Typified names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Valentine J. W., 1973.
Coelomate superphyla.
Systematic Zoology 22(2): 97–102.
superphylum Metameria phylum Annelida
phylum Onychophora
phylum Arthropoda and other primitively eumetamerous lineages that share common ancestors with these groups superphylum Lophophorata (= Tentaculata Hatschek 1888) phylum Phoronida phylum Brachyopoda phylum Ectoprocta and other oligomerous lineages that share common ancestors with these groups superphylum Deuterostomia phylum Echinodermata phylum Chordata and the usual groups of oligomerous lineages that are believed to share common ancestors with these phyla superphylum Molluscata phylum Mollusca potentially including any coelomates that share a common pseudometamenc ancestry with them superphylum Sipunculata phylum Sipunculida any lineages that share a common ancestral ground-plan and a common origin with them |