



(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna pm.Tridentiseta  
Tetramerotarsata Liberevenata Turbanoculata  
Anteropatellata Baetovectata Baetungulata - Baetodes/g1)

Nomen hierarchicum: Baetodes/g1 [g:1924] (incl. Indobaetis, Prebaetodes)

In circumscription fits:



Autapomorphies of Baetodes/g1.

(1) Maxilla has 2 dentisetae (in contrast to other Tetramerotarsata, which retain 3 dentisetae): 1st dentiseta (most distal) is thick and adjacent to maxillary canines (as in many other Turbanoculata); 2nd dentiseta is sharply arched and pressed to the first dentiseta, so that its middle part is hidden between the first dentiseta and the canines; 3rd dentiseta is absent; setae of median-dorsal row form a compact bunch, basally adjacent to the second dentiseta and distally diverging from it (Kluge & Novikova 2014: Fig.10, 51).

(2) On fore leg of female subimago and imago 1st tarsomere is completely fused with 2nd tarsomere, so the tarsus is 4-segmented (Kluge & Novikova 2014: Fig.2-4, Fig.5), like tarsi of middle and hind legs. In other Liberevenata fore tarsus of female subimago and imago has 1st tarsomere well separated from 2nd tarsomere (Kluge & Novikova 2014: Fig.1).

(3) Larval paracercus on ventral side bears compact bunches of small setae (villarea) (Kluge & Novikova 2013: Fig.73–75). In some Baetodes/g3 paracercus is reduced to one or a few segments and have lost ventral setae.

Characters of Baetodes/g1 of unclear phylogenetic status. 

() Prostheca of right mandible is small, slender, pointed, without processes and denticles, situated fare from kinetodontium [while prostheca of left mandible has usual structure, massive, stick-form, denticulate at apex, situated close to kinetodontium – see Turbanoculata (6)] (Kluge & Novikova 2014: Fig.46-47).

() Larval claw [see Baetungulata (1)] bears a large seta on posterior-inner side (Kluge & Novikova 2014: Fig.42) (the same in some other taxa – see Index of characters [1.2.24]).

() Hind wings are lost [see Turbanoculata (10)]. Non-unique apomorphy (see Index of characters [2.2.59]).

() Paraglossae are much wider and longer than glossae. Non-unique apomorphy (see Index of characters [1.1.52]).

Plesiomorphies and variable characters of Baetodes/g1.


Size. Fore wing length 2.5–8 mm (see Tetramerotarsata).

Distribution. America (dominate in Neotropical Region).

The taxon Baetides/g1 is divided into:

1. Indobaetis

2. Prebaetodes

3. Baetodes/g2

3.1. - 

3.2. Baetodes/g3



! НЕ Lugoiops/g [g:2003]