Ephemeroptera of the World: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z |
Tshernova & Belov 1982 [Cinygmula]
[Tshernova O.A. & Belov V.V.] Чернова О.А. & Белов В.В. 1982. К систематике имаго палеарктических поденок рода Cinygmula (Ephemeroptera Heptageniidae). [Systematics of the imago of the Palearctic mayflies of the genus Cinygmula (Ephemeroptera Heptageniidae).] // Энтомологическое Обозрение [Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie = Revue d'Entomologie de l'URSS] 61(2): 278–296. PDF
Entomological Review 61(2): 34–54. (English translation)
Клюге Н.Ю. 1995. Каталог типовых экземпляров коллекции Зоологического института РАН. Поденки (Ephemeroptera) [A catalogue of the type-specimens in the collection of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Insecta, Ephemeroptera]. // СПб, Зоологический институт РАН [St.Petersburg, Zoological Institute Rus. Acad. Sci.]: 1–52. PDF
Alcohol collection and slides in Canadian balsam. Holotype is permanently deposited in the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (in Saint-Petersburg, Russia); temporally can be deposited in the Department of Entomology of the Saint-Petersburg State University.
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holotypus | р.Лиственичная близ Облучья, 28.VIII.1976 (Михеев, Синиченкова) | I♂ | +slide 986 |