International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
Barker F.D. & Covery G.W., 1911. 'A new species of Trematode from the painted Terrapin, Chrysemys marginata Agassiz' (as issued as a preprint, this paper was rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 59 and did not acquire availability for such purposes until duly published as No. 103 of Studiesfrom the Zoological Laboratory, The University of Nebraska). Direction 32
Bartram W. 1791. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws, Philadelphia edition (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because the author did not apply the principles of binominal nomenclature). Opinion 447
Bartram W. 1792. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws, London edition (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because the author did not apply the principles of binominal nomenclature). Opinion 447
Bartram W. 1792. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws, Dublin edition (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because the author did not apply the principles of binominal nomenclature). Opinion 447
Benett E. 1831. A catalogue of the organic remains of the County of Wilts, iv, 9 pp., 18 pis. Vardy, Warminster (ruled by the Commission to be an available work). Opinion 1609
Bertrand E. 1763. Dictionnaire Universel des Fossiles Propres et des Fossiles Accidentels (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because the author did not apply the principles of binominal nomenclature) Opinion 592
Binney W.G. 1863 (9th December). Synopsis of the species of Air-breathing Mollusks of North America, distributed as a proof of a projected and unnumbered part of the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 87 because not properly published in the manner prescribed by the Code). Opinion 432
Bohadsch J.B. 1761. De quibusdam Animalibus marinis (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 185). Direction 1
Bohadsch J.B. 1776. De quibusdam Animalibus marinis (Leske's edition) (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 185). Direction 1
Bonelli F.A., 1810. Observations entomologiques, Premiere Partie, including Tabula Synoptica exhibens genera Carabicorum in sectiones et stirpes disposita. Mem. Acad. imp. Sci. Litt. et Beaux-Arts de Turin 18 (Mem. pres. vol. 4): 21-78 plus table (approved as available for zoological nomenclature). Opinion 1226
[Bosc d’Antic] 1784. ‘Description de l’Orthezia-Characias’ in Observations sur la Physique, sur l’istoire Naturelle et sur les Arts, vol. 24, pp. 171–73, pl. 1, figs. 2 – by. ICZN 2016: Opinion 2387
Borlase W. 1758. The Natural History of Cornwall (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because the author did not apply the principles of binominal nomenclature). Opinion 332
Boys W. & Walker G., [1784], Testacea Minuta Rariora . . . London (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because the joint authors did not apply the principles of binominal nomenclature). Opinion 558
Brauer F. & Bergenstamm J.E. von, 1889-1894. 'Die Zweifliigler des kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien. IV-VII. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographic der Muscaria schizometopa (exclusive Anthomyidae)', 4 parts, 494 pp., in Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, volumes 56, 58, 60, 61 (the authors of this work are not to be treated as having selected type species for previously established nominal genera, except where they expressly state that a given species is the type species of a particular genus). Opinion 98, Direction 32
Brehm C.L., 1828. 'Uebersicht der Deutschen Vogelarten', Isis (Oken) 1828 : 1268-1285 (any generic name in this paper which is based solely upon vernacular names is to be treated as a nomen nudum). Opinion 48, Direction 32
Brehm C.L., 1830. 'Beschluss der Uebersicht der Deutschen Vogel. Fortsetsung von B[rehm] XXI 1268 bis 1285', his (Oken) 1830 : 985-1013 (any generic name in this paper which is based solely upon vernacular names is to be treated as a nomen nudum). Opinion 48, Direction 32
Brehm C.L., 1831. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte aller Vogel Deutschlands. Opinion 48, Direction 32
Brisson M.J., 1760. Ornithologia sive Synopsis methodica sistens Avium Divisionem in Ordines, 6 volumes (the only names in this work available for zoological nomenclature being the generic names introduced in Volume 1 on the pages bearing even numbers in the series of pages numbered 26-61 containing the Latin text of the Tabula synoptica Avium secundum Ordines) (by direction under the plenary powers, generic names first published in this work are to be accepted as available names) (confirmation of the ruling given in Opinion 37). Direction 16, Direction 105
Brisson M.J. 1762. Regnum Animate in classes IX distributum, sive synopsis methodica, Ed. 2 (rejected for nomenclatural purposes, i.e. for nomenclatural acts and for names other than Cuniculus, Giraffa, Glis, Hyaena, Hydrochoerus, Lutra, Meles, Odobenus, Philander, Pteropus, Tapirus and Tragulus). Opinion 1894
Brookes J. 1828. A catalogue of the anatomical and zoological museum of Joshua Brookes, Esq., F.R.S. F.L.S. etc. Part I, London, Author (approved as available for zoological nomenclature). Opinion 1080
Browne P. 1789. Civil and Natural History of Jamaica (ed. 2) (first published in 1756, before the starting-point of zoological nomenclature) (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 89). Direction 32
Brünnich M.T., 1771. Zoologiae Fundamenta (commonly, but incorrectly, stated to have been first published in 1772). Opinion 236
Buckman S.S. 1914. Genera of some Jurassic Brachiopoda. London (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 957
Buckman S.S. 1915. The Brachiopoda of the Namyau Beds of Burma : Preliminary Notice. Rec. Geol. Surv. India 45: 75-81 (suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 957