


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna Bidentiseta Branchitergaliae  
Eusetisura Discoglossata Geminovenata - Fittkauneuria)

Nomen hierarchicum: Fittkauneuria/g(1) [g:1994]

In circumscription fits:

— gen. Fittkauneuria Pescador & Edmunds 1994: 264

— Fittkauneuria/g(1): Kluge 2004: 147

Reference. Pescador & Edmunds 1994: .

Autapomorphies of Fittkauneuria.

(1) Gonostyli are lost. Non-unique apomorphy [see Geminovenata (6)], the same in Homoeoneuria/g2. 

(2) Tergalius I [ventral – see Geminovenata (1)] lacks lamellate lobe, consists of fibrillose lobe only [see Branchitergaliae (3)]. Non-unique apomorphy.

Character of Fittkauneuria of unclear phylogenetic status.

(3) Tergalii II–VII with dense row of long setae on anal margin. The same in Homoeoneuria/g1; possibly, synapomorphy.

Plesiomorphies of Fittkauneuria. On fore wing RSa+iRS is present (unlike Elassoneuria/g1 and Homoeoneuria/g2), not approximated to RA (unlike Lachlania and Oligoneuria/f5=g6); bifurcation of MA is situated near wing base (unlike Elassoneuria/g1). In male imago on tarsus of middle and hind leg [non-functional – see Geminovenata (2)] before the last (claw-bearing) segment, 3 short segments are present (if not take into account the 1st segment, which is fused with tibia, shortened and not expressed), thus tarsus looks as 4-segmented. Paracercus is well-developed (in larva shortened, 2 times shorter than cerci, in imago only slightly shorter than cerci).

Size. Fore wing length 12 mm.

Distribution. Neotropical Region.

Nominal species in Fittkauneuria/g(1):

adusta Pescador & Edmunds 1994 [Fittkauneuria]

carina Pescador & Edmunds 1994 [Fittkauneuria]
