International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature:

taxa names:


Crabro Fabricius 1775, Syst. Entomol.: 373 (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Vespa cribraria Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 573) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 144  

Crabro Geoffroy 1762, Hist. abrég. Ins. Paris, 2: 261 and all uses of the name Crabro prior to the publication of Crabro Fabricius 1775 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of both the Principle of Priority and the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 1754, Direction 4

Crago Lamarck 1801, Syst. Anim. sans Vertèbr.: 159 (a junior objective synonym of Crangon Fabricius 1798). Opinion 334

CRAGONIDAE Rathbun 1904, Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 17: 172 (type genus: Crago Lamarck 1801) (a junior objective synonym of CRANGONIDAE Haworth 1825, the respective type genera of the two families having the same nominal species as type species). Opinion 334

cranchii Leach 1817 [originally in Achaeus], Malac. podophth. Brit. (16): text to pl. 22C (specific name of the type species of Achaeus Leach 1817) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 712  

cranchii Leach [1817] [originally in Hippolyte], Malac. podophth. Brit. (16): pl. 38, figs. 17-21 (specific name of the type species of Thoralus Holthuis 1947) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 347  

Crangon Fabricius 1798, Suppl. Entomol. syst.: 387, 409 (conserved under the plenary power) (gender: feminine) (type species, by absolute tautonymy: Cancer crangon Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 632) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 334  

Crangon Weber 1795, Nomencl. entomol. Syst. Fabr.: 94 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of both the Principle of Priority and the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 334

crangon Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Cancer], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 632 (specific name of the type species of Crangon Fabricius 1798) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 334

CRANGONIDAE Haworth 1825, Phil. Mag. J. Sci., 65: 184 (type genus: Crangon Fabricius 1798) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 334

CRANGONIDAE Rathbun 1904, Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 17: 172 (type genus: Crangon Weber 1795) (invalid because the name of the type genus has been suppressed under the plenary power). Opinion 334  

CRANGONIENS Milne Edwards 1837, in Roret’s Suites à Buffon, Hist. nat. Crust., 2: 339 (type genus: Crangon Fabricius 1798) (a vernacular (French) name). Opinion 334 

Crangonus Rafinesque 1815, Analyse Nature: 98 (a junior objective synonym of Crangon Fabricius 1798). Opinion 522

Crangonyx Bate 1859, Nat. Hist. Rev. Dublin, 6 (Proc. Dublin zool. bot. Ass., Feb. 18, 1859): 165 (gender: masculine) (type species, by monotypy: Crangonyx subterraneus Bate 1859, Nat. Hist. Rev. Dublin, 6 (Proc. Dublin zool. bot. Ass., Feb. 18, 1859): 165) (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Opinion 1133  

craniolaris Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Cancer], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 626 (specific name of the type species of Leucosia Weber 1795) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 712

Craniolites Schlotheim 1820, Die Petrefactenkunde auf ihrem jetzigen Standpunkte, 1: 246 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) (Brachiopoda). Opinion 1469

Craspedacusta Lankester 1880 (June 17) (gender: feminine), type species Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankester 1880 (June 17) (Opinion 15)

crassa McCoy 1844 [originally in Fenestella], Syn. Char. Carb. Limest. Foss. Ireland: 501 (specific name of the type species of Fenestrellina d’Orbigny 1849) (Bryozoa). Opinion 622

Crassatelligenus [Renier] [1807], [Tav. serv. Class. Conn. Anim.]: Tav. VII (included in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 427

crassicauda Peters 1852 (February) [originally in Bdeogale], Ber. Bekannt. geeignet. Verh. K.-preuss. Acad. Wiss., Berlin, 1852: 81; id. [post Feb.] 1852, Naturwiss. Reise Mossambique [sic], 1: 119, 120, pl. 27 (specific name of the type species of Bdeogale Peters 1850 (25th June)) (Mammalia). Opinion 384

crassicauda Wahlenberg [1818] [originally in Entomostracites], Nova Acta Upsala, 8: 27 (specific name of the type species of Illaenus Dalman [1827]) (Trilobita). Opinion 508 

