Typified names:


f: Scolopendrides Leach 1814 (familia 21)
g: Scolopendra Linnaeus 1758: 637 (genus 242), typus Scolopendra morsitans Linnaeus 1758 (design. ICZN 1957: Opinion 454)



Julus/f=Scolopendra/g (incl. Peripatus/fg)


Scolopendra/fg (incl. Scutigera/fg, Lithobius/fg, Geophilus/fg)




taxa above Myriapoda:

[Julus/f=Scolopendra/g] (incl. Peripatus) = Opisobantes Haeckel 1896 = Isozonata Haeckel 1896

taxa of Myriapoda:

Julus/f1=Scolopendra/g1 (incl. Scolopendrella) = Polypoda Lamarck 1801 = Myriapoda Latreille 1802 = Millepeda Leach 1814 = Myriapodia Rafinesque 1815 = Stigmatopnea Goldfuss 1820 = Tracheales Burmeister 1830

Julus/f=Scolopendra/g~ (sine Scolopendrella) = Monomalata Sharov 1966

[Julus/f=Scolopendra/g] (sine Polyzonium, Siphonophora) = Gnathogena Brandt 1841 = Manducantia Brandt 1841

[Scolopendra/fg] (incl. Scolopendrella) = Homopoda Pocock 1893 = Atelopoda Boudreaux 1979

taxa of Chilopoda:

Scolopendra/f1=g2 (sine Julus; incl. Scutigera, Lithobius, Geophilus) = Syngnatha Latreille 1802 = Chilopoda Latreille 1817 = Chilopodea Pearce 1936

Scolopendra/f2=g3 (sine Scutigera; incl. Lithobius, Geophilus) = Aequipedes Latreille 1825 = Holotarsia Brandt 1841 = Artiostigma Pocock 1896 = Geophiloda Haeckel 1896 = Pleurostigmophora Verhoeff 1901 = Pleurostigma Pocock 1902 = Tracheata Chalande 1903

Scolopendra/fg~ (sine Craterostigmus; incl. Lithobius, Geophilus) = Amalpignatha Wolfe & Daley & Legg & Edgecombe 2016

Scolopendra/f3=g4 (sine Lithobius; incl. Craterostigmus, Geophilus) = Phylactometria Edgecombe & Giribet 2004 = Ovoconnecta Prunescu 2006

Scolopendra/f4=g5 (sine LithobiusCraterostigmus, ; incl. Geophilus) = Epimorpha Haase 1880 = Epimorphia Pearce 1936

[Scolopendra/fg] (sine Geophilus; incl. Lithobius, Scutigera) = Heteroterga Ax 1999

[Scolopendra/fg] (sine Geophilus; incl. Lithobius) = Horizopoda Brandt 1841

Scolopendra/f5=g6 (sine Geophilus, Lithobius) = Oligostigmata Silvestri 1895



Scolopendra morsitans Linnaeus 1758

(photo N.Kluge; Australia)