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Baetis rhodani
= B. wallengreni = B. gemellus
Ephemerella ignita = E. torrentium
Ameletus inopinatus = A. alpinus
Clieon soimile = C. praetextum
Paraleptophlebia submarginata
Caenis undosa
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Ephemera vulgata
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Baetis rhodani
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# _ !?!
Reproductive system and mating in Ephemeroptera. // Opuscula Entomol. 22 (1): 1–37.
Ephemera danica
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Parameletus chelifer
Campsurus signatus
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Baetis rhodani
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costalimai sp.n.
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The sperm of Hexagenia (Pseudeatonica) albivitta Walker (Ephemeroptera: Fossoriae: Ephemeridae).
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Characteristics of the male reproductive system and spermatozoa of Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera).
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Miroculis amazonicus
Massartela brieni
Farrodes carioca
Miroculis mourei
Brito P. & Salles F.F. &
Dolder H. 2012 ' + #
Morphology of male reproductive systems in Ephemeroptera: intrinsic musculature.
// Neotropical Entomology 41(4): 306–310. PDF
Miroculis amazonicus
Farrodes carioca
Asthenopus curtus
Lachlania sp.
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Îðãàíèçàöèÿ ïîëåòíîé ñèñòåìû ïîäåíêè Ephemera
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[Brodsky A.K.] Áðîäñêèé À.Ê.
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çèí:ï327, ï153 --- Entomological Revue 1971. 50(1): 24–29 (English translation) .
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--- Entomological Review
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Ýâîëþöèÿ êðûëîâîãî àïïàðàòà ïîäåíîê (Ephemeroptera).
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[Brodsky A.K.] Áðîäñêèé
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+ # _
Êèíåìàòèêà êðûëüåâ ïîäåíîê è àíàëèç
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[Aerodynamic peculiarities of the flight of insects. IV.
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[Brodsky A.K. & Ivanov V.D.] Áðîäñêèé
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Àýðîäèíàìè÷åñêèå îñîáåííîñòè ïîëåòà
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[Brodsky A.K. & Ivanov V.D.] Áðîäñêèé
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[Aerodynamic aspects of insect flight. Part 3.
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Brodsky K.A. 1930:681-720.
* ' + °
Zur Kenntnis der mittelasiatischen Ephemeropteren. I. (Imagines). // Zoologische Jahrbücher
(Syst.) 59: 681–720. PDF
Palingenia longicauda Leptophlebia sp.? Ephemerella submontana sp.n. Caenis ulmeri sp.n. Baetis issyksuvensis sp.n. |
Baetis transiliensis sp.n. Baetis mycetopis sp.n. Baetis heptapotamicus sp.n. Cloeon zimini Cloeon tadjikistanicus sp.n. |
Ameletus alexandrae sp.n. Heptagenia perflava sp.n. Iron montanus sp.n. var. montana var.n. Iron montanus var. nigromaculata var.n. Iron montanus var. intermedia var.n. |
Iron montanus var. minuta var.n. Iron rheophilus sp.n. Rhithrogena tianshanica sp.n. Ecdyonurus rubrafasciatus sp.n. |
[Brodky K.A.] Áðîäñêèé Ê.À.
1930:31-40. * + °
Ê ïîçíàíèþ ïîäåíîê (Ephemeroptera) Þæíîé Ñèáèðè. [Contributions to the
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Îáîçðåíèå [Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie = Revue Russe d'Entomologie]
24(1–2): 31–40. PDF
çèí:ï0327, ñ406/29
Ephemera modesta sp.n. Siphlonurus linneanus Ametropus eatoni sp.n. Cinygma pellucida sp.n. |
Rhithrogena sibirica sp.n. Rhithrogena lepnevae sp.n. Ecdyonurus fuscogriseus |
[Brodsky K.A.] Áðîäñêèé Ê.À.
1935. + °
Ìàòåðèàëû ê ïîçíàíèþ ôàóíû áåñïîçâîíî÷íûõ
ãîðíûõ ïîòîêîâ Ñðåäíåé Àçèè. I Ðåêà Èññûê. [Contribution to the knowledge of invertebrate fauna of the mountain streams of Central Asia]
// Òðóäû Ñðåäíåàçèàòñêîãî Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî Óíèâåðñèòåòà
[Acta Universitatis Asiae Mediae] (ñåð. 8-à. Çîîëîãèÿ) 15: 1–112.