crassicaudatus Geoffroy 1812 [originally in Galago], Ann. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, 19: 166, as interpreted by the neotype proposed by Olson 1980 (Bull. zool. Nomencl., 37: 182, 183) and designated under the plenary power (Mammalia). Opinion 1329 

crassicorne Lea 1906 [originally in Omalium], Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 31: 212, ruled under the plenary power to be not invalid by reason of being a junior primary homonym of O. crassicorne Matthews 1863 (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 2053 

crassicornis Panzer 1796 [originally in Cicada], Fauna Ins. germ., 35: 19 (specific name of the type species of Delphax Fabricius 1798) (Insecta, Hemiptera). Opinion 602

crassicornis Costa 1871 [originally in Pandalus], Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli, 6: 89 (valid name at the date of Opinion 470 of the type species of Chlorotocus Milne Edwards 1882) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 470  

crassicornis, Pediculus, Scopoli 1763, Entomol. carn.: 383, as interpreted by the neotype designated by Clay & Hopkins 1951 (Bull. Brit. Mus. (nat. Hist.) Entomol., 2: 19) (specific name of the type species of Anaticola Clay 1936) (Insecta, Mallophaga). Opinion 627  

crassimanus Dana 1851 [originally in Eucrate], Boston J. nat. Hist., 7: 588, nota (specific name of the type species of Eucratopsis Smith 1869) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Direction 36

crassinoda Ulrich 1890 [originally in Depranella (sic)], J. Cincinnati Soc. nat. Hist.: 118, pl. 8, figs. 1a-c (specific name of the type species of Drepanella (emendation of Depranella) Ulrich 1890) (Crustacea, Ostracoda). Opinion 591  

crassipennis Fabricius 1794 [originally in Syrphus], Entomol. Syst., 4: 284 (specific name of the type species of Ectophasia Townsend 1912) (Insecta, Diptera). Opinion 896  

crassipes Randall 1840 [originally in Pachygrapsus], J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 8: 127 (specific name of the type species of Pachygrapsus Randall 1840) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 712  

crassipes Smith 1853 [originally in Paracolletes], Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, part 1, p. 6 (specific name of the type species of Paracolletes Smith 1853) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 1713

crassipes Claus 1879 [originally in Paraphronima], Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut der Universität Wien, 2: 65 (Amphipoda). Opinion 1878  

crassipes Bell 1855 [originally in Phlyxia], Proc. linn. Soc. London, 2: 433; id., 1855, Trans. linn. Soc. London, 21: 304 (specific name of the type species of Phlyxia Bell 1855) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Direction 36

crassipes von Meyer 1857 [originally in Pterodactylus], Neues Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal., 1857: 535, ruled under the plenary power not to be given priority over the specific name lithographica, as published in the binomen Archaeopteryx lithographica von Meyer 1861, whenever the two names are considered synonyms (Aves). Opinion 1070 

Crassispira Swainson 1840, Treatise Malacol.: 151, 313 (gender: feminine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Pleurotoma bottae Valenciennes [1839-1840], in Kiener, Spec. Gén. Icon. Coquilles Vivantes, 5: 33) (Gastropoda). Opinion 754 

Crassostrea Sacco 1897, in Bellardi & Sacco, Moll. Terr. terz. Piemonte Liguria, 23: 15 (gender: feminine) (type species, by original designation: Ostrea virginica Gmelin [1791], in Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 13, vol. 1, part 6, p. 3336 (incorrectly cited by Sacco as virginiana)) for use by those who consider that the type species of this genus is not congeneric with Ostrea edulis Linnaeus 1758, the type species of Ostrea Linnaeus 1758 (Bivalvia). Opinion 338  

crassula Rafinesque 1819 [originally in Campeloma], Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d’Histoire Naturelle, 88: 423 (specific name of the type species of Campeloma Rafinesque 1819) (Gastropoda). Opinion 1931 

crassum Dana 1851 [originally in Sarmatium], Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 5: 251 (specific name of the type species of Sarmatium Dana 1851) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Direction 36 

crassus Martin 1809 [originally in Conchyliolithus Anomites], Petrif. derb.: sign. G[3], pl. 16, fig. 2 (included in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 420

crassus Freudenthal 1969 [originally in Democricetodon brevis], Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 25: 181 (specific name of the type species of Democricetodon Fahlbusch 1964) (Mammalia, Rodentia). Opinion 1419  

