

Plesiomorphon Pseudocentroptiloides/g2

(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna pm.Tridentiseta  
Tetramerotarsata Liberevenata Turbanoculata
 Anteropatellata Cloeon/fg1 Procloeon/g1 Pseudocentroptiloides/g1 -pm.Pseudocentroptiloides/g2)

Nomen hierarchicum: Pseudocentroptiloides/g2 [g:1987] (sine Psammonella)

In circumscription fits:

— subgenus Pseudocentroptiloides: Jacob & Glazaczow 1987: 203.


Plesiomorphies of Pseudocentroptiloides/g2. Maxilla [with transverse setal row laterad of canines – see Pseudocentroptiloides/g1 (2)] without second transverse setal row mediad of canines (unlike Securiops).

Hind wings [of the «Centroptilum-type» – see Cloeon/fg1 (9)] are present (see Index of characters [2.2.59]).

Variable characters of Pseudocentroptiloides/g2. Tergalii of known species have no dorsal lamella [see Cloeon/fg1 (5)]. Tergalius of first pair with dorsal lamella, which is figured in literature (Neizvestnova-Shadina 1931: Fig.2c) probably belongs to the similar sympatric species macronyx [Cloeon (Procloeon)].

Size. Fore wing length 4–6 mm (see Tetramerotarsata).

Distribution. Palearctic.

Nominal species in Pseudocentroptiloides/g2:

morihari Wiersema & McCafferty 1998 [Pseudocentroptiloides]

nana Bogoescu 1951 [Centroptilum]  --/

shadini Kazlauskas 1964 [Pseudocentroptilum] — typus nominis Pseudocentroptiloides — syn.subj. nana [Centroptilum]

usa Waltz & McCafferty 1989 [Pseudocentroptiloides]

Examined also: