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references: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
McCafferty W.P.
McCafferty W.P. 1968:293. *
' + °
A new genus and species of Ephemeridae
(Ephemeroptera) from Madagascar. // Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation
80(11): 293. PDF ηθν:θο199
Fontainica josettae
McCafferty W.P. 1968:358-359. *
' + °
The mayfly genus Hexagenia in Mexico
(Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washington 70(4): 358–359. PDF
Hexagenia limbata
McCafferty W.P. 1970. *
' + °
Neotropical nymphs of the genus
Hexagenia. // Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society 5: 224–228. PDF
Hexagenia (Pseudeatonica) albivitta
McCafferty W.P. 1971:45-51
* ' + _
New genus of mayflies from eastern North
America (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 79(4): 45–51.
PDF ηθν:θο697
McCafferty W.P. 1971:57-62
* ' + °
New burrowing mayflies from Africa
(Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Journal of the Entomological Society of South
Africa 34:
57–62. PDF
Eatonica crassi
Ephemera mooiana sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. 1972. '
+ _
Pentageniidae: a new family of
Ephemeroidea (Ephemeroptera). // Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society
51–56. PDF ηθν:νες
McCafferty W.P. 1973:49-67. *
' + °
Systematic and zoogeographic aspects of
Asiatic Ephemeridae (Ephemeroptera). // Oriental Insects 7(1):
49–67. PDF ηθν:θο2616
Eatonigenia indica
Eatonigenia seca sp.n.
Eatonigenia trirama sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. 1973:351-352. *
' + _
Commentary on the genus Ichthybotus (Ephemeridae)
and the misplaced I. dodecus Dubey. // Oriental Insects 7(3): 351–352. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1975:447-504. *
' + °
The burrowing mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeroidea) of the United
States. // Transactions of the American Entomological Society 101: 447–504. PDF
Dolania americana Potamanthus diaphanus Potamanthus distinctus Potamanthus ineqialis Potamanthus myops Potamanthus neglectus |
Potamanthus rufeus Potamanthus verticis Potamanthus walkeri Ephemera blanda Ephemera compar Ephemera guttulata |
Ephemera simulans Ephemera traverae Ephemera triplex Ephemera varia Hexagenia atrocaudata Hexagenia bilineata |
Hexagenia limbata Hexagenia munda Hexagenia rigida Litobranchia recurvata Pentagenia robusta Pentagenia vittigera |
Ephoron album Ephoron leucon Campsurus decoratus Tortopus circumfluus Tortopus incertus Tortopus primus |
McCafferty W.P. 1975:224. *
' + _
A new synonym in Potamanthus (Ephemeroptera:
Potamanthidae. // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 77(2):
224. PDF ηθν:θο341
Potamanthus verticis = P. betteni
McCafferty W.P. 1975:294-306. ? °
Institutional insect collections in Indiana. // Proceedings
of the Indiana Academy of Science (1974) 84: 294–306.
McCafferty W.P. 1977:881-889. *
' + °
Biosystematics of Dannella and related subgenera
of Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). // Annals of the
Entomological Society of America 70(6): 881–889. PDF
Ephemerella (Dannella) lita Ephemerella (Dannella) provonshai sp.n. Ephemerella (Dannella) simplex Ephemerella (Timpanoga) hecuba |
Ephemerella (Attenella) margarita Ephemerella (Attenella) attenuata Ephemerella (Eurylophella) funeralis Ephemerella (Eurylophella) bicolor |
McCafferty W.P. 1977:350-358. *
' + °
Newly associated larvae of three species of Heptagenia
(Ephemeroptea: Heptageniidae). // Journal of the Georgia Entomologica Society
12(4): 350–358. PDF
Heptagenia minerva
Heptagenia persimplex
McCafferty W.P. 1978:137-138. *
' + _
A natural subgeneric classification of Ephemerella
bartoni and related species (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). // Great
Entomologist 11(3): 137–138. PDF
(Eurylophella) bartoni
McCafferty W.P. 1978:37-43. !! °
Pre-management assessment of aquatic macroinvertebrates in a small,
sedimentary drainage area of the Maumee and Lake Erie basin. // Great Lakes
Entomologist 11(1): 37–43.
McCafferty W.P. 1979:II.Conf.Eph.:45–50. * +
Evolutionary trends among the families of
Ephemeroidea. // In: Pasternak K. & Sowa R. (eds). Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Ephemeroptera,
Polish Acad. Sci., Lab. Water Biol., 23–26 August 1975. Panstwowe
Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa – Krakow: 45–50. ηθν:θο807
McCafferty W.P. 1979:443-446. * +
Variants of Hexagenia s.s. species
affecting subgeneric diagnosis (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washinton
81(3): 443–446. PDF ηθν:θο341
Hexagenia munda
Hexagenia pseudeatonica
McCafferty W.P. 1981:512-515. *
' + °
A distinctive new species of Stenonema
(Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from Kentucky and Missouri. // Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington 83(3): 512–515. PDF
Stenonema bednariki
McCafferty W.P. 1981:138-140. *
+ _
Distinguishing larvae of North American Baetidae from
Siphlonuridae (Ephemeroptera). // Entomological News 92(4): 138–140. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1982:227-229. *
' + °
A new species of Nixe from Indiana
(Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). // Great Lakes Entomologist 15(4): 227–229.