crassus Milne Edwards 1881 [originally in Gonatonotus], Ann. Sci. nat., Paris (Zool.), (6)11(4): 10 (specific name of the type species of Eugonatonotus Schmitt 1926) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 470  

crassus Fleming 1828 [originally in Productus], Hist. brit. Anim.: 379, as interpreted by the neotype designated by Muir-Wood 1951 (Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4: 101, 118, pl. 6, figs. 1a-b) (Brachiopoda). Opinion 420 

crassus Philipsson 1788 [originally in Unio], Dissertatio Hist. nat. sist. nova Test. Gen.: 17 (Bivalvia). Opinion 336

Cratena Bergh 1864, K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr. Math.-nat. Afd., (5)7: 213 (gender: feminine) (type species, by original designation: Doris peregrina Gmelin 1791, in Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 13, vol. 1, part 6, p. 3105) (Gastropoda). Opinion 776

Crateraster Spencer 1913, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (B), 204: 120 (gender: masculine) (type species, by original designation: Asterias quinqueloba Goldfuss 1831, Petref. German., 1: 209, pl. 63, fig. 5, subfigs. ‘u’, ‘t’, as interpreted by the lectotype designated under the plenary power) (Asteroidea). Opinion 331

Creadion Vieillot 1816, Analyse d’une nouvelle ornithologie élémentaire. Déterville, Paris, p. 34, suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy (Aves). Opinion 2284

crebricostatus Dall 1877 [originally in Chrysodomus], Prelim. Descr. new Spec. Moll. N.W. Coast Amer.: 1 (specific name of the type species of Beringius Dall 1886) (Gastropoda). Opinion 469

crenata Martyn 1784 [originally in Helix?], Univ. Conch., 2: fig. 69 (included in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 479  

crenata Gmelin [1791] [originally in Helix], in Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 13, vol. 1, part 6, p. 3623, as interpreted by reference to the holotype, namely the specimen figured by Martyn 1784 (Univ. Conch., 2: fig. 69) as [Helix] crenata (a name possessing precedence over Helix crenata Gmelin [1791], in Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 13, vol. 1, part 6, p. 3655, through the first reviser selection made by Fleming et al. 1957 (Ops. Decls. int. Comm. zool. Nomencl., 16: 398)) (valid name at the date of Opinion 479 of the type species of Amphibola Schumacher 1817) (Gastropoda). Opinion 479  

crenata Gmelin [1791] [originally in Helix], in Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 13, vol. 1, part 6, p. 3655 (a junior primary homonym of crenata Gmelin [1791] [originally in Helix], ibid.: 3623, through the first reviser selection made by Fleming et al. 1957 (Ops. Decls. int. Comm. zool. Nomencl., 16: 398)). Opinion 479 

crenatissimus Depéret 1896 [originally in Megalosaurus], Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, (3)24: 188, specific name of the type species of Majungasaurus Lavocat 1955, as defined by the specimen MNHN.MAJ 1 (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris) designated under the plenary power, (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Opinion 2269 

Crenatuligenus [Renier] [1807], [Tav. serv. Class. Conn. Anim.]: Tav. VII (included in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 427

crenatus Bate 1881 [originally in Benthesicymus], Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (5)8: 190 (specific name of the type species of Benthesicymus Bate 1881) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 864

crenatus de Haan [1835] [originally in Cancer (Eucrate)], in Siebold, Fauna japon. (Crust.): 36, 51 (specific name of the type species of Eucrate de Haan [1835]) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Direction 36  

Crenephilus Wickham 1895, Canad. Entomol., 27: 214 (an incorrect subsequent spelling for Creniphilus Horn 1890). Opinion 583  

Creniigenus [Renier] [1807], [Tav. serv. Class. Conn. Anim.]: Tav. VII (included in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 427

Creniphilus Horn 1890, Trans. amer. entomol. Soc., 17: 262, 265 (conserved under the plenary power) (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Hydrobius rufiventris Horn 1873, Proc. amer. phil. Soc., 13: 135) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 583  

Creniphilus Motschulsky 1845, Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou, 18(i): 32, errata (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of both the Principle of Priority and the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 583  