çèí:0473, ñ685/65/15
Brongniart C. 1886. †
The fossil insects of the primary group of rocks: a rapid
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Brongniart C. 1893 [1894]. + †
Recherches pour servir à l'histoire des Insectes
fossiles des temps primaires. // Bulletin de la Société Industriale et Minerale
7: 124–615, pl.17–53. --- Also published as Recherches pour servir à l'histoire des
Insectes fossiles des temps primaires précédées d'une étude sur la nervation
des ailes des Insectes. Thèses présentées a la Faculté des Sciences de Paris
pour obtenir le Grade de Docteur Es- Sciences Naturelles. 493 pp. (All page and
plate citations in this paper refer to the Thèses, since this is the only form
of this work usually available.) çèí:ë96
Guernei sp.n.
Blanchardia pulchella gen.sp.n.
Brooker M.P. & Morris D.L. 1978. +
Production of two species of Ephemeroptera (Ephemerella
ignita Poda and Rhithrogena semicolorata Curtis) in the upper
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Potamanthus luteus (Linnaeus) (Ephemeroptera: Potananthidae) in the river
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Brown D.S. 1960. + # _
The ingestion and digestion of algae by Chloeon dipterum
L. (Ephemeroptera). // Hydrobiologia 16: 81–96.
Brown D.S. 1961. + # _
The food of the larvae of Chloeon dipterum L. and Baetis
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Brown D.S. 1961. + # _
The morphology and functioning of the mouthparts of Chloeon dipterum L. and Baetis
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Brown D.S. 1961. + _
The life cycle of Chloeon dipterum L. (Ephemeroptera:
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Brown D.S. 1964. ' + # _
The morphology and functioning of the mouthparts of Chloeon dipterum L.
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Bruggen A.C. van. 1954. * ' +
Caenis demoulini, a new ephemeropteron from
Thailand. // Zoologische Mededelingen 33: 11–15. PDF
Bruggen A.C. van. 1955. (-) #
De terminologie van de aanhangsels van het abdomen bij
de Ephemeroptera. // Entomologische Berichten 15: 310–311.
Bruggen A.C. van. 1957. * ' +
On two species of mayflies from the Wissel Lakes,
Central New Guinea (Ephemeroptera). // Nova Guinea, New Series 8: 31–39. PDF
Cloeon papuanum
Cloeon navasi nom.n. = C. apicatum Navas 1933 nec
Tasmanocoenis novaeguineae sp.n.
Bruggen A.C. van. 1960. * ' +
On the generic position of Cloeon papuanum van
Bruggen, 1957 (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). // Nova Guinea, Zoology 2: 15–21. PDF
Brulin M. 2004. ' +
Description complémentaire de la larve de Rhithrogena strenua
Thomas, 1982 et données écologiques [Ephemeroptera,
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Brulin M. 2004. !!
Inventaire des Éphémères de France: liste des espèces.
2. Compléments et situation en 2004 [Ephemeroptera]. Ephemera (2003)
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Brulin M. 2004. !!
Les Éphémerès de France: deuxième complément
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Brulin M. 2005. * ' +
Description complémentaire de la larve de Rhithrogena kimminsi
Thomas, 1970 [Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae]. // Ephemera (2004) 6(1): 11–20.
Brulin M. 2006(2007). !!
Distributional atlas of the mayflies of France. Part 1: All families except for Baetidae and Heptageniidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera).
// Ephemera 8(1): 1–73.
Brulin M. 2007. ?? °
Ephemeroptera: Focus on Caenis. // Insectes 144(1e): 29–33.
Brulin M. 2009(2010) !!
Atlas de distribution des Ephemeres de France. 2eme partie : famille des Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera).
[Distributional atlas of the mayflies of France. Part 2: family Heptageniidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera).]
// Ephemera 11(2): 71–133
Brulin M. 2010(2011). !!
Atlas de distribution des Ephemeres de France. 3eme partie : families des Ametropodidae et des Baetidae (Ephemeroptera).
[Distributional atlas of the Mayflies of France. Part 3: families Ametropodidae and Baetidae
(Insecta, Ephemeroptera).] // Ephemera 12(2): 65–109
Brulin M. 2012 !!
Inventaire des Ephemeropteres, Plecopteres et Trichopteres de France. [Inventory of the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera of
France.] // Insectes 166: 13–15
Brulin M. 2015. * ' +
Additions à la faune des Éphémères de France (15): Acentrella
inexpectata (Tshernova, 1928) [Ephemeroptera, Baetidae]. // Ephemera (2014)
16(1): 13–17. PDF
Brulin M. & Masselot G. 2002. !!
Inventaire des Éphémères de France: liste des expèces.
1. Situation en 2002 [Ephemeroptera]. // Ephemera (2001) 3(1): 15–25.
Brulin M. & Masselot G. &
Stochitch J.-J. & Thomas A. & Ferlin P. 1999. !!
Les Éphémères de Normandie (France) 1. Premiers résults
faunistiques [Ephemeroptera]. // Ephemera 1(1): 45–60.
Brulin M. & Pochet C. 2005. !!