Nixe flowersi
McCafferty W.P. 1984:789. *
' + _
A new synonym in Hexagenia (Ephemeroptera:
Ephemeridae). // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 86(4):
789. PDF
Hexagenia limbata = H. munda
McCafferty W.P. 1984:125-128. *
The relationship between North and Middle American Stenonema
(Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). // The Great Lakes Entomologist 17(3): 125–128.
mexicanum mexicanum
Stenonema mexicanum integrum
McCafferty W.P. 1985:381-386. *
+ °
The Ephemeroptera of Alaska. // Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington 87(2): 381–386. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1985:421-425. *
' + °
New spiny crawlers from headwaters of the Savannah River
(Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washinton 87(2): 421–425. PDF
Ephemerella floripara
McCafferty W.P.
1985:9-11. * + °
New records of Ephemeroptera from Middle America. // Int. Quart. Entomol. 1(1):
9–11. PDF
Baetis quilleri Baetodes tritus Baetodes caritus |
Lachlania abnormis Terpides
jessiae |
Farrodes sp.n. Thraulodes packeri Thraulodes zonalis |
Borinquena (Australophlebia) spp.n. Epeorus metlacensis Campsurus cuspidatus |
Leptohyphes peterseni Leptohyphes nigropunctatum |
McCafferty W.P. 1987. *
+ †
New fossil mayfly in amber and its
relationships among extant Ephemeridae (Ephemeroptera). // Annals of the Entomological Society of
America. 80(4): 472–474. PDF
Denina dubiloca
McCafferty W.P. 1988. * +
Neotype designation for Raptoheptagenia cruentata
(Walsh) (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). // Proccedings of the Entomological Society
of Washington 90(1): 97. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1989. *
' + _
Characterization and relationships of the
subgenera of Isonychia (Ephemeroptera: Oligoneuriidae). // Entomological News
100(2): 72–78. PDF ηθν:θο184
subgen. Isonychia
subgen. Borisonycha subgen.n.
subgen. Prionoides
McCafferty W.P. 1990. ' + °
A new species of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera:
Heptageniidae) from North Carolina. // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washington 92(4): 760–764. PDF
Stenonema lenati
McCafferty W.P. 1990. * + °
Biogeographic affinities of the Ephemeroptera of the
Black Hills, South Dakota. // Entomological News 101(4): 193–199. ηθν:θο184
McCafferty W.P. 1990. *
' + †
Chapter 2. Ephemeroptera. // In: Grmaldi D.A. (ed.). Insects from the Santana
formation, Lower Cretaceous of Brazil. // Bulletin of the American
Museum of Natural History 195: 20–50. PDF
Protoligoneuria limai = Palaeobaetodes costalimae Siphgondwanus occidentalis gen.sp.n. Siphlonuridae (?) sp.1, sp.2, sp.3 Colocrurinae subfam.n. Colocrus indivicum gen.sp.n. Australiphemera relevata gen.sp.n. |
Microphemera neotropica gen.sp.n. Pristiplocia rupestris gen.sp.n. Ephemeroidea sp.1, sp.2 Leptophlebiidae (?) sp.1, sp.2, sp.3 incertae sedis sp.1, sp.2 |
McCafferty W.P. 1991:343-360. * ' +
Toward a phylogenetic classification of
the Ephemeroptera (Insecta): A commentary on systematics. // Annals of the
Entomological Society of America 84(4): 343–360. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1991:VI.Conf.Eph.. *
' + _
The cladistics, classification, and
evolution of the Heptagenioidea (Ephemeroptera). // In: Alba-Tercedor J.
& Sanchez-Ortega A. (eds.). Overview and strategies of Ephemeroptera
and Plecoptera (Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Ephemeroptera & 10th Int. Symp.
Plecoptera, 24–30 July 1989, Granada, Spain), Sandhill Crane Press,
87–102. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1991:205-214. * ' +
Comparison of Old and New World Acanthametropus
(Ephemeroptera: Acanthametropodidae) and other psammophilous mayflies. //
Entomological News 102(5): 205–214. PDF
Acanthametropus pecatonica
McCafferty W.P. 1991:179-181. * ' +
Synopsis of the Oriental mayfly genus Eatonigenia
(Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Oriental Insects 25:
179–181. PDF
Eatonigenia chaperi Eatonigenia chinei Eatonigenia indica |
Eatonigenia philippina Eatonigenia seca Eatonigenia trirama |
McCafferty W.P. 1992:135-138. ' + °
Ephemerella apopsis, a new species from Rocky
Mountain high (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). // Entomological News 103(4): 135–138.
