


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna Bidentiseta Furcatergaliae  
Fimbriatotergaliae Potamanthus/fg1
pm RhoenanthusPotamanthus-fg2 - Potamanthus/fg3)

Nomen hierarchicum: Potamanthus/fg3 [f:1888; g:1843] (sine Anthopotamus)

In circumscription fits:

— subgen. Potamanthus: Bae & McCafferty 1991: 48

— gen. Potamanthus: McCafferty & Bae 1990: 201

— Potamanthus/fg3: Kluge 2004: 223

Synonym: subjective synonym of Potamanthus/fg (typus lutea [Ephemera]) — Eucharidis/g [g:1877] (typus reaumuri [Ephemera]) (subjective synnonymy: lutea [E.] = reaumuri [E.])

References. Eaton 1883–1888: ; – Ueno 1928: ; – Grandi 1960: ; – Landa 1969a: ; – McCafferty & Bae 1990: ; – Bae & McCafferty 1991: ; – Kluge 2004: .

Character of Potamanthus/fg3 of unclear phylogenetic status. 

(1) Mandibular tusks [see Potamanthus/fg1 (7)] are short, shorter than mandibles themselves. The same in some Rhoenanthus/g1.

Size. Fore wing length 8–15 mm. 

Distribution. Eurasia.

Nominal species in Potamanthus/fg3: 

chlorotica Rambur 1842 [Ephemera] — syn.subj. lutea [Ephemera]

ferreri Pictet 1843 [Potamanthus] — syn.subj. lutea [Ephemera]

flavicans Rambur 1842 [Ephemera] — syn.subj. lutea [Ephemera]

huoshanensis Wu 1987 [Potamanthus]

hyalina Panzer 1804 [Ephemera] — syn.subj. lutea [Ephemera]

lutea Linnaeus 1767 [Ephemera] — typus nominis Potamanthus --/

marginalis Burmeister 1839 [Baetis] — syn.subj. lutea [Ephemera]

mellea Curtis 1834 [Baetis] — syn.subj. lutea [Ephemera]

oriens Bae & McCafferty 1991 [Potamanthus luteus] — syn.subj. lutea [Ephemera]

reaumuri Joly & Joly 1876 [Eucharidis] — syn.subj. lutea [Ephemera]

reticulata Fourcroy 1785 [Ephemera] — syn.subj. lutea [Ephemera]
