Typified names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Anostraca Sars (1867) 1896
NOMEN: Anostraca Sars 1867 [G.O. Sars. Histoire naturelle des Crustacés d'eau douce de Novège. 1e livrason. Les Malacostracés. // Christiania 1867: 1–145.] BHL Sars 1896 [G.O. Sars. Beskrivelse af de hidtil kjendte Norske arter af underordnerne Phyllocarida og Phyllopoda. / Descripotions of the Norvegian species at present known belonging to the suborders Phyllocarida and Phyllopoda. // Fauna Norvegiae. Bd. I. Christiania 1896: 1–140.] BHL |
ORIGINAL LISTED MEMBERSHIP (Sars 1867): – ORIGINAL LISTED MEMBERSHIP (Sars 1896): Branchipodidae + Polyartemiidae |
OBJECTIVE SYNONYM: = Pisciformia Sars 1896 |
JUNIOR CIRCUMSCRIPTIONAL SYNONYMS: = Protostraca Haeckel 1896 = Gymnophylla Stebbing1910 = Euanostraca Hutchinson 1930 = Anostracida Pearce 1936 |
TYPIFIED NAME IN BASIC FORMAT: Branchipus/fg (incl. Polyartemia) TYPIFIED NAMES IN USE: Branchipiens, Branchipidae, Branchipodidae, Branchipodacea, Pranchipodae, Branchipodida, Branchipodiformii, Branchipodina, Branchipodoides, Branchipodoihes, Branchipodioni |