McCafferty W.P. 1992:71-78. ' + °
New larval descriptions and comparisons of North
American Choroterpes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). // Great Lakes
Entomologist 25: 71–78. PDF
Choroterpes albiannulata
Choroterpes fusca
McCafferty W.P. 1992:133-134. ' + °
The sand-dwelling predatory mayfly Pseudiron
centralis in Michigan (Ephemeroptera: Pseuironidae). // Great Lakes
Entomologist 25: 133–134. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1993:235-239. ' + °
Commentary on Drunella tuberculata and Procloeon
pennulatum (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae; Baetidae) in North Carolina. // Entomological News
104(5): 235–239. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1994:177. !! °
Additions and corrections to the Ephemeroptera of
Alaska. // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 96: 177.
McCafferty W.P. 1994:1-13. ' + °
Distributional and classificatory supplement to the
burrowing mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeroidea) of the United States. // Entomological News
105(1): 1–13. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1994:217-221. ?? °
New records of Ephemeroptera in Utah, with notes on
biogeography. // Entomological News 105: 217–221.
McCafferty W.P. 1996:230-232. *
' + _
Emendations to the Callibaetis (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae) of South America. // Entomological News 107(4): 230–232. PDF
opacus = zonalis = amoenus = apertus = depressus = sobrius = vitreus
Callibaetis fasciatus = C. trifasciatus
Callibaetis pollens
McCafferty W.P. 1996:1-54. (+)
' °
The Ephemeroptera species of North America and index to
their complete nomenclature. // Transactions of the American Entomological Society
122(1): 1–54. PDF ηθν:θο421
ferrugineus hageni = C. americanus syn.n.
Camelobaetidius arriaga = C. chiaps = C. jenseni synn.n.
Isonychia sicca = I. edmundsi syn.n.
Tortopus puella = T. incertus syn.n.
Lachlania saskatchewanensis = L. powelli syn.n.
McCafferty W.P. 1996:61-63. (-)
The mayflies of North America online. // Entomological News 107(1): 61–63. ηθν:θο184
McCafferty W.P. 1997:77-82. * ' + °
Discovery and analysis of the oldest
mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) known from amber. // Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de
Toulouse 133: 77–82. PDF ηθν:θο132
poinari gen.sp.n.
Baetidae sp.1
McCafferty W.P. 1997:89-117. * !! °
Ephemeroptera. // In: Nomina Insecta
Nearctica, a checklist of the insects of North America. Vol. 4:
Non-holometabolous orders. Entomological Informational Service, Rockville,
Maryland: 89–117. ηθν:θο1323
McCafferty W.P. 1997:318,320. *
' + °
Name adjustments and a new synonym for North American
Ephemeroptera species. // Entomological News 108(4): 318, 320. PDF
Drunella wayah = D. tuberculata
McCafferty W.P. 1998:1-20. !! °
Ephemeroptera and the great American interchange. // Journal of the North American Benthological Society
17: 1–20.
McCafferty W.P. 1998:266-268. '
!! °
Additions and corrections to Ephemeroptera species of
North America and index to their complete nomenclature. // Entomological News
109(4): 266–268. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1999:187-189. * ' +
Acerpenna thermophilos, comb.n. (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae). // Entomological News 110(3): 187–189. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 1999:1-22. '
+ °
Biodiversity and biogeography: Examples from global
studies of Ephemeroptera. // Proceedings of the Symposium on Nature Conservation
and Entomology in the 21st Century, the Entomological Society of Korea 1999: 1–22.
McCafferty W.P. 1999:191. * ' +
Distribution of Siphlaenigmatidae (Ephemeroptera). // Entomological News
110(3): 191. PDF ηθν:θο184
Siphlaenigma janae = S. edmundsi
McCafferty W.P. 1999:136. * ' +
Reinstatement of two junior secondary homonyms in the
family Baetidae (Ephemeroptera). // Entomological News 110(2): 136. PDF
Plauditus parvulus
= Baetis armillatus
Plauditus cingylatus
= Baetis cinctus
McCafferty W.P.
2000:157-161. * + °
A hierarchical classification of the Timpanoginae
(Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) and description of a new species from Quebec. //
Annales de Limnologie 36(3): 157–161. PDF ηθν:θο2353
trubus Attenelini tr.n. Attenella |
Eurylophellini tr.n. |
tribus Timpanogini gen. Timpanoga gen. Dannella stat.n. |
McCafferty W.P.
2000:265-269. *
' + °
A new Nearctic Apobaetis (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae). // Entomological News 111(4): 265–269. PDF
lacota sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. 2000:375-379. * ' +
Notations on South American Baetidae (Ephemeroptera). // Entomological News
111(5): 375–379. PDF ηθν:θο184
angolina comb.n.
McCafferty W.P. 2000:311-312. ?
Reporting species record data. // Entomological News 111: 311–312
McCafferty W.P. (2000)2001:65-72. * ' + °
New Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Lake Malawi. // Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse
(2000) 136: 65–72. PDF ηθν:νες
; αΰν:II 1194
littorale sp.n.
