctuosa 6. C. oophora sp.n.
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