

Plesiomorphon Procloeon/g2

(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna pm.Tridentiseta  
Tetramerotarsata Liberevenata Turbanoculata
Anteropatellata Cloeon/fg1 Procloeon/g1 - pm.Procloeon/g2)

Nomen hierarchicum: Procloeon/g2 [g:1915] (sine Oculogaster, Pseudocentroptiloides)

In circumscription fits:
— subgen. Procloeon: Kluge & Novikova 1992: 74

Nominal taxon included: Cloeoptilum/g (nomen nudum) 

References.  Kluge & Novikova 1992: * *; – Kluge 2016:491-516: * *

Plesiomorphies of Procloeon/g2. Mouth apparatus without modifications peculiar for Pseudocentroptiloides/g1. Unlike Oculogaster, pterostigma with several crossveins; eggs with normally developed chorion.

Variable characters of Procloeon/g2. Hind wings [of the «Centroptilum-type» – see Cloeon/fg1 (9)] are either present, or absent (see Index of characters [2.2.59]).

Size. Fore wing length 4–8 mm (see Tetramerotarsata).

Distribution. Arctogea (Holarctic, Oriental and Afrotropical Regions).

Nominal species in Procloeon/g2:

albisternum Novikova 1986 [Cloeoptilum] --/

bellum McDunnough 1924 [Centroptilum]

bifidum Bengtsson 1912 [Cloeon] — typus nominis Procloeon --/

bistrigatum Daggy 1945 [Centroptilum] — syn.subj. rufostrigatum [Centropotilum]

caspicum Sroka (in Bojková & Sroka & Soldán & Namin & Staniczek & Polášek & Hrivniak & Abdoli & Godunko) 2018 [Procloeon (Pseudocentroptilum)]

chinensis You & Gui 1995 [Centroptilum]

dacicum Bogoescu et Tabacaru 1966 [Centroptilum] — syn.subj. pulchrum [Centroptilum]

fascicaudale Sowa 1985 [Pseudocentroptilum]

forlivense Grandi 1964 [Centroptilum]

halla Bae & Park 1997 [Procloeon]  

heterophyllum Kluge & Novikova 1992 [Cloeon (Procloeon)]  --/

 hobbsi Berner 1946 [Centroptilum] — syn.subj. rufrostrigatum [Centroptilum]

infrequens McDunnough 1924 [Centroptilum] — syn.subj. pennulatum [Centroptilum]

kottagudiensis Muthukatturaja & Balasubramanian 2022 [Procloeon] — syn.subj. rubeosternum [Procloeon]

lacustre Eaton 1885 [Centroptilum] — syn.subj. pennulatum [Centroptilum]

lychnidense Ikonomov 1962 [Procloeon] — syn.subj. bifidum [Cloeon]

macronyx Kluge & Novikova 1992 [Cloeon (Procloeon)]  --/

maritimus Kluge 1983 [Centroptilum]  --/

narumonae Tungpairojwong & Bae 2015 [Procloeon] --

 nelsoni Wiersema 1999 [Procloeon]

nemorale Eaton 1885 [Centroptilum] — syn.subj. pennulatum [Centroptilum]

ornatum Tshernova 1928 [Procloeon] — syn.subj. bifidum [Cloeon]

parapulchrum Keffermuller et Sowa 1975 [Centroptilum] — syn.subj. pulchrum [Centroptilum]

pennulatum Eaton 1870 [Centroptilum]  --/

potamonensis Jacob 1973 [Centroptilum] — syn.subj. pulchrum [Centroptilum]

pseudorufulum Kimmins 1957 [Procloeon] — syn.subj. bifidum [Cloeon]

pulchrum Eaton 1885 [Centroptilum]  --/

rubeosternum Tungpairojwong & Bae 2015 [Procloeon] --/

rufostrigatum McDunnough 1924 [Centroptilum]

siamensis Tungpairojwong & Bae 2015 [Procloeon]  

spinosum Nguyen & Bae (in Tungpairojwong & Nguyen & Bae) 2006 [Procloeon] exuv.

strumiferum Chen & Zhou 2023 [Procloeon]

Examined also:

spp.n. (FE Russia)

sp.n. (Lombok) --

sp. (Philippines)

sp.n.2 (Thailand) --/

sp.n.3 (Thailand) --

sp.n.4 (Thailand) --/

See also:


Turbanoculata INCERTAE SEDIS