Typified names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Peritoneata Kluge 2020
NOMEN: Peritoneata
Kluge 2020: 115 [N.J. Kluge / Í.Þ..Êëþãå.
Ñèñòåìàòèêà íàñåêîìûõ è ïðèíöèïû êëàäîýíäåçèñà. Â 2 òîìàõ.
[Insect systematics and principles of cladoendesis. In 2 volumes] / Ìîñêâà: Òîâàðèùåñòâî íàó÷íûõ èçäàíèé ÊÌÊ
[Moscow: KMK Scientific
Press] 2020: 1–1037]
ORIGINAL LISTED MEMBERSHIP (Kluge 2020): Metameria + Malacozoa (nom.typ.: Nautilus/f=Limax/g) + Lophophorata (nom.typ.: Cellepora/fg) + Deuterostomia (nom.typ.: Picus/f=Homo/g) ? [+ Rhynchocoela (nom.typ.: Nemertes/f=Lineus/g)] |
TYPIFIED NAME IN BASIC FORMAT: Araneus/fg (sine Gordius, Ascaris, Rotifer, Lineus; incl. Homo, Limax). TYPIFIED NAMES IN USE: |
COMMENT. This taxon is widely known under the name «Coelomata»; in this case the term «coelom» is applied only to the body cavity lined with a special mesodermal epithelium (e.g. Ivanov 1976). However, originally and during the long time the name Coelomata Lankester 1877 was applied to all animals which have any extraintestinal cavity – i.e. to Triplopblastica Lankester 1873. During the whole XX century the name «Coelomata» was used in these two meanings simultaneously, that caused confusions: the question about monophyly or polyphyly of «Coelomata» in one sense was confused with the question about monophyly or polyphyly of «Coelomata» in other sense. Both these questions remain to be actual till now, so it is necessary to use two different names for these two different taxa. Because of this, for animals initially having the special mesodermal coelomic (peritoneal) epithelium, the new name Peritoneata was introduced. Some authors use the name «Eucoelomata» for this taxon; however, originally the name Eucoelomata Schimkevitsch 1890 was given for a smaller taxon which did not include Malacozoa, Echinodermata and Chordata. |