Maliqua abdullahi sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. 2001:121-122. *
' +
Notes on distribution and orthography associated with
some poorly known North American mayflies (Ephemeroptera). // Entomological News
112(2): 121–122. PDF ηθν:θο184
Baetis rusticans
Ephemerella moffatae
Paraleptophlebia calcaria
McCafferty W.P. 2001:210-218. ' +
Status of some historically unfamiliar American mayflies
(Ephemeroptera). // Pan-Pacific Entomologist 77(3): 210–218. PDF
McCafferty W. P. 2002. * ' + °
Gose's African ephemeroptera (Baetidae,
Heptageniidae). // Entomological News 113(5): 294–302. PDF
gosei sp.n.
Dicentroptilum imanishii sp.n.
Tanzaniella gorillora sp.n.
Afronurus sp., sp.
McCafferty W.P. 2003. ' + _
New nomenclatural applications for certain African
Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera). // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washington 105(3): 792–793. PDF
bequaerti comb.n.
Thalerosphyrus njalensis comb.n.
Thalerosphyrus tortinervis comb.n.
Thalerosphyrus longinosi nom.n.
McCafferty W.P. 2004:1-9. * ' + _
Contribution to the systematics of Leucrocuta, Nixe,
and related genera (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). // Transactions of the American
Entomological Society 130(1): 1–9. PDF ηθν:θο421
Siberionurus gen.n.
Ecdyonurus = Afghanurus = Paracinygmula = Akkarion
McCafferty W.P. 2004:84-92. * ' +
Higher classification of the burrowing mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Scapphodonta).
// Entomological News 115(2): 84–92. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 2006:738. ' +
New synonym and western range extension for Heterocloeon anoka (Daggy)
(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washington 108(3): 738. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 2006:248. ' + °
Rediscovery of Fallceon eatoni (Kimmins) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). //
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 108(1): 248. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 2007:4-8. ' + °
Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of Yellowstone
National Park, U.S.A. // Check List (2006) 3(1): 4–8. PDF
McCafferty W. P.
2007:259-260. ' + °
Revalidation of Fallceon sonora (Allen and Murvosh), n. comb. (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae). // Proceedings of the Entomological
Society of Washington 109(1): 259–260. PDF
W.P. 2007:696-699. ' + °
Moribaetis mimbresaurus, new species (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae): first
representative of the genus north of Mexico. // Proceedings of the Entomological
Society of Washington 109(3): 696–699. PDF
McCafferty W.P. 2007:735-736. ' + _
Two new species synonyms in North American Baetis Leach (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae). // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109(3): 735–736.
McCafferty W.P. 2007:311-312. + °
Orthography and distribution of Paraleptophlebia packii (Ephemeroptera:
Leptophlebiidae) in western North America. Entomological News 118(3): 311–312.
McCafferty W.P. 2008. + °
A newly named species of Fallceon Waltz and McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Mexico.
// Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 110(2): 519–520.
Fallceon sageae
McCafferty W.P. 2009. !!??
New state and provincial North American records for 100 Ephemeroptera species.
// Transactions of the American Entomological Society (Philadelphia) 135(3): 353–368.
McCafferty W.P. 2010. ?? + °
A new species of Maccaffertium Bednarik (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from the Southeastern USA.
// Transactions of the American Entomological Society (Philadelphia) 136 (3–4):
Maccaffertium appaloosa sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. 2011:11-14. ' + °
A new genus and species of small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from
far northern North America. // Transactions of the American Entomological
Society 137: 11–14. PDF
Kirmaushenkreena zarankoae gen.sp.n.
McCafferty W. P.
2011:1-10. !!??
Notable new North and Central American records of Ephemeroptera species. // Transactions of the American Entomological Society 137:
McCafferty W.P. 2011:317-327.
' + °
New Mexican and Central American Ephemeroptera records, with first species checklists for Mexican
states. // Transactions of the American Entomological Society 137: 317–327. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Bae Y.J. 1990. *
' + _
a new genus for North American species previously known as Potamanthus (Ephemeroptera:
Potamanthidae). // Entomological News 101(4): 200–202. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Bae Y.J. 1992:27-34. *
+ _
Filter-feeding habits of the larvae of Anthopotamus
(Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae). // Annales de Limnologie 28(1): 27–34.
McCafferty W.P. & Bae Y.J. 1992:169-171. *
' + _
Taxonomic status of historically confused
species of Potamanthidae and Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera). // Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington 94(1): 169–171. PDF
flaveola [Ephemera]
verticis [Baetis]
flaveola [Baetis]
McCafferty W.P. & Bae Y.J. 1994. *
Life history aspects of Anthopotamus verticis
(Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae). // Great Lakes Entomologist 27(2): 57–67.
McCafferty W.P. & Barber-James
H.M. 2005. * ' + _
Tanzaniops, replacement name for
certain African Baetidae (Ephemeroptera). // Proceedings of the Entomological
Society of Washington 197: 238. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Baumgardner D.E. 2003. *
' + °
Lugoiops maya, a new genus and
species of Ephemeroptera (Baetidae) from Central America. // Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington 105: 397–406. PDF ηθν:νες
McCafferty W.P. & Baumgardner D.E.
