Typified names:

Dubinin V. B. / Дубинин В. Б., 1956.

Отряды клещей и положение их в системе Chelicerata.

Труды II научной конференции паразитологов УССР


superclassis Chelicerata Heymons, 1901 = Euarachnida Lankester 1881
   classis Merostomata Woodward, 1886 = Delobranchia Lankester 1881 = Palaeostraca Haeckel 1896 =
   = Hydropneusta Pocock 1902 = Xiphosura Stormer 1944 = Merostomoidea Beklemischev 1952
     ordo Aglaspida Reach 1939 Aglaspis
     ordo Chasmataspida Caster et Brooks 1956 Chasmataspis
     ordo Synziphosura R. et E. Richter 1929
     ordo Limulida R. et E. Richter 1929 Limulus = Xiphosura Stormer 1944
  classis Scorpionomorpha W. Dubinin, class. nov. Scorpio
    subclassis Holactinochitinosi A. Zachvatkin, 1952
       ordo Eurypteroidea Burmeister 1843 Eurypterus = Gigantostraca Haeckel 1896
       ordo Scorpiones Hemprich and Ehrenberg 1818 Scorpio = Pectinifera Lankester 1881
         subordo Apoxypodes Thorell 1885
         subordo Dionychopodes Therell 1885
    subclassis Pedipalpides W. Dubinin, subclass. nov.
       ordo Uropygi Thorell, 1885
         subordo Schizopeltidia Borner 1904 = Tartarides Cambridge 1918 = Schizomida Petrunkevitch 1949 Schizomus
         subordo Holopeltidia Borner 1904 = Oxypoei Thorell 1885 = Thelyphonida Petrunkevitch 1949 Thelyphonus
       ordo Amblypygi Thorell 1910 = Phrynida Pocock 1902 Phrynus
       ordo Kustarachnida Scudder 1890 Kustarachne
       ordo Palpigradi Thorell 1900 = Microthelyphonida Grassi et Calandrccio 1885 = Latisterna Petrunkevitch 1949
       ordo Pseudoscorpionoidea Beier 1932 = Cheliferes Gervais 1844 Chelifer = Chernetidae Menge 1855 = Chelonethi Thorell 1882
       ordo Ricinulei Thorell 1892 = Podogonata Cook [1800] = Podogonida Martinov 1934   = Cucullifera Petrunkevich 1949
  classis Arachnida (Cuvier 1812) W. Dubinin, emend.
    subclassis Opiliomorphae W. Dubinin, subclass. nov. OpilioPhalangium
       ordo Haptopoda Pocock 1911
       ordo Phalangiotarbi Haase 1890 Phalangiotarbus = Architarbi Petrunkevitch 1949 Architarbus
       ordo Opiliones Sundevall 1833 = Phalangides auct. Phalangium = Phalangida Koch & Berendt 1854 Phalangium
         subordo Cyphophthalmi Simon 1879 Cyphophthalmus = Siro
         subordo Laniatores Thorell 1876
         subordo Palpatores Thorell 1876
    subclassis Soluta Petrunkevitch 1949
       ordo Trigonotarbi Petrunkevitch 1949 Trigonotarbus
       ordo Anthracomarti Karsch 1882 Anthracomartus = Meridogastra Thorell 1900
    subclassis Araneae Clerk 1757 = Aranei auct. Araneus = Araneina auct. Araneus = Aranina Koch & Berendt 1854 Araneus
       ordo Liphistiomorphae Pocock 1892 Liphistius = Mesothelae auct.
       ordo Arachnomorphae (Petrunkevitch 1933) W. Dubinin, emend.
       ordo Mygalomorphae Pocock 1892 Mygale=Atypus = Tetrapneumones auct. = Orthognatha Berland 1932
         subordo Nelipoda Gerhardt und Kastner 1938
         subordo Hypodemata Gerhardt und Kastner 1938
         subordo Pycnotheloidea Gerhardt und Kastner 1938
       ordo Araneomorphae Millot 1933 Araneus = Dipneumones auct. = Dipneumomorphae Petrunkevitch 1946 = Labidognatha auct.
         subordo Ecribellatae Gerhard und Kastner 1938
         subordo Cribellatae Gerhard und Kastner 1938
  classis Solifugomorpha W. Dubinin, class. nov. (:51)
     ordo Solifugae Sundevall 1833
  classis Acaromorpha W. Dubinin, class. nov. Acarus = Acari auct. Acarus = Acarina auct. Acarus = Rhynchostomi Lankester 1881
     ordo Acariformes A. Zachvatkin 1952 Acarus = Actinochitinosi Grandjean 1935
       subordo Palaeacariformes Tragardh 1932  = Palaeacaroidea Ewing 1934  = Astegasima Grandjean 1932
       subordo Oribatei Duges 1833  = Cryptostigmata Berlese 1896  = Stegasima Grandjean 1932
       subordo Sarcoptiformes Reuter 1909 Sarcoptes = Acaridiae Latreille 1806 Acarus = Astigmata Canestrini 1891
       subordo Trombidiformes Reuter 1909 Trombidium
       subordo Tetrapodili Bremi 1872 = Eriophyiformes Reuter 1909
     ordo Parasitiformes (Reuter 1909) A. Zachvatkin 1952, emend. Parasitus=Ixodes = Anactinochitinosi Grandjean 1946
       subordo Holothyroidea Reuter 1909 Holothyrus
       subordo Mesostigmata Canestrini 1819
       subordo Ixodides Leach 1815 Ixodes
     ordo Opilioacarina With 1902 Opilioacarus = Notostigmata With 1903