Inventaire des Éphémères dan un département
subissant des effets anthropiques marqués, les Yvelines: premiers résultats
[Ephemeroptera]. // Ephemera (2003) 5(2): 111–130.
Brulin M. & Stochitch J.-J.
& Le Doare J. 2007(2008) !!
Les ephemeres de Normandie (France): 2. Complements a l'inventaire de 1999, principalement en Basse-Normandie (Ephemeroptera).
[Mayflies of Normandy (France): 2. Further records, mainly in western Normandy (Ephemeroptera).]
Ephemera 9(2): 95–117
Brulin M. & Thomas A. & Masselot
G. & Coppa G. 1997. * +
Additions to the Ephemeroptera
fauna of Fance (2): Baetis liebenauae Keffermuller, 1974 and its ecology.
// Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 133: 35–37.
Brulin M. & Thomas A. & Nel
A. & Nel J. 1999. +
Additions a la faune des Ephemeres de France (4). Ecdyourus zelleri
(Eaton 1885) [Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae]. // Ephemera 1(1): 29–30.
Brusca R.C. 1971. * ' +
A new species of Leptohyphes from Mexico
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alleni sp.n.
Brusca R.C. & Allen R.K. 1973. *
A new species of Choroterpes from Mexico
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oaxacaensis sp.n.
Buffagni A. 1992. +
Baetis liebenauae Keffermueller, 1974
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Bollettino (Turin) 10(2): 333–340.
Buffagni A. 1997:VIII.Conf.Eph.. !!
Mayfly community composition and the biological quality of
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' +
Taxonomic and faunistic notes of the Caenis
pseudorivulorum-group (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae). // In: Landolt P. & Sartori M.
(eds). Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Biology-Ecology-Systematics.
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August 1995, Lausanne, Switzerland). Mauron+Tinguely & Lacht SA, Fribourg /
Switzerland: 434–438. PDF
Caenis pseudorivulorum
Caenis belfiorei stat.n.
Buffagni A. 1998. +
Heptagenia longicauda, nuova per l'Italia, nel fiume
Po (Ephemeroptera Heptageniidae). // Boll. Soc. Entomol Ital. 130: 3–16.
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Tassonomia, faunistica ed ecologia di alcune specie
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Entomologica 31: 1–13. PDF
Caenis beskidensias
Caenis pseudorivulorum
Caenis pusilla
Buffagni A. 2001. !!
The use of benthic invertebrate production for the
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Linking Hydrology and aquatic ecology. IAHS Publ. 266: 31–41.
Buffagni A. & Belfiore C. 1995. !!
Recenti sviluppi delle ricerche tassonomiche e
faunistiche sugli Efemerotteri italiani (Ephemeroptera). // Atti XVII Congr. naz.
ital. Entomol., Udine: 174–178.
Buffagni A. & Belfiore C. &
Erba S. & Kemp J.L. & Cazzola M. 2003. !!
A review of
Ephemeroptera species distribution in Italy: Gains from recent studies and areas
for future focus. // In: Gaino E. (ed). Research update on
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Buffagni A. & Comin E. 2000. !!
Secondary production of benthic communities at the
habitat scale as a tool to assess ecological integrity in mountain streams. // Hydrobiologia
422/423: 183–195.
Buffagni A. & Crosa G. & Marchetti R. 1995.
* +
Size related shifts in the physical
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Ecdyonurus sp. gr. venosus
Buffagni A. & Desio F. 1998. *
Ephemera zettana Kimmins, 1937 in Italia
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20: 167–171.
Buffagni A. & Gomba T. 1996. +
Larval development and ecology of Baetis
liebenauae Keffermüller (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in a north Italian
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Bulánková E. &
Beracko P. & Derka T. 2013. +
Occurrence of protected species (Gomphus flavipes, Odonata, Palingenia
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[Buldovsky A.T.] Áóëäîâñêèé
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Î íîâûõ ôîðìàõ ñåì. Palingeniidae (Ephemeroptera) èç
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Nauk SSSR = Bull. Acad.
Sci. URSS]: 831–836. PDF
natans gen.sp.n.
Anagenesia paradoxa sp.n.
[Buldovsky A.T.] Áóëäîâñêèé
À.Ò. 1935:151-166. * ' +
Íîâûå ïðåäñòàâèòåëè ñåì. Palingeniidae (Ephemeroptera) èç
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family Palingeniidae (Ephemeroptera) from the Far East of the USSR]. //
Âåñòíèê ÄÂÔ ÀÍ ÑÑÑÐ [Vestnik Dalnevostochnogo Filiala Akademii Nauk SSSR
= Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch of Akad. Sci. USSR]
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natans gen.sp.n.
Anagenesia paradoxa sp.n.
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Ê áèîëîãèè Anagenesia paradoxa mihi (Ephemeroptera). [Biology of
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