



(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna pm.Tridentiseta  
Tetramerotarsata Liberevenata Turbanoculata 
 pm.Protopatellata - Dabulamanzia)

Nomen hierarchicum:  Dabulamanzia/g1 [g:1996]

In circumscription fits:

— gen. Dabulamanzia Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty 1996:7-13: 8


Autapomorphies of Dabulamanzia.  


() Larval claw with 1 row of denticles, which is anterior one among two initial rows [see Tetramerotarsata (11)]. The same in some other taxa (see Index of characters [1.2.21]).

Plesiomorphies and characters of Dabulamanzia of unclear phylogenetic status. 


() In larva outer-apical spatulate seta present on fore tibia, absent on middle and hind tibiae (see Index of characters [1.2.17]).

() First tergalius is narrower than others, petiolate and paddle-shaped (see Index of characters [1.3.33]).

() Tergalii are able to make rhythmical respiratory vibration (see Index of characters [1.3.30]).

Plesiomorphies of Dabulamanzia. 

In larva, subimago and imago of both sexes patella-tibial suture is present on middle and hind legs, absent on fore legs (unlike Anteropatellata) (see Index of characters [1.2.18], ibid. [], [2.2.82]).

Fore wings with no more than one marginal intercalary in each space (unlike Baetovectata) [see Liberevenata (2)] (Index of characters [2.2.55]). 

Lateral margins of all abdominal segments lack spines or denticles (unlike Cloeon/fg1 and Anafroptilum).

Before moult from larva to subimago, subimaginal gonostyli are bent under larval cuticle in «Cloeon-type» pose, i.e. with 2nd segments directed laterally. The same in most other Protopatellata and Anteropatellata-non-Baetovectata (see Index of characters [2.3.9]).

Size. Fore wing length ?–? mm (see Tetramerotarsata). 

Distribution. Afrotropical Region.

Nominal species in Dabulamanzia/g(1):

indusii Crass 1947 [Centroptilum] — typus nominis Dabulamanzia --/

tarsale Gillies 1990 [Afroptilum] --/



Examined also:


See also:

Turbanoculata INCERTAE SEDIS