

Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles 2017: Figs 1-4 5-9 10-15 16-19 20-22 23-30 31-36 37-39 40-44 45-50 51-55 56-59 60-65 66-75 76-83 84-95 96-103 104-107 108-113 114-118 119-124 125-132 133-134


Figs 40–44. Crassabwa flava. 40 – cuticle of penis after treating by alkali (at left dorsal view, at right ventral view); 41 – the same, apical view (at right hidden under unistyliger, gonostylus removed); 42 – subimaginal exuviae of sternum IX and genitals; 43 – subimaginal gonostyli; 44 – imaginal gonostylus developing under subimaginal cuticle. Large arrow shows median projection of dorsal wall of unistyliger. Abbreviations: gs1, gs2, gs3 – segments of gonostylus; gv – gonovectis; m.gv – apodemes of gonovectal muscle; pb – paired internal projection of penial bridge.