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Caenis moesta
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Arthroplea congener
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Prispevek k rozsireni, systematice, vyvoji a ekologii druhu Habrophlebia
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Comparative anatomy of mayfly larvae
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Ecdyonurus submontanus, Heptagenia quadrilineata,
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Ecdyonurus samalorum sp.n. E. lateralis E. concii |
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Siphlonurus alternatus Siphlonurus lacustris Baetis fuscatus Baetis vernus Baetis sp.I, sp.II |
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Cinygmula kaszabi sp.n. Ecdyonurus joernensis Heptagenia flava Heptagenia sp. Rhithrogena bajkovae |
Rhithrogena lepnevae Rhithrogena sibirica Rhithrogena sp. Ephemerella ignita Ephemerella mucronata |
Ephemerella sp. Drunella submontana Caenis horaria Caenis robusta = miliaria Caenis jungi |
Ephoron nigridorsum Ephemera strigata Ephemera orientalis Potamanthus luteus |
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