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*Helmsing I.W. & China W.E. 1937. On the biology and ecology of Hemiodoecus veitchi Hacker (Hemiptera, Peloridiidae). // The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser.10) 19: 473–489, Pl.12–16.
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*Heming B.S. 1978. Structure and function of the mouthparts in larvae of Haplothrips verbaci (Osborn) (Thysanoptera, Tubulifera, Phlaeothripidae). // Journal of Morphology 156(1): 1–38.
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Hennig W. 1953. Kritishe Bemerkungen zum phylogenetischen System der Insecten. // Beiträge zur Entomologie, Sonderheft 3: 1–85. [synapomorphia, autapomorphia; «Ectognatha», Dicondylia, Eumetabola, Mecopteria]
Hennig W. 1954. Flügelgeäder und System der Dipteren unter Berücksichtigung der aus dem Mesozoikum beschriebenen Fossilien. // Beiträge zur Entomologie 4: 245–388. [«Bibionomorpha»]
Hennig W. 1966. Phylogenetic Systematics. // University of Illinois Press, Urbana: 1–280. [symplesiomorphia]
Hennig W. 1969. Die Stammesgeschichte der Insecten. / Krammer, Frankfurt am Main., Senkenberg-Buch 49: 1–436. [Orthopteromorpha, Antliophora, «Oligoneura»]
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*Henry L. 1953. The nervous system of Pycnogonida. // Microentomology 18(1): 16–36.
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Heymons R. 1901. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Scolopender. // Zoologica, Hf.33: 1–244. [Teleiocerata, Bicerata, Tetracerata, Chelicerata, Atelocerata]
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Heymons R. 1915. Die Vielfüßler, Insecten und Spinnenkerfe. // In: Straffen O. (ed.). Brehms Tierleben. Allgemeine Kunde des Tierreichs. Bd.2: 1–717. [«Planipennia»]
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Hinton H.E. 1946a. On the homology and nomenclature of the setae of lepidopterous larvae, with notes on the phyloheny of Lepidoptera. // Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 97(1): 1–37. [Dacnonypha]
*Hinton H.E. 1946b. A new classification of insect pupae. // Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 116(2): 282–328. [pupa dectica, pupa adectica]
*Hinton H.E. 1946c. Concealed phases in the metamorphosis of insects. // Nature 157: 552–553. [pharate phase]
*Hinton H.E. 1947. On the reduction of functional spiracles in the aquatic larvae of the Holometabola, with notes on the moulting processs of spiracles. // Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 98: 449–473.
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Hinton H.E. 1981. Biology of insect eggs. / Pergamon Press: vol.1: 1–473; vol.2: 475–778; vol.3: 779–1125. [Nannomecoptera]
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Hutchinson G.E. 1930. Restady of some Burgess shale fossils. // Proceedings of the United States National Museum 78, article 11: 1–24. [Euonychophora, Euanostraca]
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Huxley T.H. 1868. On the classification and distribution of the Alectoromorphae and Heteromorphae. // Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1868: 294–319. [Arctogea, Notogea]
Huxley T.H. 1875. On the classification of the animal kingdom. // The Journal of the Linnaean Society. Zoology 12(59): 199–226. [Polystomata, Monostomata, Deuterostomata]
Huxley T.H. 1878. A manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals. // New York, Appletion and Company, 549 and 551 Braoadway: 596 p.
Hyatt A. & Arms J.M. 1891. A novel diagrammatic representation of the orders of insects. // Psyche 6(177): 11–13 (ïåðåïå÷àòàíî èç: Guides for Science Teaching, No.8. Insecta. By A. Hyatt & J.M. Arms). [Ephemeroptera, Mecoptera]
Hyman L.H. 1940–1967. The Invertebrates. Vol. 1–6. / McGraw-Hill, New York. [Lophophorata]