


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna Bidentiseta Furcatergaliae  
Fimbriatotergaliae Fossoriae Cryptoprosternata Polymitarcys/f1=Ephoron/g2  
Campsurus/fg1 - Asthenopus)

Nomen hierarchicum: Asthenopus/fg1 [f:1954; g:1871] (incl. Povilla, Asthenopodes, Languidipes

In circumscription fits:

— subfam. Asthenopodinae Edmunds & Traver 1954a:239

— Asthenopus/fg1: Kluge 2004: 266

Nominal taxa included:

Povilla/g [g:1912] 

Asthenopodes/g [g:1924]

Languidipes/g [g:1984]

References. Ulmer 1916 (Povilla): '; – Needham & Murphy 1924: '; – Ulmer 1939 (Povilla): (L)'; – 1942: ; – Spieth 1943: ; – Traver 1950: ; – Demoulin 1956c (Povilla): '; – 1966a: ; – Edmunds & Allen & Peters 1963: *; – Roback 1966: '; – Hubbard 1984 (Povilla): ' '; – Dominguez 1988: ; – Hubbard & Dominguez 1988: ; – Kluge 2004: * * * *

Autapomorphies of Asthenopus/fg1.

(1) Mandibular tusks [see Campsurus/fg1 (1)] are specialized as biting: not long, very thick and stout, with serrate inner margin; these tusks resemble mandibular incisors of other biting insects (Kluge 2004: Fig.79:C–D).

(2) Larval claw of fore leg [see Campsurus/fg1 (6)] has a row of denticles on inner margin (while claws of middle and hind legs have no denticles). Unique apomorphy: in all other Fossoriae denticles on all claws are absent; in that Ephemeroptera where denticles are present, they are developed on all legs.

Plesiomorphies of Asthenopus/fg1. On fore wing CuA is not so strongly curved as in Campsurus/fg2, thus both intercalaries of cubital field [see Campsurus/fg1 (5)] go nearly parallel to basitornal margin and terminate near or anteriad of tornus (Kluge 2004: Fig. 79:A). Unlike Campsurus/fg2, genitals retain small median styliger, which is articulated to posterior margin of sternite IX and bears immobile gonostyli pedestals [narrow basally – see Polymitarcys/f1=Ephoron/g2 (7)]; penial arms retain lateral articulations with posterior-lateral angles of tergite IX; gonostyli pedestals retain muscles, which move gonostyli [non-segmented – see Campsurus/fg1 (10)]. In spite of short-living specialization of adult [see Polymitarcys/f1=Ephoron/g2 (3)], moult from subimago to imago takes place not only in male, but in female as well. Unlike Campsurus/fg2, egg has a usual ellipsoid shape; long threads being coiled, can either form two polar caps, or cover the whole egg surface (Koss & Edmunds 1974: Fig.211–214). Vestige of tergalius I [see Cryptoprosternata (6)] is bilamellate.

Size. Fore wing length 8–20 mm.

Distribution. Afrotropical, Oriental and Neotropical Regions.

Nominal species in Asthenopus/fg1:

adusta Navás 1912 [Povilla] — typus nominis Povilla ,, typus

 amazonicus Hagen 1888 [Campsurus] — syn.subj. curta [Palingenia]

andamanensis Hubbard 1984 [Povilla (Povilla)]

 angelae De-Souza & Molineri 2012 [Asthenopus]

 cambodjensis Ulmer 1920 [Povilla]

chumuco Molineri & Salles & Peters 2015 [Asthenopodes]

 corporaali Lestage 1922 [Asthenopus]

 crenulatus Molineri & Cruz & Emmerich 2011 [Asthenopus] — typus nominis Hubbardipes

 curta Hagen 1861 [Palingenia] — typus nominis Asthenopus exuv.;,-,//

 gilliesi Domínguez 1988 [Asthenopus] — typus nominis Priasthenopus

 guarani Molineri & Salles & Peters 2015 [Asthenopus]

 heardi Hubbard 1984 [Povilla (Povilla)] ,,,

 hubbardi Molineri & Salles & Peters 2015 [Asthenopus]

 janae Hankel & Molineri 2024 [Languidipes]

 junki Hubbard 1984 [Povilla (Povilla)] — syn.subj. heardi [Povilla]

 lithophagus Bolotov & Kondakov & Potapov & Palatov & Spitsyn (in Bolotov & Kondakov & Potapov & Palatov & Lunn & Bovykina & Chapurina & Kolosova & Spitsyna & Spitsyn & Lyubas & Gofarov & Vikhrev & Yapaskurt & Bychkov & Pokrovsky) 2022 [Languidipes]

 magnus Molineri & Salles & Peters 2015 [Asthenopus]

 paraguarius Navás 1920 [Campsurus]

picteti Hubbard 1975 [Asthenopodes]

 taprobanes Hubbard 1984 [Povilla (Languidipes)]

traverae Molineri & Salles & Peters 2015 [Asthenopodes]

ulmeri Hubbard 1984 [Povilla (Povilla)] — syn.subj. heardi [Povilla]

See also:

Campsurus/fg1 INCERTAE SEDIS