Typified names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Acercaria Börner 1904
NOMEN: Acercaria Börner 1904 [C. Börner. Zur Systematic der Hexapoden. – Zool. Anz., 1904, 27: 511-533] |
MEMBERSHIP (Börner 1904):
Panpsocoptera (= Copeognatha + Mallophaga + Siphunculata) +
+ Arthroidignatha (= Cicadina + Psyllidae + Aleyrodidae + Aphididae
+ Phylloxeridae + Coccidae + Sandaliorrhyncha + "Heteroptera")
[+ Conorrhyncha (see COMMENT)] |
= Anurota Chen 1962 |
NON-MONOSEMANTIC CIRCUMSCRIPTIONAL SYNONYMS (with uncertain position of Zoraptera): = Panhomoptera Crampton 1918 s.str. (see COMMENTS) = Paraneoptera
Martynov 1923
s.str. |
TYPIFIED NAME IN BASIC FORMAT: Pediculus/f=Cicada/g (sine Zorotypus) TYPIFIED NAMES IN USE: |
COMMENTS: The name Acercaria should be regarded as fitting in circumscription the taxon uniting Panpsocoptera, Thysanoptera and Arthroidignatha only, in spite of the fact that originally Acercaria included also a taxon Conorrhyncha Börner 1904 (Thaumatoxenia/fg1), which recently is attributed to Diptera. Thaumatoxenia Breddin & Börner 1904 was at that time newly discovered and not investigated enough; Börner (1904) at first placed Thaumatoxenia into the order Arthroidignatha (which was named "Rhynchota") in his Condylognatha, in his Acercaria, in his "Hemimetabola"; this should be regarded as an error, but not an opinion about classification. In the subsequent paper (Börner 1907) he moved Thaumatoxenia to the order Diptera. When the taxon Acercaria was established, the taxon Zoraptera Silvestri 1913 was not discovered yet, so it was not indicated neither as included, nor as excluded from Acercaria; judging by its original diagnosis and name, the taxon Acercaria should be regarded as excluding Zoraptera, because Zoraptera is characterized by presence of cerci. Thus, the names Anurota Chen 1962, Acercarida Boudreaux 1979 and Hemineoptera Kukalova-Peck & Brauckmann 1992 (which were given to a taxon excluding Zoraptera) should be regarded as junior monosemantic circumscriptional synonyms of Acercaria. The names Panhomoptera Crampton 1918 and Paraneoptera Martynov 1923 can be attributed either to a taxon including Zoraptera, or to a taxon excluding Zoraptera; in the last case the names Panhomoptera s.str. and Paraneoptera s.str. are junior non-monosemantic circumscriptional synonyms of Acercartia. |