Typified names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
† Panmegasecoptera Crampton 1928
NOMEN: Panmegasecoptera Crampton 1928 [G.C. Crampton. The grouping of the insect orders and their lines of descent. Entomologist, 1928, 61: 85] |
ORIGINAL LISTED MEMBERSHIP (Crampton 1928): Megasecopterida (= "Megasecoptera") + Diaphanoptera/fg |
SENIOR CIRCUMSCRIPTIONAL SYNONYMS: = Megasecoptera Handlirsch 1906 (non Handlirsch 1919) = Megasecopteridae Lameere 1917 |
NON-MONOSEMANTIC CIRCUMSCRIPTIONAL SYNONYM (with uncertain position of †Diaphanoptera): = Megasecopterida Brongniart 1885 s.l. |
TYPIFIED NAME IN BASIC FORMAT: Mischoptera/fg (incl. Diaphanoptera) TYPIFIED NAMES IN USE: |
COMMENT. For the taxon uniting Megasecopterida s.str. and Eudiaphanoptera, the oldest circumscriptional name is Megasecoptera, published by Handlirsch (1906-1908). But the same name "Megasecoptera" ascribed to "Brongniart 1885", is often used instead of Megasecopterida Brongniart 1885 (Handlirsch 1919, et al.). Because of this, in order to avoid a confusion, it is expedient to use a younger name Panmegasecoptera. |