


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna Bidentiseta Branchitergaliae  
Eusetisura Discoglossata Geminovenata Homoeoneuria/g1 - Oligoneurisca)

Nomen hierarchicum: Oligoneurisca/g(1) [g:1938]

In circumscription fits:

— gen. Oligoneurisca Lestage 1938b: 318

— Oligoneurisca/g(1): Kluge 2004: 142

References. Tshernova 1937: ; – Keffermuller 1957: ; – Edmunds 1961: ; – Keffermuller 1964: ; – Kluge 2004: .

Autapomorphies of Oligoneurisca.

(1) Larval middle and hind legs [see Homoeoneuria/g1 (2)] are modifies: tibia is much shorter than tarsus and lacks setation; tarsus is very long, its long setae are directed proximally; claw has two rows of protuberances by sides (Kluge 2004: Fig.43:F).

Plesiomorphies of Oligoneurisca (unlike Homoeoneuria/g2). In imago: On fore wing double vein RSa+iRS is present; crossveins in area of pterostigma and between RA and RSa+iRS are present. Well-developed gonostyli with both distal segments are present. Penis without retractable processes, with medio-proximal condylus [see Geminovenata (6)].

In larva: Fore legs with a roundish vestige of claw (Kluge 2004: Fig.43:D-E). Abdominal sternum I has no finger-like process. All tergalii I–VII with developed lamellate and fibrillose lobes; lamellate lobes of tergalii II–VII are not narrowed (their width is more than 1/2 of length).

Size. Fore wing length 12 mm.

Distribution. Europe.

Nominal species in Oligoneurisca/g(1): 1 species 

borysthenica Tshernova 1937 [Oligoneuriella] ,
