International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature:
tobianus Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Ammodytes], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 247 (specific name of the type species of Ammodytes Linnaeus 1758) (Osteichthyes). Direction 57
Toernquistia (correction of Törnquistia) Reed 1896, Quart. J. geol. Soc. London, 52: 433 (gender: feminine) (type species, by monotypy: Cyphaspis (Törnquistia [sic]) nicholsoni Reed 1896, Quart. J. geol. Soc. London, 52: 433) (Trilobita). Opinion 367
TOERNQUISTIIDAE Hupé 1953, in Piveteau’s Traité Paléont., 3: 198 (type genus: Toernquistia Reed 1896) (Trilobita). Direction 41
Tokophrya Bütschli 1889, in Bronn, Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, Band 1 (Protozoa), p. 1928 (gender: feminine) (type species, by subsequent designation by Curds 1985, Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 49: 169: Podophrya quadripartita Claparède & Lachmann 1859) (Ciliophora, Suctoria). Opinion 1778
Tolema Iredale 1929, Rec. Australian Mus., 17(4): 186 (gender: feminine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Tolema australis Laseron 1955, Proc. R. zool. Soc. N.S.W., 1953-54: 70, 71, figs. 1, 2) (Gastropoda). Opinion 911
tolteca Saussure 1860 [originally in Stenoderma], Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliquée, (2)12: 427, as defined by the holotype (specimen MHNG no. 516.13 in the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Genève), the neotype designation by Davis 1969, Southwestern Naturalist, 14(1): 26, having been set aside by the ruling of the Commission (Mammalia, Chiroptera). Opinion 1446
tomentosus Dana 1852 [originally in Actumnus], Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 6: 82 (specific name of the type species of Actumnus Dana 1851) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Direction 36
tomentosus Herbst 1795 [originally in Curculio], Natursystem aller bekannten in- und ausländischen Insekten ... Die Käfer, vol. 6, p. 278 (a junior primary homonym of Curculio tomentosus Olivier 1790) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 1387
tomentosus Rafinesque 1814 [originally in Inachus], Précis Découv. Trav. somiolog.: 21 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 522
tomentosus [Necrophorus] Case 3288 (closed)
tomentosus Gravenhorst 1802 [originally in Staphylinus], Coleoptera Microptera Brunsvicensia ..., p. 161, ruled under the plenary power to be not invalid by reason of being a junior primary homonym of S. tomentosus Rossi 1792 (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 2053
Tomicus Latreille [1802], in Sonnini’s Buffon, Hist. nat. gén. partic. Crust. Ins., 3: 203 (gender: masculine) (type species, by monotypy: Dermestes piniperda Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 355) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 670
Tomiopsis Benediktova 1956, Voprosy Geologii Kuzbassa, I, Materialy Vtorogo Soveshchaniya po Stratigrafii Uglenosnykh Otlozhenii, p. 169 (gender: feminine) (type species, by original designation: Brachythyris kumpani Yanischevsky 1935) (Brachiopoda, Spiriferida). Opinion 1395
Tomiopsis Cope 1893, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 31(42): 317-318, and all uses of the name prior to the publication of Tomiopsis Benediktova 1956 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of both the Principle of Priority and the Principle of Homonymy) (Mammalia). Opinion 1395
Tomocerus Nicolet [1842], Neue Denkschr. allgem. Schweiz. Ges., 6: 31, 67 (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Macrotoma minor Lubbock 1862, Trans. linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 23: 598) (Insecta, Collembola). Opinion 239
Tomosvaryella Aczél 1939, Zool. Anz., 125: 20, 22 (gender: feminine) (type species, by original designation: Pipunculus sylvaticus Meigen 1824, Syst. Beschr. zweifl. Ins., 4: 20) (Insecta, Diptera). Opinion 597
Tonna Brünnich 1771, Zool. Fund.: 248, 232 (gender: feminine) (type species, by designation by Suter 1913 (Manual N.Z. Moll.: 314): Buccinum galea Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 734) (Gastropoda). Opinion 237
topeka Gilbert 1884 [originally in Cliola (Hybopsis)], Bulletin of the Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History, 1(1): 13 (Osteichthyes, Cypriniformes). Opinion 1821
torda Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Alca], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 130 (specific name of the type species of Alca Linnaeus 1758) (Aves). Opinion 271
toreuma Whitehouse 1936 [originally in Glyptagnostus], Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 11: 102 (specific name of the type species of Glyptagnostus Whitehouse 1936) (Trilobita). Opinion 1701
Torinia Gray 1842, Mollusca. P. 60 in: Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum, Ed. 44, Woodfall & Son, London (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) (Gastropoda). Opinion 2185
