International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
Haan (W. de) [1833-1850]. in Siebold (P.P. von), Fauna Japonica, Crustacea. Direction 85.
Hanson H.C. 2006. The White-cheeked Geese: . Taxonomy, ecophysiographic relationships, biogeography, and evolutionary considerations. Vol. 1. Eastern taxa. Avvar Books, Blythe [California], xxiii + 420 pp. Opinion 2436
Hanson H.C. 2007. The White-cheeked Geese: . Taxonomy, ecophysiographic relationships, biogeography, and evolutionary considerations. Vol. 2. Western taxa, biogeography, and evolutionary considerations. Avvar Books, Blythe [California], viii + 692 pp. Opinion 2436
Hasselquist F. 1757. Iter Palaestinum (a work rejected in Opinion 57 because published before the starting point of zoological nomenclature). Direction 32
Hasselquist F. 1762. D.F. Hasselquists . . . Reise nach Pal'astina (a German translation by Gadebusch (T.H.) of the Iter Palaestinum of 1757) (rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 57 because the names therein were not reinforced by adoption or acceptance). Direction 32
Hawle I. & Corda A.J.C., 1847. Prodrom einer Monographie der bOhmischen Trilobiten, pp. 176, pis. 1-VII (also published in 1848 in Abh. Konigl.-bOhm. Ges. Wiss. (5) 5 : 11-292, pls. I-VII) (the authorship of names published in this work is to be attributed jointly to Hawle & Corda). Direction 95
Hemprich F.G. & Ehrenberg C.G. 1828. Symbolae Physicae seu Icones el Descriptiones Piscium. Berlin (Mittler) (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 1132
Hemprich F.G. & Ehrenberg C.G. 1828. Symbolae Physicae seu Icones et Descriptiones Zootomicrorum. Berlin (Mittler) (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 1132
Herrera A.L., 1899. Sinonimia vulgar y cientifica de los principales vertebrados mexicanos (Mexico, Officina Tipografica de la Secretaria de Fomento, 3 1 pp.) (the designations used for animals in this paper are formulae, not names, and accordingly possess no status in zoological nomenclature). Direction 114
Herrera A.L., 1901-1904. 'Nouvelle Nomenclature des Etres organises et des Mineraux' pp. 88 (issued in instalments with the Memorias of the Sociedad Cientifica 'Antonio Alizate') (the designations used for animals in this paper were declared in Opinion 72 to be formulae, not names, and accordingly to possess no status in zoological nomenclature). Direction 32
[Hope F.W.], [1836] Buprestidae (an anonymous pamphlet, not properly published in the manner prescribed by the Code). Opinion 234
Houttuyn M. 1780-1785. Natuurlyke Historic, Volume 3 (5 parts) (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 296
Houttuyn M. 1787. Animalium Musaei Houttuiniani Index (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 380
[Hübner J. 1790-1793] Der Schmetterlinge Lepidoptera Linnaei europ'disches Heer (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because not published within the meaning of the Code). Opinion 975
Hübner J. [1806] Tentamen determinations digestionis atque denominations singularum stirpium Lepidopterorum, peritis ad inspiciendum et dijudicandum communicatum, a Jacobo Hubner (rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 97 because not properly published in the manner prescribed by the Code). Opinion 278
Hübner (J.) 1806-[1823]. Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge,3 volumes (the middle term of apparent trinominals in the first volume is not to be treated as having acquired the status of a subgeneric name by reason of having been so published) {under the ruling given in Opinion 137 generic names published on the legends to plates in Volume 1 of this work are not to take precedence over any names for the same genera published later in 1807 by Fabricius (J.C.) in a paper entitled 'Die neueste Gattungs-Eintheilung der Schmetterlinge aus den Linneischen Gattungen Papilio und Sphinx' (Mag. f. Insektenk. (Illiger) 6: 277-295)). Opinion 276
Hübner (J.) 1808. Erste Zutr'age zur Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because not properly published in the manner prescribed by the Code). Opinion 789
Hübner J. 1816-[1826]. Verzeichniss bekannter Schmettlinge [sic]. Opinion 150, Direction 4
Hiibner J. 1822. Systematisch-alphabetisches Verzeichniss aller bisher bei den Furbildungen zur Sammlung europaischer Schmetterlinge angegebenen Gattungsbenennungen (the middle term of apparent trinominals is not to be treated as having acquired the status of a subgeneric name by reason of having been so published). Opinion 276
[Humphrey G.] 1797. Museum Calonnianum (rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 5 1 because not properly published in the manner prescribed by the Code). Direction 32