International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
Amyot C.J.B. 1845-1847. Entomologie Franqaise, Rhynchotes. Methode Mononymique. (Published in parts, 1845, Ann. Soc. entomol. France (2) 3 : 369-492, t. 8.9; 1846, ibid. 4 : 73-192, 359-452, t. 10; 1847, ibid. 5 : 453-542, t. 2-7; and in 1848 in a separate repaged edition, Paris and London) (rejected for nomenclatural purposes because the author did not apply the principles of binominal nomenclature). Opinion 686
Arribas O.J. 1997. Morfología, filogenia y biogeografía de las lagartijas de alta montaña de los Pirineos. Doctoral dissertation. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 8 + 353 pp. ICZN 2020: Opinion 2461