Crenitis Bedel 1881, Faune Coléopt. Bassin Seine, 1: 306, note (gender: feminine) (type species, by monotypy: Hydrobius punctatostriatus Letzner [1841], Uebers. Arb. Veränd. schles. Ges. vaterländ. Cultur, Breslau, 1840: 81) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 583, Opinion 1891

Crenophilus Agassiz 1846, Nomencl. zool. Index univ.: 103 (an unjustified emendation of Creniphilus Motschulsky 1845). Opinion 583

Crenophilus Agassiz 1848, Nomencl. zool. Index univ.: 299 (an unjustified emendation of Creniphilus Motschulsky 1845). Opinion 583

Crenophilus d’Orchymont 1942, Mém. Mus. roy. Hist. nat. Belg., (2)27: 28 (an unjustified emendation of Creniphilus Horn 1890). Opinion 583  

crenulatus Rossi 1794 [originally in Byrrhus], Mantissa Insectorum, exhibens species nuper in Etruria collectas, adjectis faunae Etruscae illustrationibus ac emendationibus, vol. 2, p. 81, as defined by the lectotype designated by Bameul, 1991, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 95: 257 (senior subjective synonym of Pimelia pygmaea Fabricius 1798, the type species of Georissus Latreille 1809) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 1891 

crenulatus Elles & Wood 1911 [originally in Monograptus vomerinus], Palaeontographical Society (Monograph), p. 412, as defined by the lectotype (specimen no. BU 1555 in Birmingham University, Birmingham, U.K., figured by Elles & Wood, 1911, text-fig. 278a) designated by the Commission (Graptolithina). Opinion 1731  

crenulatus Törnquist 1881 [originally in Monograptus], Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 5: 438, and all uses of the name prior to the publication of Monograptus vomerinus crenulatus Elles & Wood 1911 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of both the Principle of Priority and the Principle of Homonymy) (Graptolithina). Opinion 1731 

Creophilus Samouelle 1819, Entomol. useful Compendium: 172 (gender: masculine) (type species, by original designation: Staphylinus maxillosus Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 421) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 546

Crepiduligenus [Renier] [1807], [Tav. serv. Class. Conn. Anim.]: Tav. VIII (included in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 427

crepitans Latham 1801 [originally in Muscicapa], Supplementum Indicis Ornithologici, sive Systematis Ornithologiae, p. 51, suppressed under the plenary power for the Purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy (Aves). Opinion 2240

crepitans Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Psophia], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 154 (specific name of the type species of Psophia Linnaeus 1758) (Aves). Direction 43  

cressonii Robertson 1890 [originally in Halictus], Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 17: 317 (specific name of the type species of Chloralictus Robertson 1902) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 1882

Cretalepisma Mendes & Wunderlich 2013 (Zygentoma). ICZN 2018: Opinion 2427

creticus Kiesenwetter 1858 [originally in Helophorus], Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 2: 40, ruled under the plenary power not to be given priority over the specific name of Helophorus brevipalpis Bedel 1881whenever the two names are considered to be synonyms (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 1629

creusa Doubleday [1847] [originally in Anthocharis], Gen. diurn. Lep. (1): 56, pl. 7, fig. 1 (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Opinion 270

cribraria Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Vespa], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 573 (specific name of the type species of Crabro Fabricius 1775) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Direction 4 

cribrarius Lamarck 1818 [originally in Portunus], Hist. nat. Anim. sans Vertèbr., 5: 259 (specific name of the type species of Arenaeus Dana 1851) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Direction 36

Cribrilina Gray 1848, List Brit. Anim., (1): 117, 147 (gender: feminine) (type species, by monotypy: Lepralia punctata Hassall 1841, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 7: 368, pl. ix, fig. 7) (Bryozoa). Opinion 1016 

Cricetus Leske 1779, Anfangsgr. Naturgesch., 1: 168 (gender: masculine) (type species, by absolute tautonymy: Mus cricetus Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 60) (Mammalia). Opinion 91 

cricetus Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Mus], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 60 (specific name of the type species of Cricetus Leske 1779) (Mammalia). Direction 22  

cricetus Hausmann 1807 [originally in Geotrupes] (Coleoptera). ICZN 2020: Opinion 2460

