Typified names:

Tracheata Haeckel 1866

NOMEN: Tracheata Haeckel 1866: XCIII [E. Haeckel. Generale Morphologie der Organismen. – Berlin, 1866]

ORIGINAL LISTED MEMBERSHIP (Haeckel 1866): Tardigrada + Pantopoda + Arachnida (= Antarachnae) + Myriapoda + Hexapoda (= "Insecta")

TYPIFIED NAME IN BASIC FORMAT: Araneus/fg (sine Limulus; incl. Scarabaeus, Scolopendra)

MODERN STATUS: the oldest name of a non-accepted, polyphyletic taxon.

COMMENT. Haeckel (1866) did not indicate his authorship after the name Tracheata, but noted: "Wir vereinigen daher jene drei (durch Tracheen Luft athmenden) Arthropoden-Classen nach dem Vorgange von Bronn in dem Cladus der Tracheaten und stellen diesem als zweiten Cladus die (durch Keimen Wasser athmenden) Crustaceen als Cariden gegenüber." In the book "Allgemeine Zoologie" (Bronn 1850) the taxon Tracheata was absent, and arthropod classes were given in such direction (A. Hexapoda; B. Crustacea; C. Arachnoidea; D. Myriapoda), which contradicts the concept of Tracheata. In 1859 Bronn published the first volume of his well-known "Die Klassen und Ordungen des Thier-Reichs", where he referred to the classification given in his book "Morphologische Studien über die Gestaltungs = Gesetze der Natur-körper überhaupt und der organischen insbesorndere" (Leipzig und Heidelber, 1858). In the "Morphologische Studien ...", on page 122 there is given a table, in which a taxon Entomozoa is divided into five taxa of equal ranks – Helminthes, Vermes, Crustacea, Myriapoda, Arachnoidea and Hexapoda (all these names are written in Latin). On page 116 there is given a table, in which the taxon "Entomozoen" is divided into "Würmer", "Kruster" and "Tracheaten"; "Tracheaten" are divided into "ungeflügelte" and "flügelte" (all taxa names are written in German only). Such publication of the name Tracheata, where it was not given in Latin or at least as a German  spelling of a distinctly Latin name, and was not used as a distinct taxon name, should not be available. Because of this, authorship of the name Tracheata should be ascribed to Haeckel 1866.

Indepenently of the authorship, the taxon Tracheata unites at least Arachnida and Atelocerata. Some authors ascribed the name Tracheata to Atelocerata only, that is distinctly wrong.