


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna pm.Tridentiseta  
Tetramerotarsata Liberevenata Turbanoculata 
pm.Protopatellata Crassabwa/g1 - Susua)

Nomen hierarchicum: Susua/g(1) [g:1998]

In circumscription fits:

— gen. Susua Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty 1998:1-26: 24.

— Susua/g(1): Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles & Novikova 2018: 3.

References. Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles & Novikova 2018: 

Autapomorphies of Susua.

(1) Tergalius I is sharply different from others, petiolate, i.e. narrow in proximal part and widened in distal part (Kluge et al. 2018: Fig.20, 41, 72). The same in Dabulamanzia and Cheleocloeon (see Index of characters [1.3.33]), but not in Crassabwa/g2, whose first tergalius is wide in proximal part, but is bent in such a way that looks like petiolate [compare: Crassabwa/g2 (1)]. Each tergalius I–VII with costal and anal ribs on costal and anal margins, with distal margin not bordered by rib (Kluge et al. 2018: Fig.20-26, 72–76).

(2) At least tergalii II–VII lost ability for rhythmical respiratory movements: in niandanensis [Afroptilum] only tergalii of 1st pair make respiratory movements, in sigiense [Cheleocloeon] all tergalii are unable for respiratory movements. 

(3) Cuticular coloration of abdominal terga is similar in both species (niandanensis [Afroptilum] and sigiense [Cheleocloeon]): cuticle of terga VII–VIII and X either colorless, or with brown pigmentation less intensive than on terga III–VI and IX (Kluge et al. 2018: Fig.3, 12, 79,81).

(4) Muscle-abductor of 2nd segment of labial palp is attached at base of submentum (Kluge et al. 2018: Fig.5) [in contrast to Crassabwa/g2, where it is attached at median groove of submentum (Kluge et al. 2017: Fig.5)].

Characters of Susua of unclear phylogenetic status. 

(5) Larval abdominal terga II–VI either without denticles, or with irregular denticles alternating with scales (Kluge et al. 2018: Fig.37) (n contrast to Crassabwa/g2, whose abdominal terga I–X have regular row of pointed denticles on posterior margin).

(6) Larval cerci with small denticles on lateral sides of all segments (Kluge et al. 2018: Fig.10) (in contrast to Crassabwa/g2, whose cerci and paracercus have prominent denticles enlarged on each 2nd segment).

Plesiomorphies of Susua.

(7) Postsubalar sclerite has posterior-dorsal corner stretched to a process with convex dorsal margin (Kluge et al. 2018: Fig.49, 102). The same in many other taxa, but in contrast to Crassabwa/g2, whose posterior-dorsal process is thinner, with concave dorsal margin.

Size. Fore wing length 3–5 mm (see Tetramerotarsata).

Distribution. Afrotropical Region.

Nominal species in Susua/g(1)

niandanensis Wuillot (in Wuillot & Gillies) 1993 [Afroptilum] — typus nominis Susua  --/, /

sigiense Gillies 2001 [Cheleocloeon] --/

Examined also:


See also:


Turbanoculata INCERTAE SEDIS