Criconema Hofmänner & Menzel 1914, Zoologischer Anzeiger, 44: 88 (gender: neuter) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Eubostrichus guernei Certes 1889) (Nematoda). Opinion 2046  

Criconemoides Taylor 1936, Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 55: 406 (gender: masculine) (type species, by original designation Criconema morgense Hofmänner & Menzel 1914) (Nematoda). Opinion 2046

crinifer Smetana 1959 [originally in Thinobius], Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické, 56(3): 271 (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 2129

Crinocerus Burmeister 1835, Handb. Entomol., 2(1): 318 (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Cimex sanctus Fabricius 1775, Syst. Entomol.: 709) (Insecta, Hemiptera). Opinion 1054 

Crinodes Herrich-Schäffer 1855, Systematische Bearbeitung Schmetterlinge Europa, vol. 6, p. 91 (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Phalaena bellatrix Stoll 1780) (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Opinion 1378 

Crioceris Geoffroy 1762, Histoire abrégée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris, vol. 1, p. 237 (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Chrysomela asparagi Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 376) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 908, Opinion 1754  

Crioceris Geoffroy 1762, Histoire abrégée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris, vol. 1, p. 237 (gender: feminine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Chrysomela asparagi Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 376) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 908, Opinion 1754, Opinion 2159

Criomorphus Mulsant 1839, Histoire Naturelle des Coléoptères de France, part 1, p. 58 (a junior homonym of Criomorphus Curtis 1829) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 1473  

Criopoderma Poli 1795, Testacea utriusque Siciliae eorumque historia et anatome, vol. 2, p. 255 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) (Brachiopoda). Opinion 1467

Criopododerma Agassiz 1848, Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis, p. 301 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) (Brachiopoda). Opinion 1467  

Criopus Poli 1791, Testacea utriusque Siciliae eorumque historia et anatome, vol. 1, p. 34 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) (Brachiopoda). Opinion 1467

crispata Brady 1868 [originally in Cythere], Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (4)2: pl. 14, figs. 14, 15, as interpreted by the holotype identified by Athersuch 1982 (Bull. zool. Nomencl., 39: 226, 227) (Crustacea, Ostracoda). Opinion 1346

crissale Baird 1858 [originally in Toxostoma], Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 10: 117, 118, ruled under the plenary power to be a correct original spelling (Aves). Opinion 1249

crista Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Nautilus], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 709 (Gastropoda). Opinion 336

cristata Pallas 1764 [originally in Columba], in Vroeg, Cat. Vogel.: Adumbr. 2 (valid name at the date of Direction 43 of the type species of Goura Stephens 1819) (Aves). Direction 43 

cristata Meigen 1826 [originally in Dexia], Syst. Beschr. zweifl. Ins., 5: 41 (valid name at the date of Opinion 553 of the type species of Estheria Robineau-Desvoidy 1830) (Insecta, Diptera). Opinion 553

cristata Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Hystrix], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 56 (specific name of the type species of Hystrix Linnaeus 1758) (Mammalia). Direction 22 

cristata Retzius 1783 [originally in Phalaena nigra] (Arthropoda). ICZN 2014: Opinion 2333

cristata Erxleben 1777 [originally in Phoca], Syst. Regni Anim.: 590 (specific name of the type species of Cystophora Nilsson 1820) (Mammalia). Direction 22 

cristata Fabricius 1805 [originally in Stomoxys], Systema antliatorum secundum ordines, genera, species, p. 281, as defined by the holotype in the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen (Insecta, Diptera). Opinion 1975

cristata Müller 1774 [originally in Valvata], Verm. terrestr. fluviat. Hist., 2: 198 (specific name of the type species of Valvata Müller 1774) (Gastropoda). Opinion 335  

cristata Sparrman 1783 [originally in Viverra], Resa Goda Hopps-Udden, 1: 581 (valid name at the date of Opinion 384 of the type species of Proteles Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1824) (Mammalia). Opinion 384

cristatus Shaw 1790 (August) [originally in Caprimulgus], in White, J. Voy. N.S. Wales: 241 et pl. (valid name at the date of Direction 43 of the type species of Aegotheles Vigors & Horsfield 1826) (Aves). Direction 43.

