Typified names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Tartarides Cambridge 1872
NOMEN: Tartarides Cambridge 1872: 410 [O.P. Cambridge . On a new family and genus and two new species of Thelyphonidea. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 4 ser., 10: 409-41] |
ORIGINAL LISTED MEMBERSHIP (Cambridge 1872): Schizomus Cook 1899 [= Nyctalops Cambridge 1872 (non Nyctalops Wagler 1832)] |
JUNIOR CIRCUMSCRIPTIONAL SYNONYMS: = Colopyga Cook 1899 = Schizopeltidia Börner 1904 |
TYPIFIED NAME IN BASIC FORMAT: Hubbardia/fg (incl. Schizomus) TYPIFIED NAMES IN USE: Hubbardiidae, Hubardioidea, Hubbardiina, Hubbardiida |
MODERN STATUS: the valid, the oldest name of a generally accepted, holophyletic taxon. |
COMMENT. There are often used wrong typified names formed from a junior name Schizomus/fg [f: Schizomida Petrunkevitch 1945; g: Schizomus Cook 1899]: Schizomida et al. |