Bagnall R. S., 1930.
Further considerastions in regard to the classification of the order Thysanoptera.
The Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist., ser.10, v.5:
ordo Thysanoptera 
subordo Pseudostigmata nom. nov.
= Polystigmata Bagn.
(:571, 572)
superfam. Urothripoidea Urothrips
subordo Tubulifera Haliday

superfam. Phloeothripoidea Phloeothrips= Phlaeothrips
subordo Terebrantia Haliday

superfam. Aeolothripoidea s.str. Aelothrips
superfam. Nymarothripoidea Bagnall Nymarothrips
superfam. Melanothripoidea Bagnall Melanothrips
superfam. Heterothripoidea Bagnall Heterothrips
superfam. Hemithripoidea nov. Hemithrips
superfam. Thripoidea s.str. Thrips
superfam. Merothripoidea nov. Merothrips