Typified names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Polyneoptera Martynov 1923
NOMEN: Polyneoptera Martynov 1923: 89 [А.В. Мартынов. О двух основных типах крыльев насекомых и их значении для общей классификаци насекомых. – Труды I Всероссийского съезда зоологов, анатомов и гистологов в Петрограде 15-21.XII.1922 г., 1923: 88-89] |
Pandictyoptera (= Blattopteroidea) + Saltatoria (= "Orthoptera")
+ Dermatoptera + Plecoptera + Embiodea; |
SENIOR CIRCUMSCRIPTIONAL SYNONYM: = Diplomerata Borner 1904 (non Kirby 1892) |
NON-MONOSEMANTIC CIRCUMSCRIPTIONAL SYNONYMS (distinctly excluding Zoraptera): = Orthopteradelphia Crampton 1924 = Polynephridia Lameere 1936 |
NON-MONOSEMANTIC CIRCUMSCRIPTIONAL SYNONYMS (distinctly including Zoraptera): = Polyneopterata Boudreaux 1979 |
TYPIFIED NAME IN BASIC FORMAT: Gryllus/f=Forficula/g (incl. Embia, Perla, Blatta) TYPIFIED NAME IN USE (Rohdendorf 1977): Gryllones |
MODERN STATUS: the valid, the oldest non-preoccupied name of a widely accepted plesiomorphon. |
COMMENT. Originally (Martynov 1923, 1924) systematic position of Thysanoptera was not determined, and Martynov did not exclude possibility of its including into Polyneoptera. Later he (Martynov 1938) included Thysanoptera not into Polyneoptera, but into Paraneoptera. In modern literature the taxon which includes all Martynov's Paraneoptera, invariantly includes Thysanoptera also, so the name Polyneoptera should be regarded as monosemantically fitting the taxon excluding Thysanoptera. Originally (Martynov 1923, 1924) the taxon Polyneoptera did neither include, nor exclude Zoraptera, which were not mentioned. Thus, the name Polyneoptera can be applied both to the taxon including Zoraptera (Polyneoptera s.l. = Urota Chen 1962) and to the taxon which does not include Zoraptera (Polyneoptera s.str.). |