International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature:
Waagenoconcha Chao 1927, China Geological Survey, Palaeontologia Sinica, (B)5(2): 85 (gender: feminine) (type species, by original designation: Productus humboldti d’Orbigny 1842) (Brachiopoda). Opinion 1928
wagleri F. Boie 1827 [originally in Cophias] (Reptilia). ICZN 2014: Opinion 2350
wagneri Santschi 1916 [originally in Solenopsis saevissima], Physis (Buenos Aires), 2: 380 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 1976
wahlbergi Stål 1855 [originally in Emesa], Öfvers. k. Vetenskaps Akad. Handl., 12: 45 (specific name of the type species of Orthunga Dohrn 1859) (Insecta, Hemiptera). Opinion 1260
wahlenbergii Eichwald 1825 [originally in Cryptonymus], Geogn.-zool. Ingriam Mar. balt. Prov. Trilob. Observ.: 50 (Trilobita). Opinion 508
wallacei Gray 1859 [originally in Paradisaea (Semeioptera)], Literary Gazette, (n.s.)39: 406, ruled under the plenary power to be an incorrect original spelling of wallacii (Aves, Paradisaeidae). Opinion 1606
wallacii Gray 1859 [originally in Paradisaea (Semioptera)], Literary Gazette (new series), 39: 406, ruled under the plenary power to be a correct spelling despite its publication as Wallacei (specific name of the type species of Semioptera Gray 1859) (Aves, Paradisaeidae). Opinion 1606
wallengreni McLachlan 1871 [originally in Apatania], Entomol. mon. Mag., 7: 281 (specific name of the type species of Apatania Kolenati 1847) (Insecta, Trichoptera). Opinion 586
wallicus Kerr 1792 [originally in Psittacus], Anim. Kingd.: 581 (valid name at the date of Direction 43 of the type species of Pezoporus Illiger 1811) (Aves). Direction 43
waringi Holland 1920 [originally in Mastodon] (currently Haplomastodon waringi; Mammalia; Proboscidea): request to designate a neotype not approved. ICZN 2012: Opinion 2308 (Case 3480)