International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
Rafinesque C.S., 1822. On the turtles of the United States, Kentucky Gazette (n.s. 1) 36 no. 21, 23 May (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 1280
Reichard J.J. 1759. De Pediculis inguinalibus insectis, et vermibus homini molestis (Praeses : Kniphof (J.H.)) (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because the author did not apply the principles of binominal nomenclature). Direction 102
Renier S.A., [1804] Tavola alfabetica delle Conchiglei Adriatiche (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because not properly published in the manner prescribed by the Code). Opinion 316
Renier S.A. [1804] Prospetto della Classe del Vermi (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because not properly published in the manner prescribed by the Code). Opinion 316
[Renier S.A.], [1807] [Tavole per servire alle Classificazione e Connescenza degli Animali] (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because not properly published in the manner prescribed by the Code). Opinion 427
Retzius A.J. 1783. Caroli Lib. Bar. De Geer [. . .] genera et species insectorum e generosissimi auctoris scriptis extraxit, digessit, Latine quoad partem reddidit, et terminologiam insectorum Linneanam addidit Anders Iahan Retzivs [. . .]. Pp. [1–5], III-VI [=3–6], 7–220. Crusius, Lipsiae. ICZN 2014: Opinion 2333
[Roding P.F.] 1798. Museum Boltenianum (the authorship of this anonymously-published work is to be attributed to Roding (P.F.)) (the status of this work was previously discussed in Opinion 96). Direction 48
Roosmalen M.G.M. van 2013. Barefoot through the Amazon: on the path of evolution. / CreateSpace, North Charleston, 500 pp. ICZN 2024: Opinion 2503
Roosmalen M.G.M. van, Hooft P. van 2013. New species of living tapir, the dwarf tapir (Mammalia: Tapiridae) from the Brazilian Amazon [pp. 400–404]. In: Roosmalen M.G.M. van (Ed.), Barefoot through the Amazon: on the path of evolution. CreateSpace, North Charleston. ICZN 2024: Opinion 2503
Rottemburg (S.A. von) 1775. 'Anmerkungen zu den Hufnagelischen Tabellen', Der Naturforscher, Halle 6 : 1-34 ; ibid. 7 : 105-112 (under the plenary powers, this work has been accorded precedence over Fuessly (J.C.), 1775, Verzeichniss der ihm bekannten schweizerischen Insekten and [Denis (M.) & Schiffermiiller (I.)], 1775, Ankundung [sic] eines systematisches Werkes von den Schmetterlinge der Wiener Gegend). Opinion 516