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Kluge & Bernal Vega 2018: Figs 5-15 16-21 22-24 25-33 34-43 44-47 48-52 53-55 56-61 62-70 71-76 77-84 85-88 89-95 96-101 102-104 |
Fig. 34–43. Moribaetis maculipennis. 34–35 – male subimago just after molt; 36 – abdominal sternum IX of last instar male larva with gonostyli visible inside; 37 – gonostyli of male subimago; 38 – exuviae of subimaginal gonostyli; 39 – genitals of male imago; 40 – caudalii of last instar larva with crumpled sibimaginal cerci visible inside; 41–42 – proximal part of imaginal cercus and its subimaginal exuviae (arrows show correspondence of their joints); 43 – proximal part of imaginal cercus of another specimen.