& Guenther J.L. 2004. ' + °
The Ephemeroptera of
Central America. Part 1: Guatemala. // Transactions of the American Entomological
Society 130(2–3): 201–219. PDF ηθν:θο421
pacaya sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. & Benstead J.P 2002. * ' + °
Cladistic resolution and ecology of the Madagascar genus Manophyphella Allen
(Ephemeroptera: Teloganodidae). //
Annales de Limnologie 38(1): 41–52. PDF ηθν:θο2353
animosa sp.n.
Manohyphella spyxia sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. & Bloodgood D.W. 1985. *
+ °
A case of albinism in Ephemeroptera. // Entomological News 96(3): 119–120.
McCafferty W.P. & Bloodgood D.W. 1986. *
Gynandromorphism and differential molting
in a mayfly (Ephemeroptera). // Entomological News 97(2): 57–60.
Ephoron leucon
McCafferty W.P. & Bloodgood D.W. 1989. *
' + _
female and male coupling apparatus in Tortopus mayflies. // Aquatic
Insects 11(3): 141–146. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Davis J.R. 1992. !! °
New and additional records of small minnow
mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Texas. // Entomological News 103(5): 199–209.
McCafferty W.P. & Davis J.R. 2001. '
+ °
Texas Caeninae (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae), with
description of a new species. // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washington 103(2): 349–355. PDF
Caenis arwini sp.n.
McCafferty W.P.
& Davis J.R. & Webb J.M. 2006. !! °
New and notable records of flatheaded mayfly species (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from Texas, U.S.A.
// Entomological News 117(3): 272–275.
McCafferty W.P. & De Moor F.C.
1995:VII.Conf.Eph.. * + °
South African Ephemeroptera: problems and
priorities. // In: Corkum
L. & Ciborowski J. (eds.). Current directions in research on Ephemeroptera.
(Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Ephemeroptera, 3–6 August 1992,
Orono, Maine, USA). Canadian Scholars' Press, Toronto: 463–476. PDF
varius |
patriciae |
McCafferty W.P. & Durfee R.S.
& Kondratieff B.C. 1993. !! °
Colorado mayflies
(Ephemeroptera): an annotated inventory. // Southwestern Naturalist 38(3): 252–274.
McCafferty W.P. & Edmunds G.F., Jr. 1973. *
' + °
Subgeneric classification of Ephemera (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Pan-Pacific Entomologist
49(4): 300–307. PDF ηθν:θο323
subgen. Ephemera
subgen. Dicrephemera subgen.n.
subgen. Aethephemera subgen.n.
McCafferty W.P. & Edmunds G.F., Jr. 1976:486-490. * ' +
Redefinition of the family Palingeniidae and its implication for higher
classification of Ephemeroptera. // Annals of
the Entomological Society of America. 69(3): 486–490. PDF
subfam. Pentageniinae
McCafferty W.P. & Edmunds G.F., Jr. 1976:189-194. * ' + °
The larva of the Madagascar genus Cheirogenesia Demoulin
(Ephemeroptera: Palingeniidae). // Systematic Entomology 1:
189–194. PDF
decarayi = Fontainica josettae
McCafferty W.P. & Edmunds G.F., Jr. 1979. *
' + _
The higher classification of the Ephemeroptera and its evolutionary basis. // Annals of the Entomological Society of
America 72(1): 5–12. PDF
PANNOTA Caenoidea Prosopistomatoidea |
McCafferty W.P. & Edmunds G.F., Jr. 1997.
* ' + _
Critical commentary on the genus Siphlonisca
(Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae). // Entomological News 108(2): 141–147. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Flowers R.W.
& Waltz R.D. 1992. * ' + °
The biogeography of Mesoamerican
mayflies. // In: Quintero D. & Aiello A. (eds.). Insects of
Panama and Mesoamerica. Oxford Univ. Press: 173–193. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Gillies M.T. 1979. *
' + °
African Ephemeridae. // Aquatic Insects 1(3): 169–178. PDF
Afromera evae sp.n. Afromera congolana Afromera aequatorialis Afromera natalensis |
Ephemera mooiana Eatonica crassi Eatonica schoutedeni |
McCafferty W.P. & Heth R.K.
& Waltz R.D. 1997. * + °
The Ephemeroptera of Spring Creek,
Oklahoma, with remarks on notable records. // Entomological News 108(3): 193–200.
McCafferty W.P. & Hubbard T. 1998. + °
Additions to Iowa mayflies (Ephemeroptera). // Entomological News 109(4): 268.
McCafferty W.P. & Hubbard T.
& Klubertanz T.H. & Randolph R.P. & Birmingham M. 2003. !! °
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Great Plains. II: Iowa. // Transactions of the
American Entomological Society 129: 77–105.
McCafferty W.P. & Hubbard T.
& Webb J.M. 2006. ' + °
Insecta, Ephemeroptera: range
extensions and new Iowa state records. // Check List 2(1): 40–41. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Huff B.L., Jr. 1974. *
+ # °
Parthenogenesis in the mayfly Stenonema
fermoratus (Say) (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). // Entomological News
85(3): 76–80. ηθν:θο184
McCafferty W.P. & Huff B.L., Jr. 1978. *
+ °
The life cycle of the mayfly Stenacron
interpunctatum (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). // Great Lakes Entomologist
11(4): 209–216.
