

Kluge 2016: cylindroculum [Procloeon]: Figs 01-10 11-20 21-29 30-32 33-37 38-42
[Procloeon (Oculogaster)]: Figs 43-48 49-58 59-64 65-67 68-72 73-75 76-79


Figs 30–32. Procloeon (Oculogaster) cylindroculum from Zambia. 30 – genitals of male imago (at left half gonovectal muscles shown by interrupted lines, hidden part of penis shown by interrupted line and dotted, gonostylar muscle not shown; at right half gonostylar muscle shown by interrupted lines, gonovectal muscles not shown; median styligeral muscle shown by interrupted lines, areas of anterior attachment of median paraproctal muscles shown by dotted lines). 31 – exuviae of subimaginal genitals; 32 – wing. Abbreviations: 1, 2, 3 – segments of gonostylus; mIX-X, – areas of anterior attachment of median paraproctal muscles (i.e., muscles going from sternum IX to common base of paraprocts); usg – unistyliger.