cristatus Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Colymbus], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 135 (specific name of the type species of Podiceps Latham 1787) (Aves). Opinion 401 

cristatus Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Pavo], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 156 (specific name of the type species of Pavo Linnaeus 1758) (Aves). Direction 17  

cristatus Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Psittacus], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 99 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) (Aves, Psittaciformes). Opinion 1949

cristatus Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Sorex], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 53 (specific name of the type species of Condylura Illiger 1811) (Mammalia). Direction 22  

Crobylophorus Krøyer 1852, Danmarks fiske, 3(2): 813 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 913 

crocea Rafinesque 1814 [originally in Squilla], Précis Découv. Trav. somiolog.: 25 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 522  

Crocidura Wagler 1832, Isis (Oken), 1832: 275 (gender: feminine) (type species, by designation by Palmer 1904 (N. Amer. Fauna, 23: 204): Sorex leucodon Hermann 1780, in Zimmermann, Geogr. Gesch. Mens., 2: 383) (Mammalia). Opinion 91, Direction 24

Crocidurus Schulze 1890, Schr. Ver. Harzes, 5: 28 (an unjustified emendation of Crocidura Wagler 1832). Direction 24

crocodila Peron & Lesueur 1821 [originally in Belona], J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 2: 129 (Osteichthyes). Opinion 900

Crocodilus Bertrand 1763, Dict. Univ. Foss. Propres Foss. Accid., 1: 183) (included in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 592

croesella Scopoli 1763 [originally in Phalaena], Entomologia Carniolica exhibens insecta Carnioliae indigena et distributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates. Methodo Linnaeana, p. 251, ruled under the plenary power that all previous type fixations are set aside and the specimen in the Natural History Museum, London, bearing two labels: 5 x 7 mm, black ink ‘Croat.[ia] | Man[n]’; 8 x10 mm, black ink and print ‘Zeller Coll. | Walsingham | Collection | 1910–427’ is designated as the neotype (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Opinion 2181

croesus Dupont 1833 [originally in Polybotris] (Coleoptera). ICZN 2015: Opinion 2366

crosbyi Riek 1955 [originally in Xenopterum] (Orthoptera). ICZN 2015: Opinion 2370

Crossarchus Cuvier 1825, in Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Cuvier, Hist. nat. Mammif., 3(47): ‘Mangue’ 3 et Tab. (gender: masculine) (type species, by original designation: Crossarchus obscurus Cuvier 1825, in Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Cuvier, Hist. nat. Mammif., 3(47): ‘Mangue’ 3 et Tab.) (Mammalia). Opinion 384

Crotalus Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 214 (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation by Fitzinger 1843 (Syst. Rept.: 29): Crotalus horridus Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 214) (Reptilia). Opinion 92, Direction 56

Crotophaga Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 105 (gender: feminine) (typespecies, by monotypy: Crotophaga ani Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 105) (Aves). Opinion 67 

croupius Rolston 1983 [originally in Lincus]: specific name not conserved. ICZN 1993: Opinion 1742 

crucialis Harlan 1826 [originally in Hyla], Amer. J. Sci. Arts, 10(7): 64 (Amphibia). Opinion 1072 

cruciatum Lesson 1830 [originally in Rhizostoma] (Scyphozoa): neotype designated. ICZN 2018: Opinion 2412; Official Correction 131

crucifera Houttuyn [1787] [originally in Cicindela], Anim. Mus. Houtt. Index: 76 (included in a work suppressed under the plenary power for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 380  

cruciger Oken 1816 [originally in Bufo], Lehrb. Naturgesch., 3: 209 (included in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes). Opinion 651  

crucigerum Lichtenstein & Martens 1856 [originally in Phrynidium], Nomenclator reptilium et amphibiorum musei zoologici berolinensis, p. 41, as defined by the neotype (specimen from the vicinity of Rancho Grande on the road from Maracay to Ocumare de la Costa, ca. 1000 m above sea level, Estado Aragua, Venezuela, ZSM 93/1947/10, Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munich) designated under the plenary power (Amphibia). Opinion 2013

