International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
Catesby M. 1771. The Natural History of Carolina, edition published by Edwards (G.), 2 volumes (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 89, this suppression to apply to the names used by Catesby in the original (1743) edition and reprinted in Edwards' (1771) edition, but not to the names employed by Edwards in accordance with the Linnean system in his Catalogue of the Animals and Plants represented in Catesby 's 'Natural History of Carolina' appended to Volume 2) (the status of this book was also discussed in Opinion 13). Opinion 259
Clerck C.A. [1758] Svenska Spindlar . . . Aranei svecici, descriptionibus et ftguris illustrati (Stockholm), published in 1757 (to be treated as having been published subsequent to the starting point of zoological nomenclature and having priority as though published in 1758 prior to the publication of the 10th edition of Linnaeus's Systerna Naturae). Direction 104
Commerson 1803. footnotes in Lacepede (B.G.E. de la V.), Histoire naturelle des Poissons (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 89). Direction 32
Cornide (J.) 1788. Ensayo de una historia de los Peces y otras producciones marinas de la Costa de Galicia, arreglado al sistema del caballero Carlos Linneo. [Corunna] (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because the author did not apply the principles of binominal nomenclature). Opinion 799
Costa O.G. (Nov. 1829). Fauna del Regno di Napoli.famiglia de coccinigliferi o de' gallinsetti, Emitteri. Napoli (the date of publication is to be cited as (Nov. 1829)) (approved as available for zoological nomenclature). Opinion 1 247
Costa O.G., [1836]-(1849). Fauna del Regno di Napoli, Lepidotteri (the forty-eight portions of this volume, each of which is separately paged with Arabic pagination, are to be cited as though they had been published with continuous Arabic pagination, the page numbers so allotted, which are to be cited in square brackets, to be those specified in Appendix 5 on pp. (vi)-(xiii) of Direction 59.
Cramer P. [1775-] 1779-1782. Uitlandsche Kapellen, 4 volumes (Volume 1, pp. 1-132, pis. 1-84, published on unknown dates in 1775 is to be treated as having been published on 31st December of that year and ranks for priority below Rottemburg (S.A. von), 1775, paper entitled 'Anmerkungen zu den Hufnagelischen Tabellen' published in the serial publication Der Naturforscher 6 : 1-34 and 7 : 105-112, Fuessly (J.C.), 1775, Verzeichniss der ihm bekannten schweizerischen Insekten, and [Denis (M.) & Schiffermiiller (I.)], 1775, Ankundung [sic] eines systematisches Werkes von den Schmetterlinge der Wiener Gegend). Opinion 516
Curtis J. 1837. A Guide to an Arrangement of British Insects; being a Catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland (ed. 2) (in this work, Curtis did not designate type species for the genera there enumerated). Opinion 488
Cuvier G.L.C.F.D., [1800]-1805. Leqons d'Anatomie Comparee . . Recueillies et publi'ees sous ses yeux par C. Dumeril, 5 volumes (Latin names in the systematic tables in Volume 1 are to be treated as available names in so far as they are provided with 'indications' for the purposes of Article 1 2b through the citation of bibliographical references on page xix of the Introduction). Opinion, Direction 32
Cuvier G.L.C.F.D. & Valenciennes A. 1828-1850. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons (Paris) The new names included in Volumes 2 to 22 of the editions known respectively as the 'Regular Edition' and the 'Strasbourg de luxe Edition' of the work entitled Histoire Naturelle des Poissons written partly by Cuvier (G.L.C.F.D.) and partly by Valenciennes (A.), and published 1828-1850 are to be attributed to Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, or, as the case may be, to Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes according to the particulars set out below, save as regards certain names attached to descriptions which are clearly marked as having been written by some other author. Opinion 580