


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna pm.Tridentiseta
 Metretopus/fg1 - Siphloplecton)

Nomen hierarchicum: Siphloplecton/fg(1) [f:1938; g:1915]

In circumscription fits:

— gen. Siphloplecton Clemens 1915: 258

— fam. Siphloplectonidae Lestage 1938a: 180

— Siphloplecton/fg(1): Kluge 2004: 87

References. Needham & Traver & Hsu 1935: * *; – Edmunds & Jensen & Berner 1976: * *; – Berner 1978: * *; – Kluge 2004: * * *; – Staniczek & Godunko 2012: .

Characters of Siphloplecton of unclear phylogenetic status.

(1) Larval abdominal terga and sterna have spine-like setae (unlike Metretopus/fg2 and Metreplecton).

(2) All tergalii, including IV–VII [see Metretopus/fg1 (3)], lack denticles (unlike Metretopus/fg2 and Metreplecton); only spine-like setae can be present.

(3) Distal segment of labial palp [2nd+3rd – see Metretopus/fg1 (2)] is widest near apex. The same in Metreplecton, probably synapomorphy. 

(4) Cubital field of fore wing usually with 4 intercalaries forming 2 pairs, among which the posterior pair arise more proximally and is the longest; in each pair the anterior intercalary (nearest to convex CuA) is concave, and the posterior intercalary (nearest to concave CuP) is convex; selected specimens have 3 intercalaries only [see Metretopus/fg1 (5)] (Berner 1978: Fig.1-5). Non-unique apomorphy; the same in Heptagennota (see Index of characters [2.2.52]).

Size. Fore wing length 9–16 mm.

Distribution. Nearctic; in fossil condition known from Palaearctic.

Nominal species in Siphloplecton/fg(1): 

barabani Staniczek & Godunko 2012 [Siphloplecton]

basalis Walker 1853 [Baetis] -,--/

brunneum Berner 1978 [Siphloplecton]

costalense Spieth 1938 [Siphloplecton]

demoulini Staniczek & Godunko 2012 [Siphloplecton]

flexus Clemens 1913 [Siphlurus] — typus nominis Siphloplecton — syn.subj. basalis [Baetis]

fuscum Berner 1978 [Siphloplecton]

gattolliati Staniczek & Godunko 2016 [Siphloplecton]

hageni Staniczek & Godunko 2012 [Siphloplecton]

interlineata Walsh 1863 [Baetis]

jaegeri Demoulin 1968 [Siphloplecton]

landolti Godunko & Neumann & Staniczek 2019 [Siphloplecton]

picteti Staniczek & Godunko 2012 [Siphloplecton]

sartorii Staniczek & Godunko 2016 [Siphloplecton]

signatum Traver 1932 [Siphloplecton — syn.subj. basalis [Baetis]

simile Berner 1978 [Siphloplecton]

speciosum Traver 1932 [Siphloplecton]

Examined also:


See also:

Siphloplecton spp.