cruentata Rüppell 1845 [originally in Nectarinia senegalensis], Systematische Uebersicht der Vögel Nord-Ost-Afrika’s nebst Abbildungen und Beschreibungen von fünfzig theils unbekannten, theils noch nicht bildlich dargestellten Arten. VIII, pp. 26–27, L pls. Schmerber’sche Buchhandlung, Frankfurt am Main (a junior objective synonym of Cinnyris proteus Rüppell 1840) (Aves). ICZN 2007: Opinion 2187 (Case 3330)

cruentatus Linnaeus 1758 [originally in Cancer], Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 630 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 522  

cruentus Saussure 1855 [originally in Odynerus], Et. Fam. Vesp., 3: 221 (formerly specific name of the type species of Ancistroceroides Saussure 1855) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 893, Opinion 1363 

crumena Martin 1809 [originally in Conchyliolithus Anomites], Petrif. derb.: sign. R[1], pl. 36, fig. 4, as interpreted by the neotype designated by Muir-Wood 1956 (Ops. Decls. int. Comm. zool. Nomencl., 14: 111, 112) (conserved under the plenary power) (Brachiopoda). Opinion 419  

crustulum Claus 1879 [originally in Parapronoe], Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut der Universität zu Wien, 2: 31 (Amphipoda). Opinion 1889  

Cryniphilus Motschulsky 1845, Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou, 18(i): 32 (an incorrect original spelling for Creniphilus Motschulsky 1845). Opinion 583 

Cryopus Deshayes 1836, in Lamarck, Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans vertèbres, Ed. 2, revue et augmentée de notes.. par MM. G.P. Deshayes et H. Milne Edwards, vol. 7, p. 314 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) (Brachiopoda). Opinion 1467

Cryphops Richter & Richter 1926, Abhandlungen der Preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt, 99: 157 (gender: masculine) (type species, by original designation: Phacops cryptophthalmus Emmrich 1844) (Trilobita). Opinion 2006  

Crypteuna Motschulsky 1863, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 36(1): 448 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 1891

CRYPTINAE Kirby 1837, in Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Americana, part 4, p. 259 (type genus: Cryptus Fabricius 1804) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 1757

Cryptobranchus Leuckart 1821, Isis (Oken), 1821, Litt. Anz.: 260 (gender: masculine) (type species, by monotypy: Salamandra gigantea Barton 1808, Not. Siren Lacert.: 8, valid name: Salamandra alleganiensis Daudin [1803]) (Amphibia). Opinion 92 

Cryptocampus Hartig 1837, Die Aderflügler Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Larvenzustandes und ihres Wirkens in Wäldern und Gärten für Entomologen, Wald- und Gartenbesitzer ..., vol. 1, p. 221 (gender: masculine) (type species, ruled under the plenary power to be by subsequent designation by Rohwer 1911, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, Technical Series, 20(2): 77: Nematus (Cryptocampus) medullarius Hartig 1837, a junior subjective synonym of Cynips amerinae Linnaeus 1758) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 1963

Cryptocephalus Geoffroy 1762, Histoire abrégée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris, vol. 1, p. 231 (gender: masculine) (type species, by subsequent designation by Latreille 1810, Considerations générales sur ... les classes des crustacés, des arachnides et des insectes, p. 432: Chrysomela sericea Linnaeus 1758) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 1754

Cryptocheles Sars 1870, Forh. Vidensk.-Selsk. Christiania, 1869: 150 (gender: feminine) (type species, by monotypy: Cryptocheles pygmaea Sars 1870, Forh. Vidensk.-Selsk. Christiania, 1869: 150) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 470

Cryptocnemus Stimpson 1858, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1858: 162 (gender: masculine) (type species, by monotypy: Cryptocnemus pentagonus Stimpson 1858, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1858: 162) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 73 

Cryptocoeloma Miers 1884, Report on the Zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. ‘Alert’ 1881-2, p. 227 (gender: neuter) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Cryptocoeloma haswelli Rathbun 1923) (Crustacea, Decapoda). Opinion 1554 

Cryptocraspedon Holmberg 1917, Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires, 28: 569 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of both the Principle of Priority and the Principle of Homonymy) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 2069  

