

[1] Larva

[2] Subimago & imago

[3] Egg

[1.1] Head [1.2] Thorax [1.3] Abdomen [2.1] Head [2.2] Thorax [2.3] Abdomen



[3.1] Viviparity

— present: part of Turbanoculata (VAR) {Callibaetis/fg2 (3), Cloeon/fg3 (3), Oculogaster (1)} 

[3.2] Shape of egg:

— biconvex lens: part of Ameletus/fg2 (), Prionoides (2), Palingenia/f3=g2 (7), Araucophlebia (3)

— concave-convex: Campsurus/fg2 (3)

— with tail: Ephemerythus (1)

[3.3] Chorion sculpture

— absent:  

— present: Acentrella/fg1 (12)

— longitudinal ridges: Brachycercus/f1=g3 (6)

— polygonal: Eurylophella/fg2 (2)

broken ridges forming crowns around papillae: Choroterpes/g1 () 

longitudinal sinuous ridges and alternating cross-ridges: Thraulus/g? ()

[3.4] Anchor or its vestige (except for polar structures)

— rough spot formed by apices of threads: Siphlonurus/fg1 (2)

— thread, coiled under knob: Branchitergaliae (not all) (4)

— mushroom-like: Discoglossata (11)

— skein of threads, surrounds knob: Potamanthus/fg1 (5), Ephemerella/fg1 (not all) (14)

— flat spiral: Afronurus/g1 (not all) (2)

— lamellate: Palingenia/f3=g2 (not all) (7)

[3.5] Number of polar caps or anchors (see [3.6])

— 2: Stenacron (1), [Classifications of Furcatergaliae I] (4), Potamanthus/fg1 (5), part of Euthyplocia/fg1 (VAR), Eopolymitarcys (2), part of Campsurus/fg1 (VAR) {part of Asthenopus/fg1 (P)}, Caenotergaliae (not all) (8), part of Ephemerella/fg1 (14) {Tricorythopsis (4)}

— 1: Ametropus (10), [Classifications of Furcatergaliae I ] (2), part of Euthyplocia/fg1 (VAR), Polymitarcys/f3=Ephoron/g4 (2), part of Campsurus/fg1 (WAR) {part of Campsurus/fg2 (3)}, Caenotergaliae (not all) (8) {Brachycercus/f1=g3 (6)}, Ephemerella/fg1 (not all) (14) {Ephemerythus/fg1 (1)}

— absent: part of Campsurus/fg2 (3), Caenotergaliae (not all) (8), Ephemerella/fg1 (not all) (14) {Eurylophella/fg2 (2)}

[3.6] Structure of polar cap or anchor (see [3.5])

— long threads coiled on pole: Stenacron (1), part of Euthyplocia/fg1 (VAR), part of Campsurus/fg1 (WAR) {part of Asthenopus/fg1 (P), part of Campsurus/fg2 (3)}, part of Caenotergaliae (8)

— cap with integral external surface: [Classifications of Furcatergaliae I] (4), Potamanthus/fg1 (5), part of Euthyplocia/fg1 (VAR), part of Campsurus/fg1 (WAR) {part of Campsurus/fg2 (3)}, Caenotergaliae (not all) (8), Ephemerella/fg1 (not all) (14)

— bunch of folded threads with knobs: Ametropus (10)

— cap bearing threads with knobs: Polymitarcys/f2=Ephoron/g3 (5) {Eopolymitarcys (2), Polymitarcys/f3=Ephoron/g4 (2)}