

[1] Larva

[2] Subimago & imago

[3] Egg

[1.1] Head [1.2] Thorax [1.3] Abdomen [2.1] Head [2.2] Thorax [2.3] Abdomen

(brief index of characters distribution in taxa of Ephemeroptera)

In detail about these characters see in the characteristics of the taxa: number in brackets corresponds to a number of autapomorphy or character of unclear phylogenetic status, "(P)" means that the character is placed in a list of plesiomorphies without a number, "VAR" means that the character is placed in a list of variable characters without a number. Mark "... (not all)" means that this is possibly initial (and not unique) condition of the character in this taxon; mark "part of ..." means that this is secondary (and not unique) condition of the character in this taxon (for more exact explanations of each case see in the taxa characteristics). Taxon name in brackets: { ... } – taxon (or taxa) subordinate to the previous one.

Characters are given in the following direction:

[1] Larva
    [1.1] Head and its appendages
                  Eyes [1.1.6-7]
                  Antennae [1.1.8-11]
                  Mouth apparatus [1.1.12-59]
    [1.2] Thorax and its appendages
                  Prothorax [1.2.2-3]
                  Mesothorax and fore protoptera [1.2.4-8]
                  Metathorax and hind protoptera [1.2.9-10]
                  Legs [1.2.11-53]
    [1.3] Abdomen and its appendages 
                  Lateral margins [1.3.1-2]
                  Terga [1.3.3-5]
                  Sterna [1.3.6-8]
                  Selected abdominal segments [1.3.9-18]
                  Tergalii [1.3.19-59]
                  Genital buds [1.3.60]
                  Segment X and caudalii [1.3.61-62] 
                  Caudalii [1.3.63-67]
[2] Subimago and imago 
    [2.1] Head and its appendages 
                  Eyes [2.1.2-5]
    [2.2] Thorax and its appendages 
                  Prothorax [2.2.1-2]
                  Mesothorax [2.2.3-25]
                  Metathorax [2.2.26]
                  Wings [2.2.27-72]
                  Legs [2.2.73-87]
    [2.3] Abdomen and its appendages 
Abdominal segments I–VIII [2.3.1-5]
                  Abdominal sternum IX [2.3.6-7]
                  Gonostyli [2.3.8-14]
                  Penis [2.3.15-17]
                  Segment X and caudalii [2.3.18]

                  Caudalii [2.3.19-22]
[3] Egg