Tornatellina Pfeiffer 1842, Symbolae ad historiam heliceorum, part 2, p. 5 (gender: feminine) (type species, by subsequent designation by Gray 1847, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1847, p. 125: Tornatellina clausa Pfeiffer 1842, a junior subjective synonym of Clausilia (Strobilis) bilamellatus Anton 1839) (Gastropoda). Direction 119
Tornquistia Paeckelmann 1930, Abh. K.-preuss. geol. Landesanst. (n.s.), 122: 218, 277 (gender: feminine) (type species, by original designation: Leptaena (Chonetes) polita McCoy 1852, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (2)10: 421) (Brachiopoda). Opinion 367
torquatus Gould 1840 (1 December) [originally in Pedionomus], The birds of Australia, Part 1, text to pl. 17 (type species of Pedionomus Gould 1840 (1 December)) (Aves). Opinion 2231
torquatus Wiegmann 1828 [originally in Sceloporus], Isis (Oken), 1828: 369 (ruled under the plenary power not to have been permanently rejected as a junior secondary homonym of Stellio torquatus Wied 1820) (Reptilia). Opinion 759
Torquesia Douvillé 1929, Pal. ind. (n.s.), 10 (Mem. 3, fasc. 2): 55 (gender: feminine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Turritella granulata Sowerby 1827, Min. Conch., 6: 125) (Gastropoda). Opinion 493
torquilla Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Jynx], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 112 (specific name of the type species of Jynx Linnaeus 1758) (Aves). Direction 43
Tortaxis Pilsbry 1906, in: Tryon, Manual of Conchology, ser. 2, vol. 18 (Pulmonata), p. 5 (gender: masculine) (type species, by original designation: Achatina erecta Benson 1842) (Gastropoda). Opinion 1766
torosa Wiedemann 1819 [originally in Musca] (Diptera). ICZN 2023: Opinion 2490
TORTRICES Latreille [1802], in Sonnini’s Buffon, Hist. nat. gén. partic. Crust. Ins., 3: 415 (type genus: Tortrix Linnaeus 1758) (an incorrect original spelling for TORTRICIDAE Latreille [1802]). Opinion 450
TORTRICIDA [Leach 1815], in Brewster’s Edinburgh Ency., 9(1): 135 (type genus: Tortrix Linnaeus 1758) (an incorrect subsequent spelling for TORTRICIDAE (correction of TORTRICES) Latreille [1802]). Opinion 450
TORTRICIDAE (correction of TORTRICES) Latreille [1802], in Sonnini’s Buffon, Hist. nat. gén. partic. Crust. Ins., 3: 415 (type genus: Tortrix Linnaeus 1758) (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Opinion 450
TORTRICIDES Billberg 1820, Enum. Ins. Mus. Billberg: 90 (type genus: Tortrix Linnaeus 1758) (an incorrect subsequent spelling for TORTRICIDAE (correction of TORTRICES) Latreille [1802]). Opinion 450
TORTRICITES Newman 1835, Grammar Entomol.: 179 (type genus: Tortrix Linnaeus 1758) (an incorrect subsequent spelling for TORTRICIDAE (correction of TORTRICES) Latreille [1802]). Opinion 450
Tortrix Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 530 (conserved under the plenary power as of subgeneric status) (gender: feminine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Phalaena viridana Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 530) (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Opinion 450
Tortrix Oppel 1811, Ann. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 16(95): 377, 381 (a junior homonym of Tortrix Linnaeus 1758). Opinion 450
tortus Quenstedt 1885 [originally in Ammonites lineatus], Die Ammoniten des Schwäbischen Jura, I, Der Schwarze Jura (Lias), p. 309, ruled under the plenary power to be an available name (specific name of the type species of Derolytoceras Rosenberg 1909) (Ammonoidea). Opinion 2123
totus De Geer 1773 [originally in Cimex viridis] (Arthropoda). ICZN 2014: Opinion 2333
Torymus Dalman 1820, K. Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., Stockholm, 1820(1): 125, 135 (conserved under the plenary power) (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Ichneumon bedeguaris Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 567) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 155
Touit G.R. Gray 1855 (Aves). ICZN 2016: Opinion 2383
townsendi Oberholser 1906 [originally in Collocalla francica], Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 58: 181 (Aves). Opinion 409
Toxorhynchites Theobald 1901, J. trop. Med., 4: 234 (gender: masculine) (type species, by monotypy: Toxorhynchites brevipalpis Theobald 1901, Mon. Culic., 1: 235) (Insecta, Diptera). Opinion 548
Toxorhynchites Theobald 1901 (June), in Howard, Mosquitoes: 154, 155, 235, 240 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of both the Principle of Priority and the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 548
TOXORHYNCHITINAE Theobald 1905, in Wytsmann, Gen. Ins., 26: 5 (type genus: Toxorhynchites Theobald 1901) (Insecta, Diptera). Opinion 548
Toxosphinctes Buckman 1923, Type Ammonites, 5: pl. 447 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 306
Toxotrypana Gerstaecker 1860 (Diptera). ICZN 2021: Opinion 2479