McCafferty W.P. & Jacobus L.M. 2001.
* ' + °
Revisions to Plauditus cestus and P.
gloveri (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Entomological News 112(5): 305–310. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Jacobus L.M.
2006. * ' + °
A new Oriental species of Behningia
Lestage (Ephemeroptera: Behningiidae). // Journal of Insect Science 6(47): 1–4.
McCafferty W.P.
& Jacobus L.M. 2008. !!
Insecta, Ephemeroptera, Baetidae: Range extensions and new state records from
Kansas, U.S.A. // Check List 4(2): 92–97.
McCafferty W.P. & Jacobus L.M.
& Wang T.-Q. 2003. ' + _
Phylogenetics and the
reconfirmation of Dentatella Allen (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). // Proceedings of the Entomological
Society of Washington 105(3): 786–788. PDF
McCafferty W. P. & Jacobus L.M.
& Webb J.M. & Meyer M.D. 2008. !! °
Insecta, Ephemeroptera: range extensions and new records for Ontario and Canada.
// Check List 4(4): 445–448.
McCafferty W.P. & Klubertanz T.H. 1994. '
+ °
Camelobaetidius (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae) in Indiana and Iowa: new species and range extension. // Proceedings of
the Entomological Society of Washington 96(1): 37–43. PDF
Camelobaetidius waltzi sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. & Klubertanz T.H.
& Randolph R.P. & Provonsha A.V. & Lawson H.R. &
Kondratieff B.C. 2001. !! °
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Great Plains. I: Nebraska. // Transactions of the American Entomological Society
127(1): 5–29.
McCafferty W.P. & Kondratieff B.C.
1999:190-191. *
+ °
Additions to the South Dakota
Ephemeroptera. // Entomological News 110(3): 190–191.
McCafferty W.P. & Kondratieff B.C.
1999:217-220. '
+ °
New species of Paraleptophlebia
(Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from Idaho and Washington. // Entomological News
110(4): 217–220. PDF
jenseni sp.n.
Paraleptophlebia traverae sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. & Lenat D.R. 2003. *
' + °
A new Nearctic Paracloeodes
(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Entomological News 114(1): 33–36. PDF
fleeki sp.n.
Paracloeodes minutus
McCafferty W.P. & Lenat D.R.
2010 ' + °
Maccaffertium wudigeum, a new species of Ephemeroptera (Heptageniidae)
from North Carolina. // Transactions of the American Entomological Society 136 (1–2):
185–187. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Lenat D.R.
& Jacobus L.M. & Meyer M.D. 2010. !! °
The mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Southeastern United States. // Transactions of the American Entomological Society (Philadelphia)
136(3–4): 221–233.
McCafferty W.P. & Lugo-Ortiz C.R. 1992. '
+ °
Registros nuevos y notas sobre los
Ephemeroptera de Nicaragua. // Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 19: 1–7. PDF
Caenis diminuta latina subsp.n.
Callibaetis montanus
McCafferty W.P. & Lugo-Ortiz C.R. 1994. '
+ _
Taxonomic status of three species of Fallceon
(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Entomological News 105(3): 161–163. PDF
nikitai sp.n.
Fallceon eatoni
Fallceon poeyi
McCafferty W.P. & Lugo-Ortiz C.R. 1995. *
' + °
Cloeodes hydation, n.sp.
(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae): an extraordinary, drought tolerant mayfly from
Brazil. // Entomological News 106(1): 29–35. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Lugo-Ortiz C.R.
1996:133-145. ' + °
Ephemeroptera. // In: Bousquets J.L. & Garcia Aldrete A.N.
& Gonzalez Soriano E. (org.). Biodiversidad,
taxonomía y biogeografía de artrópodos de México: hacia una síntesis de su
conocimiento. Ed.1 Mexico, D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México: 133–145. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Lugo-Ortiz C.R.
1996:19-28. *
Los efemerópteros (Ephemeroptera) de América
Central. // Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 35: 19–28. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Lugo-Ortiz C.R.
1998:117-121. ' + °
The adult of Moribaetis macaferti
(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Entomological News 109(2): 117–121. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Lugo-Ortiz C.R.
& Barber-James H.M. 1997. * ' + _
Micksiops, a new
genus of small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Africa. // Entomological News
108(5): 363–366. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Lugo-Ortiz C.R.
& Jacobi G.Z. 1997. ' + °
Mayfly fauna of New Mexico. // Great Basin Naturalist 57(4): 283–314. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Lugo-Ortiz C.R.
& Provonsha A.V. & Wang T.Q. 1997. ? °
Los Ephemeroptera
de México. I. Clasificación superior, diagnósticos de familias y composición.
// Dugesiana 4(2): 1–29.
McCafferty W.P. & MacDonald J.F. 1994. + °
New records of Ephemeroptera in Utah, with
notes on biogeography. // Entomological News 105(4): 217–221.
