| |||||
arb.sig. | ABC |
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Fulletomimus Hagenulodes Maheathraulus Masharikella |
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Maheathraulus scotti
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Neampia (Goa) natans subgen.sp.n. |
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Notachalcus corbassoni gen.sp.n. |
Ounia loisoni gen.sp.n. Ounia hyalina sp.n. |
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Kariona quinta
Papposa hirsuta gen.sp.n.
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Leptohyphidae: Coryphorus
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Tricorythidae: Dicercomyzinae
Teloganodinae: Teloganella
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Lepegenia lineata gen.sp.n. |
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bishopi sp.n.
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demoilini nom.n. = T. maculatus
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