Cryptonymus Eichwald 1825, Geogn.-zool. Ingriam Mar. Balt. Prov. Trilob. Observ.: 44 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 508 

cryptooecium Norman 1903 [originally in Cribrilina], Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7)12: 102, as interpreted by the lectotype designated by Ryland & Stebbing 1968 (Bull. zool. Nomencl., 25: 63) (Bryozoa). Opinion 1016 

Cryptophagus Herbst 1792, Natursystem aller bekannten in- und ausländischen Insekten. Der Käfer, part 4, p. 172 (gender: masculine) (type species, by subsequent designation by Westwood [1838], Synopsis of the genera of British insects, p. 13, published with An introduction to the modern classification of insects ..., vol. 1, part 1, pp. 1-48: Dermestes cellaris Scopoli 1763), ruled under the plenary power to be the correct original spelling of Kryptophagus (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 1810

cryptophthalmus Emmrich 1844 [originally in Phacops], Zur Naturgeschichte der Trilobiten, p. 15 (specific name of the type species of Cryphops Richter & Richter 1926) (Trilobita). Opinion 2006 

Cryptopleurum Mulsant 1844, Hist. nat. coléoptères de France, Palpicornes: 188 (gender: neuter) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Sphaeridium minutum Fabricius 1775, Syst. Entomol.: 68) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 1178  

Cryptoprocta Bennett 1833, Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1(1833): 46 (gender: feminine) (type species, by original designation: Cryptoprocta ferox Bennett 1833, Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1(1833): 46) (Mammalia). Opinion 384

CRYPTOPROCTIDAE (correction by Flower 1869 (Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1869: 37) of CRYPTOPROCTINA) Gray [1865], Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1864: 508, 545 (type genus: Cryptoprocta Bennett 1833) (Mammalia). Direction 53  

CRYPTOPROCTINA Gray [1865], Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1864: 508, 545 (type genus: Cryptoprocta Bennett 1833) (an incorrect original spelling for CRYPTOPROCTIDAE Gray [1865]). Direction 53

Cryptoptyche Holmberg 1917, Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires, 28: 558 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of both the Principle of Priority and the Principle of Homonymy) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 2069  

CRYPTORHYNCHINAE (correction of CRYPTORHYNCHIDES) Schoenherr 1825, Isis (Oken), 1825: col. 585 (type genus: Cryptorhynchus Illiger 1807) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 808 

Cryptorhynchus Illiger 1807, Mag. Insektenk., 6: 330 (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation under the plenary power: Curculio lapathi Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 379) (Insecta, Coleoptera). Opinion 808 

Cryptotis Pomel 1848, Archive des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, Genève, 9: 249 (gender: masculine) (type species, by monotypy: Sorex cinereus Bachman 1837) (Mammalia). Opinion 2164 

cryptotis Boulenger 1907 [originally in Rana], Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (7)20: 109, ruled under the plenary power to be given precedence over the name Chiromantis kachowskii Nikolsky 1900 whenever the two names are considered to be synonyms (Amphibia). Opinion 1983

Cryptus Fabricius [1804-1805], Syst. Piezat.: 70 (gender: masculine) (type species, by designation by Curtis 1837 (Brit. Entomol., 3: pl. 668): Cryptus viduatorius Fabricius [1804-1805], Syst. Piezat.: 70) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 157, Opinion 1757

Cryptus Jurine 1801, Intelligenzblatt der Litteratur Zeitung, Erlangen, vol. 1, no. 21, p. 163 (a name published in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 1757

Cryptus Panzer 1804, Fauna insectorum Germanicae initia; oder Deutschlands Insecten ..., Heft 88, pl. 17 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of both the Principle of Priority and the Principle of Homonymy) (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Opinion 1757  

crystallina Müller 1774 [originally in Helix], Verm. terrestr. fluviat. Hist., 2: 23 (Gastropoda). Opinion 336 

crystallina Müller 1776 [originally in Podura], Zool. dan. Prodr.: 184 (suppressed under the plenary power for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy). Opinion 1064

crystallinus Renier [1804] [originally in Polycitor], Prospetto Classe Vermi: XVII (conserved under the plenary power) (specific name of the type species of Polycitor Renier [1804]) (Urochordata). Opinion 478

Crystallophrysson Graff 1875, Z. wiss. Zool., 26: 188 (an incorrect subsequent spelling for Crystallophrisson Möbius 1875). Opinion 764