Choroterpes inornata
McCafferty W.P. & Mauremootoo J.R. 2001. ' + °
The first mayfly taken from the Island of Mauritius [Ephemeroptera, Baetidae]. // Ephemera (2000) 2(2):
105–111. PDF
Cloeon madhouae
McCafferty W.P. & Meyer M.D.
2007:737-738. + °
An extreme range extension and disjunction for the Ephemeroptera family
Potamanthidae in North America. // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washington 109(3): 737–738.
McCafferty W.P. & Meyer M.D.
2007:51-54. !! °
Insecta, Ephemeroptera: Transcontinental range
extensions in western North America. // Check List 3(1): 51–54.
McCafferty W.P. & Meyer M.D.
2007:523-524. + °
Confirmation data for three species of mayflies in the State of Washington,
U.S.A. (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae, Ephemeridae, Heptageniidae). //
Entomological News 118(5): 523–524.
McCafferty W.P. & Meyer M.D.
2008. !! °
South Carolina Mayflies (Ephemeroptera). // Transactions of the American
Entomological Society 134(3–4): 283–335.
McCafferty W.P. & Meyer M.D.
& Lester G.T. 2002. * + °
Significant range extensions for southwestern Nearctic mayflies (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae). // Entomological News 113(3): 211–214. ηθν:θο184
McCafferty W.P. & Meyer M.D.
& Randolph R.P. & Webb J.M. 2008. ' + °
Evaluation of mayfly species originally described as Baetis Leach (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae) from California. // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washington 110(3): 577–591. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Meyer M.D.
& Webb J.M. & Jacobus L.M. 2004. * +
New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies
(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Entomological News 115(2): 93–100.
McCafferty W.P. & Morihara D.K. 1979. *
' + # °
The male of Baetis macdunnoughi Ide
and notes on parthenogenetic populations within Baetis (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae). // Entomological News 90(1): 26–28. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Newell R.L.
2007. ' + °
Insecta, Ephemeroptera: Range extensions and new state records from far western
Montana, U.S.A. // Check List 3(3): 260–266. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Pereira C. 1984. *
+ °
Effects of developmental thermal regimes on
two mayfly species and their taxonomic interpretation. // Annals of the
Entomological Society of America 77: 69–87.
Stenacron interpunctatum
McCafferty W.P. & Provonsha A.V. 1975. *
' + _
Reinstatement and biosystematics of Heterocloeon
McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Journal of the Georgia Entomological
Society 10: 123–127. PDF
Heterocloeon curiosum = Rheobaetis traverae
Heterocloeon petersi
McCafferty W.P. & Provonsha A.V. 1978. *
+ °
The Ephemeroptera of mountainous Arkansas. // Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
51(3): 360–379.
McCafferty W.P. & Provonsha A.V. 1984. *
' + °
first adult of Spinadis (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). //
Entomological News 95(5): 173–179. PDF
Spinadis ? wallacei
McCafferty W.P. & Provonsha A.V. 1985. *
' + °
Systematics of Anepeorus (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). // The Great
Lakes Entomologist 18(1): 1–6. PDF
Anepeorus rusticus
McCafferty W.P. & Provonsha A.V. 1986. *
' + _
Comparative mouthpart morphology and evolution of the carnivorous Heptageiidae
(Ephemeroptera). // Aquatic Insects 8(2):
83–89. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Provonsha A.V. 1988. *
' + _
Revisionary notes on predaceous
Heptageniidae based on larval and adult associations (Ephemeroptera). // The Great
Lakes Entomologist 21(1): 15–17. PDF
Anepeorinae Anepeorus
simplex = Spinadis wallacei |
Heptageniinae Raptoheptagenia |
McCafferty W.P. & Provonsha A.V. 1993. '
+ °
New species, subspecies, and stage
descriptions of Texas Baetidae (Ephemeroptera). // Proceedings of the Entomological
Society of Washington 95(1): 59–69. PDF
Baetodes bibranchius sp.n.
Baetodes alleni sp.n.
Procloeon texanum sp.n.
Callibaetis montanus punctilusus subsp.n.
Camelobaetidius mexicanus
McCafferty W.P. & Randolph R.P. 1998. !! °
Canada mayflies: a faunistic compendium. // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario
129: 47–97. ηθν:θο361
McCafferty W.P. & Randolph R.P. 2000. *
' + °
Further contributions to the spatulate
clawed Baetidae (Ephemeroptera). // Entomological News 111(4): 259–264. PDF
kickapoo sp.n.
Camelobaetidius musseri = C. sinaloa
McCafferty W.P. & Randolph R.P. 2009.
!! °
Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of Nevada, United States of America. // Check List 5(1):
McCafferty W.P. & Randolph R.P.
& Jacobus L.M. 2012. !!
Mayflies of the Intermountain West. // Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute (Gainesville) 85:
i–vi, 1–317.
McCafferty W.P. & Santiago-Blay
J. A. 2008. ?? +
A new Cretaceous mayfly from Burmese amber (Ephemeroptera: Australiphemeridae).
