Typified names:

Shear W. A., 1980.

A review of the Cyphophthalmi of the United States and Mexico, with a proposed reclassification of the suborder (Aracnida, Opiliones).

American Museum Novitates, No.2705: 1-34


subordo Cyphophthalmi Cyphophthalmus = Siro
  infraordo Tropicophthalmi (:24)
    superfam. Stylocelloidea Hansen and Sorensen, new rank Stylocellus
      fam. Stylocellidae Hansen and Sorensen, new rankStylocellus
        gen. Stylocellus Westwood
    superfam. Ogoveoidea, new Ogovea
      fam. Ogoveidae, new Ogovea
        gen. Ogovea Roewer
        gen. Huitaca Shear
      fam. Neogoveidae, new Neogovea
        gen. Neogovea Hinton
        gen. Paragovia Hansen
        gen. Metagovea Rosas Costa
  infraordo Temperophthalmi (:24)
    superfam. Sironoidea Simon, new rank Siro
      fam. Sironidae Simon, new rank Siro
        gen. Siro Latreille
        gen. Parasiro Simon
        gen. Tranteeva Kratchovil
        gen. Odontosiro Juberthie
        gen. Metasiro Juberthie
        gen. Paramiopsalis Juberthie
        gen. Suzukielus Juberthie
        possibly gen. Troglosiro Juberthie
      fam. Pettalidae, new Pettalus
        gen. Pettalus Thorell
        gen. Purcellia Hansen and Sörensen
        gen. Speleosiro Lawrense
        gen. Parapurcellia Rosas Costa
        gen. Rakaia Forster
        gen. Neopurcellia Forster
        gen. Chileogovea Roewer