// Entomological News 119(5): 492–496.
myanmarensis gen.sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. & Silldorff E.L. 1998. ' + °
Reared association and equivalency of
Baetis adonis and B. caelestis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Entomological
News 109(4): 261–265. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Sinitshenkova N. 1983. *
' + †
Litobrancha from the Oligocene
in eastern Asia (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). // Annals of the Entomological
Society of America 76(2): 205–208. PDF
palaearctica sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. & Stark B.P.
& Provonsha A.V. 1990. (-)
Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and
Odonata. // In: M. Kosztarab and C. W. Schaefer (eds). Systematics of the North American Insects and
Arachnids: Status and Needs. Virginia
Agricultural Experiment Station Information Series 90-1. Balcksburg: Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University: 43–58.
McCafferty W.P. & Sun L. 2005. *
' + °
Mystaxiops: a new genus of small minnow
mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Papua New Guinea. // Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington 107: 536–542. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Waltz R.D. 1986. *
' +
Baetis magnus, new species, formal new
name for Baetis sp.B of Morihara and McCafferty (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae). // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 88(3): 604.
PDF ηθν:θο341
McCafferty W.P. & Waltz R.D. 1987. *
' +
Baetis caelestis Allen and Murvosh, an
available name for Baetis sp.A of Morihara and McCafferty
(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washington 89(4): 659. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Waltz R.D. 1990. *
' + °
Revisionary synopsis of the Baetidae
(Ephemeroptera) of North and Middle America. // Transactions of the American
Entomological Society 116(4): 769–799. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Waltz R.D. 1995. *
' + °
Labiobaetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae): new status, new North American species, and related new genus. // Entomological
News 106(1): 19–28. PDF
apache sp.n.
Cymulabaetis gen.n.
McCafferty W.P. & Waltz R.D. 1998. *
' + °
A new species of the small minnow mayfly genus
Plauditus (Ephemeroptera : Baetidae) from South Carolina. // Entomological
News 109(5): 354–356. PDF
gloveri sp.n.
McCafferty W.P. & Waltz R.D.
& Webb J.M. 2009. * ' + °
Acentrella nadineae, a new species of small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera:
Baetidae). // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 111(1): 12–17.
McCafferty W.P. & Waltz R.D.
& Webb J.M. & Jacobus L.M. 2005. * ' +
Revision of Heterocloeon
McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Journal of Insect Science 5(35): 1–11.
McCafferty W.P. & Wang T.-Q. 1994:569–579. * ' +
Phylogenetics and the classification of the Timpanoga complex
(Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). // Journal of the North American
Benthological Society 13(4): 569–579. PDF
Attenella |
Eurylophella subgen. Dentatella |
Timpanoga sub gen. Dannella subgen. Timpanoga |
McCafferty W.P. & Wang T.-Q. 1994:209–215. * ' +
Relationships of the genera Acanthametropus, Analetris, and
Siphluriscus, and re-evaluation of their higher classification. // The Great Lake
Entomologist 27(4): 209–215. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Wang T.-Q. 1995. *
' + °
A mew
genus and species of Tricorythidae (Ephemeroptera: Pannota) from Madagascar. // Annales de
Limnologie 31(3): 179–183. PDF
Provonshaka thomasorum
McCafferty W.P. & Wang T.-Q. 1997. *
+ _
Phylogenetic systematics of the family Teloganodidae (Ephemeroptera: Pannota).
// Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums
(Natural History) 19(9): 387–437. PDF ηθν:νες
Austremerellinae subfam.n. Austremerella |
Teloganodinae Ephemerellina Nadinella Lithogloea Lestagella Macafertiella Teloganodes |
McCafferty W.P. & Wang T.-Q. 1998. *
' + _
New name
for a generic homonym in Teloganodinae (Ephemeroptera). // Entomological News 109(5): 344.
PDF ηθν:θο184
McCafferty W.P. & Wang T.-Q. 2000. *
' + _
Phylogenetic systematics of the major lineages of pannote mayflies
(Ephemeroptera: Pannota). // Transactions of the American
Entomological Society 126(1): 9–101. PDF ηθν:θο421
superfam. Caenoidea Neoephemeridae Caenidae subfam. Caeninae subfam. Madecocercinae subfam.n. subfam. Brachycercinae |
superfam. Ephemerelloidea Ephemerellidae - subfamm. Ephemerellinae, Timpanoginae Austremerellidae Teloganodidae Teloganellidae fam.n. Ephemerythidae Machadorythidae Tricorythidae - subfamm. Tricorythinae, Dicercomyzinae Leptohyphidae |
McCafferty W.P. & Webb J.M. 2006. '
+ °
Insecta, Ephemeroptera: range extensions and
new Alabama state records. // Check List 2(1): 6–7. PDF
McCafferty W.P. & Wigle M.J.
& Waltz R.D. 1994. * ' + °
Systematics and biology of Acentrella
turbida (McDunnough) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Pan-Pacific Entomologist
70(4): 301–308. PDF ηθν:θο323
turbida = Pseudocloeon carolina
Acentrella insignificans
Acentrella ampla
Acentrella lapponica